Goldie & the Bear - 6

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It was a new and beautiful day. The sun was shining and Goldie just had a good feeling things were looking up. She entered Missy's shop and the wonderful smells assaulted her senses. She missed this about not working at Granny's Cakes. So, many wonderful memories can be brought to mind by smells.

Missy greeted her at the door and placed an arm around her. "I have to say, Goldie before another second goes by that I am so happy you're here and have chosen to work with me and I say with me because I want us to be partners in this, I know I'm your boss but I see great things for us."

Goldie was wondering where all this glowing praise was coming from. She loved it when it was deserved but she found when people just gushed like this they usually have an ulterior motive. So, she cut to the chase. 

"Missy, what's up?"

Missy looked down and toyed with her apron. "I hired the part-time help we needed."

"That's great! Wow! It will be awesome to jump into things right away."

"I was hoping you would say that."

"How did you find someone so quickly?" Goldie asked. She would have preferred to be the one to interview this new person as she will be the one working directly with them but she got along with most people so she really didn't think it would be a huge problem.

"Well, about's my brother. He's had a rough time of things lately and he was hoping to get some new business here in Chicago but he's had a bit of a bumpy start. This is only temporary to get some money up so he can get his own place as he just recently moved back."

Goldie smiled, "No worries, Missy. If he's anything like you, I know we'll get along."

"Hey, Missy where do you want your mixing things once I've got them all washed?"

Goldie whipped around. "You! You're Missy's brother?"

Bear's eyes rolled to the back of his head, "Why do you keep showing up? You're like a bad penny, or is it just my luck?"

Missy cringed... perhaps she should have prepared Bear to see Goldie again so he would be on his best behavior, but her priority was making sure Goldie wouldn't want to leave after finding out she hired her brother. Truth be known, Bear could have gotten a job elsewhere and easily, but she had a plan and pretty much guilted him into it.

Goldie ignored his statement and turned back to Missy. Missy was surprised by the look of excitement in her eyes. "I'm still manager right?"

"Yes," Missy said, cautiously.

"And he's the part-time help, correct?" Goldie asked.


Goldie had the biggest smile on her face and the 1,000-watt smile was turned on Bear but she continued to talk to Missy as she asked, "Just so that I'm clear that means I'm HIS boss, right?"

Bear swallowed hard. That smile was something else. Oh damn, I'm in trouble.

"That would be correct," Missy said, smirking.

"I quit," Bear grumbled, not liking the mischievous look in Goldie's eyes or the meddlesome look his sister had, this could only end up badly.

Goldie approached him. "Now, now grumpy bear is that any way to start the day?" She stood next to him got on her tippy toes, put her arm around him, pulled out her phone, and said, "Smile!"

Of course, he didn't but she snapped the selfie just the same. Giggling as she walked into the back. Bear heard her say, "Oh Red is so going to love this!!!!"

Bear's gaze suddenly landed on his sister, and he stomped on over to her. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing," Missy said, although a bit too quickly.

"I tell you all the problems I have with women, and this woman in particular and you just fail to mention she's working here and is your new manager?"

"I owe you one Baby bear. If you didn't make her mad, she would never have quit, and I wouldn't have a brilliant manager running this place right now. So, thanks!" she said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before trying to sneak away.


She stopped, sighed, and turned around, coming back to stand before him.

"Look, the way I see it you have two choices... you can walk out that door and be as miserable as you came in here this morning or you can stay and see what happens next. Who knows... she may just be the best thing that ever happened to you."

"Or she can be the death of me," Bear said; feeling it would be the more likely answer.

Missy shrugged and she walked into the back.

Bear looked longingly at the door. He thought of the hot chocolate incident, the salsa on his pants, and her now having the ability to legitimately boss him around all day. No, he couldn't do it.

He started walking towards the door.

"Funny, I would have thought you had more fight in you than that?"

He turned to see Goldie leaning against the counter. Damn! Why did she have to be so darn cute?

"Let's be adults here," Bear said standing his ground. "We both know this is a bad idea."

