Ch 1: Path of Harvest!

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Netherworld, Ice cave.

Currently Y/N aka the Overlord must prove himself to be the Overlord thus he walk into an ice cave where three minions are at.

Brown minion 1: "Here he comes" one of the three minions said.

Brown minion 2: "The master? Ohhh! The Master! The Master!" Another minion said.

Brown minion 3: "We'll see" the final minion said who smack the other two heads.

Then a fourth minion, who dress as a jester, come out of the shadows.

Quaver: "That correct Rasp! He must be tested as the battle is test by doing the dung pile!" He said then begin to walk away.

An: that literally what he say in the game.

Minions: "Follow! Follow!" They said as they guide Y/N who hear Gnarl voice through the helmet.

Gnarl: "Those Nordberg winds go right up my nethers, so I'll stay here. Your helmet will allow me to hear and see what you do" he said then Y/N bash some barrels that stood in his path.

It wasn't long until Y/N see a ice block where his old pal the yeti is frozen.

Gnarl: "We managed to find an old friend of yours. He's been on ice for quite a while" he said with a chuckle.

Minions: "Bash! Bash! Bash!" The minions said as Y/N swing his axe into the ice freeing the yeti.

Once free the yeti begin to walk around until Y/N see a minion gate where five minions jump into the gate.

Without hesitation he summon five minions and together they bash the yeti who escape.

Quaver: "Be gone, you beast, and make it fast! For if you don't, we'll kick your-" he said only to fall into the hole by a minion throwing a snowball which cause both Y/N and the minions to laugh.

Gnarl: "The test subject is escaping! Quickly you must chase after him to the Hunting grounds!" He said.

Y/N: "Hunting grounds?" He thought then both himself and the minions walk until they exit the cave where he see the surface for the first time in years.

Hunting grounds.

Gnarl: "The place is bursting with Life Forces: both Hunters and the hunted. You should gather plenty of it to support the minions needed to build your Dark Tower" he said which Y/N smirk.

Y/N: "Time to harvest!" He said walking into the open cold where he see baby seals.

Gnarl: "Welcome to the Test of life force gathering!" He said where the minions look disgusted at the cuteness.

Minion 1: "Yuck" one of the minions said.

Minion 2: "Fluffy Rats!" Another minion said.

Then the baby seal eat a fish before looking at Y/N and the minions with cute adorable eyes.

Minion 3: "See?! Poor Fishy" the final minion said before one of the minions start chasing the baby seal away.

Brown Minion: "Die smelly furball!" The minion said trying to kill the seal only for it to escape into the ocean.

An: that is one lucky seal sadly the rest ain't so lucky.

Gnarl: "Now the hunt begins! Show'em who's top of the food chain!" He said then both Y/N and the minions begin to slaughter the baby seals.

Then a Brown gate is drilled out of the ground by the Minion miner Grubby thus allowing Y/N to summon more minions to add strength to the slaughter.

Sadly the slaughter of the baby seal enrage the yeti who attempt to stop Y/N and the brown minions.

Yet the Yeti failed and stop to take a breather when a Hunter arrived who attempted to hit the yeti only for him to noticed Y/N and his minions.

Hunter: "Hey! Where'd you come from? I got a permit from the Empire to hunt on these lands. This is my Yeti! I saw him first!" He said hitting the yeti which didn't hurt the yeti but enrage him then the Yeti punch the Hunter into the sky before running into a wall that got destroyed by him.

Thus Y/N and the minions follow behind where they see a bunch of baby seals on a island.

Gnarl: "Look at all the lovely Life force. Hmm find a way to get over there" he said.

On the way Y/N found a lot of wolves for his minions which they mount and control and use them to lower the bridge.

Once the bridge is down Y/N attempted to slaughter the baby seals when a boat arrived with some elves on it then three elves jump off the boat.

