Goldie & the Bear - 7

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Bear stole a glance across the room as he cleaned up a table. Goldie was totally animated talking with one of Missy's customers. They were both laughing and he was mesmerized by the way her laugh just seemed to light her up from the inside.

They had been working together for over a week now. Usually, he was gone by noon but today Missy had a doctor's appointment and asked if he would help Goldie close up shop. 

He readily agreed. In fact, he found he looked forward to work every morning, leaping out of bed to face another day. He couldn't remember the last time he felt that way and the cause was now frowning at him.

Bear quickly looked away and pretended to scrub a stubborn spot on the table.

Stealing a quick peek, he saw she had gone back to ignoring him and continued her conversation.

He couldn't figure it out. Ever since his first day here, around him, Goldie seemed subdued somehow. He wondered what he had done to cause it to happen. He could be pretty miserable sometimes. His sister would complain that when he was in a mood he could suck the joy right out of a room but he didn't think him being a bear would affect someone like Goldie.

He had to concede she was really good at her job. Within a week the place ran like a well-oiled machine. She found ways to cut costs for Missy. Even hooked her up with better distributors for her baking supplies, having connections from a bakery Red and her Grandmother use to run. All this he gleaned from his sister, as Goldie was not very forthcoming with information about herself.

Goldie had caught him starring at her again. The way he looked at her was the way she looked at her favorite dessert. A look of longing mixed with an intense hunger. It made her knees feel weak and her insides turn to porridge.

"What is he thinking?" she wondered. If he does have someone, he most definitely should not be throwing such looks her way.

She walked the last customer to the door and locked up shop, turning over the open sign, to closed. She turned back around to find Bear standing before her holding two cups in his hands.

The smell of chocolate lured her closer. Damn him, using her one weakness against her.

"Thought the boss, could use a break," he said smiling, holding out the hot chocolate for her to take.

Now he's smiling at her...make that two weakness.

"Thank you!" Goldie said almost timidly as she took the cup from him. Suddenly her nerves were on edge, and the flutters she gets in her stomach when he smiles refused to subside. 

Most days it wasn't so bad because he would leave early, being part-time and then during the day Missy was always around as a buffer but now they were completely alone and he was looking at her in that way he had before.

She brought the cup to her lips, took a sip, and sighed. Bear had taken to making her Hot Chocolate for her and she didn't know what he did differently but it was like tasting heaven.

He waved his hand for her to take a seat, and she willingly obliged. He took the one across from her.

"So, tell me something about yourself?" he started. "I've worked with you for nearly a week now but I hardly know anything about you."

Goldie nervously took another sip. She didn't like talking about herself so diverted the subject by saying, "Well, I can say the same about you?"

"Not true. You know I'm an architect. That I specialize in green building. That thanks to you I've blown my chance at working with the Boar Brothers. That your friends hate me..."

Goldie just started to laugh as he continued with his list. "Okay, okay. Point taken. So, maybe I have learned a thing or two. Truth is there isn't much of interest to say."

Bear's brows creased. "Somehow, I highly doubt that. I find you very interesting."

Goldie gulped the burning liquid in her mouth. She wished and dreamed (most nights) that things were different. That he was available but she refused to get involved with someone who was in a relationship. 

"Well, I find that hard to believe, but really I'm am not all that exciting. I've lived in Chicago my whole life. I have one true friend and that's Red. I've gone to school for the culinary arts and have a degree in business management. See... not very exciting."

"You failed to mention if you have a boyfriend?" Bear said, he knew he was pressing but it was just who he was, he tended to go in charging.

Goldie skipped his question by saying, "I did, didn't I. You're sister mentioned you're looking for a place to stay. Any luck?"

Bear frowned. She deliberately dodged his question. Maybe that's why she keeps putting him off. Clay seemed pretty protective of her. Or maybe the interest was only one-sided and she wasn't answering so she'd have an out if he pressed his advantage.

"Nothing yet," he answered letting it go for now. "It's difficult finding something reasonable."

Goldie thought that was odd. He was an architect and had this job why couldn't he afford an apartment. She could, on just what she made here.

"You know there's a vacancy at my building. It's a small place four units. I believe the one open has two bedrooms so it may be slightly more then what I pay but if I can afford it on what Missy pays me then you shouldn't have a problem."

"That would be perfect but you sure you want to see me that often?" he asked a teasing grin tugging his lips.

Goldie hadn't considered that aspect. That's right. If he took the apartment she'd see him every day... and night. When will she learn to keep her big mouth shut but she couldn't take it back now. She shrugged like it didn't matter.

"Sure, why not? It's not like we're sharing a bed or anything. You'll have your own place and I'll have mine."

He thought her choice of words rather interesting. "I see. I'll take a look. Thank you."

"We can go now if you don't have anything to do? The landlady lives in one of the units. I can introduce you if you like?"

"Okay?" Bear said cautiously, wondering why she was offering to help. Accepting help from others just put him on edge. One of the reasons he wanted to move from his sister's place.

"Great! Let's go," Goldie said standing up and grabbing their cups. She dumped them and placed them in the dishwasher. She didn't trust herself to continue to be alone with him and jumped at the excuse for them to leave.

He wondered why the rush. He hadn't even touched his coffee but chose not to complain. They turned out the lights and headed out to the street by the back door. The apartment was only a few blocks away.