Goldie pushed away from the counter. "I know, no such thing. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say I don't know you at all. Nor do you know me. So, let's start over shall we?"

"Hi, I'm Goldie," she held out her hand to him and she found his look to be comical. "Don't worry, I don't bite."

He took her hand. It amazed him how small her hand felt in his. She's such a big presence, he forgot just how tiny she really is in person.

"Well... not unless asked," Goldie taunted with a wicked grin, giving his hand a squeeze.

Her words took him by surprise and caused just a corner of his mouth quirk slightly upwards.

Goldie pretended to gasp as she waved her other hand like a fan in front of her face, adding in a fake southern accent, "Why be still my little 'ol heart, is that a smile I see Mr. Brown? Well my, my wonders never cease to amaze."

He graced her with a full smile then and her heart really did flutter. His eyes locked on hers and she could feel the tension crackling between them.

Note to self... Goldie the flirty comments, or I may be in trouble. She took her hand back, breaking the spell. 

Missy spied on them from the backroom. "Gotta love chemistry!" she said to herself, wearing a huge smile.

The day progressed quite well, not that Goldie wasn't bossy, but her bossiness was done in all fairness. Shocked, several times, Bear found he was actually enjoying his time around her. He even chuckled a few times at the witty comments she would make to customers.

He admired the ease she had at making conversation with complete strangers. She had them quite entertained while they waited for him to figure out how to make each drink. It really took the pressure down a notch while he was learning.

Goldie loved his rumbly laugh. She knew he stifled it often leaving her to wonder why?

"It's slowed down some, why don't you take a quick break?" Goldie said, "I'll handle things up front."

"You sure?" he asked, but secretly was thrilled to get this moment away.

"Yeah, I totally got this," Goldie said giving him a hip check to push him away and he chuckled again.

"Okay, but if it gets too crazy just come and get me."

"Will do," she said and immediately became distracted by another customer who came in.

Bear pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number he had saved. Lulu had sent him a text, she had her own cell phone, a bit of a surprise for a seven-year-old to have her own cell but at this moment he was just grateful to get to talk with her.

The phone rang twice and she picked up, "Daddy?"

His heart constricted in his chest, "Hey, there Honey Bear. How's my favorite little lady in the whole wide world?"

"Good. Nana Winnie sent me a phone for my birthday. Mom wasn't going to let me keep it until Nana said she'd pay for it."

It hurt him that he had missed another of her birthday's she was growing up so fast and he was missing most of it. Leave it to his mom to figure out a way to make sure Lulu can stay in touch with him. He'll have to thank her later on.

"Did you get the picture I sent you?" she asked.

"Yeah, I love it! Thank you!" She had sent him a picture of herself blowing him a kiss, he had saved it, to be sure he can print it out, to put in his new place.

"I miss you, baby girl."

"I miss you too Daddy. When do I get to see you again?"

Bear bit his lip. It was a habit he got into to stifle himself from saying things he shouldn't about her mother.

"Soon Honey Bear. Next weekend we'll hang out the entire weekend together. I promise."

"Can we see that new animal movie?"

"Yep, and we'll get the big bucket of popcorn."

"Extra butter?"

"You know it."

Lulu cheered and Bear laughed.

"I wish it were next weekend now," Lulu told him, he could hear the slight tinge of sadness in her voice and it cut through him like a knife. 

"Me too, Honey Bear. But we will be together again before you know it. I have to get back to work now but we'll talk again real soon okay?"

"Okay, Daddy. I love you!"

"I love you too. So very much! Can't wait to see you again. Bye Honey Bear!"


Bear hung up his phone and suddenly found himself face to face with Goldie.

She had a strange look upon her face...if he had to place it, he'd say she looked disappointed. "Everything okay?"

Shaking herself from her daze she said, "Yeah, it was starting to get busy"

"I'll be right out."

"Thanks!" Goldie couldn't fly out of that room fast enough. So he had someone...someone he loves and calls Honey Bear. Goldie couldn't help but feel disappointed. Oh, well it's probably for the best, she really shouldn't get involved with someone from work. If things didn't work out it could have disastrous results.

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