Florian: "I am Florian Greenheart and these are the soldiers of the Sanctuary, Valiant protectors of the Sanctuaries and all creatures of magic and nature" he said which Y/N yawn.

Y/N: "And you dress up like a hippie gay elf" he said completely surprising the elves while his minions laugh.

Florian: "What?! I'm not gay! Anyway Soldiers stop this savage! Protect the fluffy ones!" He said then two of the soldiers begin to attack however they are easily killed by Y/N and the Minions.

Y/N: "Wow that barley a challenge hippie gay elf" he said then see the boat leave alongside the yeti.

So Y/N follow the Yeti to a camp where in the distance he see the town of Nordberg.

Gnarl: "Do you remember that place Sire? It Nordberg. The sleepy, snowy little town that was going to hand you over to the Empire" he said which Y/N growl remembering then continued to follow the Yeti.

Once at the camp both Y/N and the Minions continue to slaughter many elves and minions until the Yeti roar.

Thus a battle between Y/N and the Yeti begin.

Y/N dodge the Yeti attacks then strike with his axe which cause small damage while his minions and the wolves attack the elves.

Y/N jump the Yeti swing and slam his axe onto the arm which cause small damage to the arm.

Suddenly the yeti grab Y/N around the waist and roar into his face but Y/N swing his axe and blind the yeti temporary while freeing himself.

Once free Y/N run behind the yeti and jump onto it back slamming his axe into the head multiple times until he got knock off.

Thus allowing the yeti to jump onto another ice that is far away.

Battle stop.

Before Y/N could follow an familiar ship appear and exiting the ship is the elf Florian who stand beside the Yeti.

Florian: "No! Stop this at once! This noble beast belongs to us! Come here, come here boy" he said then to Y/N shock the Yeti calm down.

Y/N: "what kind of tricky is this!" He thought.

Florian: "As if we magical folk didn't have enough problems of our own with the Empire and their allies. Now we got you to worried to expunge us. Anyway let us away! Set sail to Sanctuary!" He said as both himself and the yeti jump onto the boat that sail away.

Once the boat is out of sight Y/N look at his minions with one thing in his mind.

Y/N: "That elf is a pain" he said then he walk away.

It wasn't long until they found a cave where fire is causing wolves, that the minions have, to run away.

Gnarl: "I advise you to be careful sire" he said which Y/N nod then walk into the cave with his minions.

Nordberg Sanctuary.

Once inside Y/N see some empire soldiers and Governor Borius surrounding a powerful source.

Borius: "Do hurry up! I have a warm oil bath and a large plate of quail eyeballs to attend to" he said.

Centurion: "Oh course, Borius. I thought you'd like to meet some of the brave soldiers that secured the magical creatures from the um area. And these are the lucky ones" he said pointing to two soldiers where one is acting like he a fairy.

Y/N: "These soldiers are dumb" he thought.

Centurion: "SIC: Species Identity Crisis. It a terrible thing" he said then both himself and Borius look at some magical object.

Y/N: "That is important" he thought looking at the same object.

Centurion: "We also found this strange object which was well guarded" he said.

Borius: "Well, make sure it doesn't eat anyone then bring it to my town hall" he said then some strange machines pick up the magical object.

Gnarl: "Foolish fat human. That's a Spell Stone sire. It unlocks magical potential to any who possesses it. Better not let it fall into Borius' pudgy hands" he said which Y/N nod then follow the empire soldiers.

Upon following he found the entrance to Nordberg Sanctuary which is guarded by a Dryad.

Dryad: "Welcome to the Sanctuary, creature of magic" she said only for a familiar boat and elf to show up.

Florian: "No! Don't let this barbarian in, Dryad! He is a enemy to all that is fluffy and adorable like this beast here" he said pointing to the yeti that smack an elf into the water.

Then the Dryad create some vines that block the path to Sanctuary.

Gnarl: "Don't worry, lord. I'm sure you find a way into that sanctuary" he said.

Y/N: "Later as we got important things to do" he thought then continued following the empire soldiers.