"No wonder you're never late."

Goldie rolled her eyes at him. "Come on, this way." 

She knocked on the first door, and an old woman appeared, smiling at Goldie. "Hello, dear!"

"Hello, Mrs. Hubbard! How are you?"

"Fine, Fine. Just about to head out to get ol' Rowley some bones."

"Of course," Goldie laughed kneeling down to pet Mrs. Hubbard's dog who sniffed her hands expectantly and the snorted in disappointment.

"Sorry boy. I'll bring you some bread tomorrow. Mrs. Hubbard, this is Bearnard Brown. He's looking for a place and I told him you were looking for a new tenant."

Mrs. Hubbard clasped her hands together. "Oh, how wonderful. Would you like to see it?"

"Please," Bear said, he liked this woman she had a very motherly look about her.

She pulled a keychain from her pocket and led the way.

Upon opening the door Bear couldn't believe how well kept the place was, a little out of date perhaps but in good shape. He was especially pleased with the two bedrooms. Now he'll have a special room for Lulu when she stayed with him. The more he looked around the more his excitement grew.

Goldie and Mrs. Hubbard stood back and watched as he explored.

He so wanted this place. He approached Mrs. Hubbard cautiously. He's been let down so many times before. "How much is the rent?"

Mrs. Hubbard smiled at him. "How much can you afford?"

Bear shook his head, "Um...about $750 or so a month, I guess, right now... That may change if I can get some design work," he rushed on.

"He's an architect," Goldie filled in.

"Just you?" Mrs. Hubbard asked.

"For now. I'm hoping that will change but I may have someone here on the weekends from time to time. If that's okay?"

"Sure, so long as they aren't living here, that may change things, but for now," Mrs. Hubbard handed him the key.

Bear looked at her shocked. "Don't you want to do a background check, credit check, something?"

"Sweetheart, my husband was loaded. He passed away and passed everything on to me.  This is just one of the properties I own. So, I don't worry about money. Although I do tend to buy too many things." She giggled at her own insider joke. "And as for the background check well... Goldie here recommends you, so what more do I need?"

Bear looked at Goldie. She did this. She made this happen. 

"Thank you," he said to Mrs. Hubbard. "I will be an excellent tenant and I will have the money for you tomorrow." He couldn't believe his good luck. Now when Lulu comes this weekend she'll have a place to sleep.

He took the key.

"Well, I'm off to get those bones. Don't want Rowley playing any of his tricks on me."


Goldie laughed, "Rowley is a master show dog. It's how Mr. Hubbard had made his money, he trained dogs for shows, television, and movies. There isn't anything that dog can't do. Here watch."

"Rowley," she called and the dog came scampering over. "If I bring your favorite bread tomorrow will you play dead for me. Come on. Play dead."

The dog ran around in a circle super excited to perform.

"Play dead?" Bear said with a grin, "I'm pretty sure I've seen it."

"Not like this you haven't," Goldie said, and Rowley the show dog, stumbled to the left, then to the right, fell onto his back, and shook all four paws three times before falling over to his side, eyes closed. Bear would have sworn the dog actually stopped breathing.

Goldie and Mrs. Hubbard began clapping causing Rowley to spring to life again.

"Amazing!" Bear said clapping along as well. Rowley put his front paw forward and leaned back. "It almost looks like he is taking a bow."

"Of course," Goldie said, "he's a professional."

"Well come on boy! Let's go get you those bones," Mrs. Hubbard said leaving the two of them standing alone in his new apartment.

NEW APARTMENT!!! Bear looked down at the key in his hand in disbelief as reality sunk in. He had an apartment!!!!

"WooHoo!" Bear shouted, pulling Goldie into his arms. He picked her up and swung her around in a circle before placing her feet back on the ground.

Goldie was laughing. Bear's enthusiasm was contagious.

"Thank you!" he said. "You have no idea what this means to me."

He hadn't let her go. She was on her feet but she swore she couldn't feel them on the ground as he continued to hold her. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted it soooo badly.

The mood suddenly shifted. Bear's hold tightened slightly. He was shocked to realize she wanted him, or at least that was the look in her eyes. He didn't need an engraved invitation, he so wanted to take what she was offering. 

As Bear leaned in to claim her lips, Goldie panicked. What is she thinking? He has someone. Someone who will be staying here on the weekends. 

She didn't know if she should run or play dead as Rowley did a moment ago. Instead, turned her face at the last second so he only kissed her cheek.

Bear's eyes opened and he looked at her confused and disappointed.

Goldie stepped out of his embrace. Feeling very awkward. "I should probably get going," she said pointing to the door over her shoulder. "Let you get settled in..." as she spoke she walked backward until she bumped into the door.

"If you need help moving your things. I can see if I can borrow Hunter's truck. Just let me know. Okay?" she placed her hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

Bear slowly followed her out into the hall. What in the world was going on? Is he that bad at reading signals? He could have sworn...



He didn't know what to say, embarrassed by his actions. How did he stop scaring her away?

"Who lives there?" he finished lamely pointing to the door across the hall.

Goldie smiled awkwardly. "That would be me. Welcome home, neighbor. Hope you like it here. See you tomorrow?" she asked opening the door to her apartment.

"Uh... yeah...tomorrow," he said, watching her close the door behind her. 

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