It wasn't long until Y/N arrived at where the tracks end only to see the soldiers were defeated but no sight of the machines. Instead there is the Spell stone so Y/N command his minions to pick it up.

Gnarl: "don't know what happened but their loss is our gain" he said which Y/N agree and exit the cave only to see some gnomes standing in front of the cave.

Gnome: "That the object we stole! It belong to us!" he said but all Y/N heard is noises.

Gnarl: "That gnome say they stole the spell stone which means it belongs to the gnomes" he said.

Y/N: "I doubt they could done anything to the machines so clearly they're lying" he thought then heard the Gnome speaking again.

Gnarl: "Um either he saying a declaring war. Or he wants you to married his pet dormouse" he said only for the gnome to attempt to kick y/n but failed.

Y/N: "Ok that was pathetic" he thought.

Gnarl: "That clearly an act of aggression sire! It cannot be tolerated! Exterminate those squeakers!" He said which Y/N pick up his foot then crush the gnome into a pile of blood and bones.

Then the minions got rid of the other gnomes in mere seconds thus allowing Y/N and his minions that carry the spell stone to continue.

However as they walk Y/N see the town of Nordberg under the cliff.

Y/N: "Guess the town didn't change a lot" he thought.

Gnarl: "Ah Nordberg. It been 13 winters since you were last there, sire! Soon you will return and conquer that land as your own. Ah revenge is best dish served cold. And screaming!" he said with a chuckle.

As y/n and his minions cross the bridge they heard the townsfolk speak which involves a feast.

Y/N: "So it midwinter soon" he thought then the ground shake under catapult until it explodes where a massive gate come out of the ground.

Gnarl: "Ah it seems Grubby managed to get a Netherworld gate for the minions to transport the Spell stone straight to the Netherworld" he said.

Then Y/N command his minions to bring the spell stone to the gate which they did thus unlocking a new spell within y/n.

Y/N: "I feel more powerful than I ever before" he thought then look at the townspeople who saw him in fear then they attempted to run.

Gnarl: "Test out your Evil presence sire!" He said which Y/N did and use his evil presence onto a woman who eyes glow then Gnarl explain the spell deeper.

Y/N: "Destruction or Domination?" He thought then smirk.

Gnarl: "Now sire before you goes off to conquer Nordberg there is one last thing you must do" he said which Y/N listen.

Somewhere in the land of Eostia.

Deep in the dark lands of Eostia there is a place called the Dark Keep home to the Dark Elves. However it got captured by the Black dogs and the monsters that betrayed the dark elves.

Now in the throne room the Black dogs and orcs are about to celebrate their victory when a the door to the throne room slam open.

Vult: "Who's goes there" He said then both himself and the others are shocked to see a a dead guard head throw into the throne room.

Then entering the room is Y/N himself who eyes is pulsing with evil.

Y/N: "Sorry but this place belong to me" he said which Vult laugh.

Vult: "You and what army" he said only for the entire room to shake surprising everyone except for Y/N who cross his arms.

Y/N: "My army" he said then thousand of minions run pass him and begin to slaughter many orcs and humans alike however both Vult and his wizard escape.

Entering the throne room is Gnarl who smile at such slaughter.

Gnarl: "Excellent work Sire! Now we got a second base to operate" he said then some minions bring in two dark elves.

Chloe: "What the meaning of this! Who do you think you are!" She said with venom in her voice.

Olga: "how did you conquer this place when it was conquered by monsters" she said looking at Y/N.

Gnarl: "Simple because he's the Overlord!" He said shocking the dark elves.

Chloe: "Well we won't bow to you! Right my queen?" She said only to be shocked when she see Olga kneeling before Y/N.

Olga: "I am not blind when I can see someone who can destroy us. So as Queen I offer both my kingdom and myself to you" she said.

Gnarl: "Wise choice Queen. Now sire it time to return to the Netherworld" he said.

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