Ch 2: Path of Flames!

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Upon Y/N return to the Netherworld many minions cheer while Olga and her knight Chloe are completely mind-blow at the throne room size which is double compared to the Dark Keep.

Quaver: "The Netherworld has accepted you as its Master. I knew it! I knew it!" He said jumping around.

Gnarl: "Do calm down Quaver. We don't want another accident. However he is right. You are indeed our True Overlord! It's something of a relief sire. We didn't want to have to bury another candidate" he said looking at Y/n with a smirk.

Minions: "Master!" The minions said with happiness in their tone.

Gnarl: "The Netherworld will be your new seat of power Lord. It's a little on the cavernous side at the moment but now you're properly here we can start refurbish and expand the Tunnel system. This will allow us access to other areas of the world where you can establish your new dark domain" he said then Quaver get in front of the old minion.

Quaver: "I feel a small poem is called for to commemorate the event" he said which Gnarl sigh with annoyance.

Gnarl: "oh dear, he's off again" he said then Quaver begin to dance.

Quaver: "There was a boy from the Nordberg Town who sent the locals screaming. But now the boy's become a man, he'll start his evil scheming" he said which Y/N, Olga and Chloe look at him with sweat dropping down their faces.

Gnarl: "Sorry about that, sire and mistresses. Sometimes there's no stopping him. And believe me, I've tried. Anyway this is your throne Sire. And it's not just a place to rest your evil posterior, you can teleport around your domain from here and it will also alert you to recent events and quests. Why don't you try it out and then let me know if you'd like to take that tour" he said then walk until he stand beside the throne.

Y/N: "Why don't you two explore while I take a tour" he said which the Dark elves agree then leave.

The first stop is the Foundations which have an robust minion called Giblet who been around as long as Gnarl.

Giblet explain that the Foundations have a forge which can create weapons and armor but require Red minions.

It was here that Y/N found a Dark crystal which is pure evil energy that become crystalized.

An: the next rooms is something that I added since in the game the foundations is too small in my opinion.

Within the Foundations there is a room where it contains some trophies which involves enemies that Y/N slay. For example, Seals, Hunters and Gnomes.

Next to the Trophy room there is the treasury which got five hundred goal so far but soon it will be full of loot.

After exploring the Foundation Y/N went to the Minions burrows which is rumor to where the first minion who dug his way to the surface to meet the first Overlord. Sadly only have the Browns but it was here that he found the first Blue Minion Mortis who is responsible for overseeing the life and death but also can revive dead minions.

Mortis: "We live. We served. We die. It is what we are and what we will always be. Balance. The spawning place. You bring me life force I bring you Minions" he said also it was here that Y/N found two Dark Crystals.

After exploring the Burrows Y/N went to the final place which is his private quarters where he see it in ruin but it also where Olga and Chloe are at.

Olga: "This room sure is big compared to the Dark Keep bedrooms" she said.

Chloe: "I agree my queen although it in ruined" she said.

Y/N then went to the balcony where he found a Dark Crystal thus getting the fourth Dark Crystal.

Once he done exploring he returns to the throne room where he sit on his throne but then a man wearing winter clothes arrived.

Man: "Forgive the intrusion, but your visit to Nordberg has not gone unnoticed, the Empire is trying to dig through to the netherworld. Thus I sneak out to tell you!" He said.

Y/N: "He want something I just know it" he thought.

Man: "I, er, thought after you'd dealt with Borius you might see your way to perhaps rewarding me for this information by um making me Mayor of Nordberg once you conquer it? You know when you're not busy, your magnificence maybe just on, er, Sunday? Sunday afternoons, maybe?" He said a bit afraid which Y/N begin to think.

Y/N: "Very well" he said which the man relaxed with slight happiness.

Man: "Thank you! I can't wait to start my- I mean our Mayoral duties!" He said only to scream when the bottom open up.

Gnarl: "We can't allow the empire take control of Nordberg, Master! They'll thinking the place belong to them! We must find our reds in Sanctuary so we can get through those fire barriers!" He said then Olga arrive.

Olga: "I might be able to help if you allow me Dark One" she said which Y/N look at her with a curious look.

Gnarl: "And how can you help? After all it the Overlord duty to conquer!" He said which Olga glare at the old minion.

Olga: "It just so happened I can use magic which can distract the guardian for you to sneak by and slay her" she said which Gnarl look at her with a shock expression.

Gnarl: "Master your mistress is pure evil for planning to manipulating an Dryad. I approve of your s_x!" He said which Olga blush then smack the minion in the middle of his legs with her staff.

Olga: "You disgusting old creature!" She said with hate in her eyes as she walk away while Gnarl is on the floor with tears coming out of his eyes.

Gnarl: "Again I approve!" He said with pain in his voice while Y/N sigh then leave the Netherworld.


Outside of Nordberg there is a small camp of Empire soldiers only for the ground to explode killing many soldiers as a Netherworld gate comes out of the ground.

Exiting the gate is Y/N and Olga who is wearing winter clothing since she ain't used to the cold.

Olga: "Geez how can you handle the cold Dark One" she said shivering then both of them walk towards the bridge with twenty minions only for Florian to stand on the bridge.

Florian: "Halt! Don't think you can find refuge in our Sanctuary!" He said

Olga: "Great you again" she said with disgust in her face.

Florian: "OH! Queen Olga! What are you doing with this barbarian! Wait you must be mind controlled by him! Soldiers we must free her!" He said only for some arrows to hit the bridge thus he run away.

Y/N: "So you know him?" He said which Olga sigh.

Olga: "He try to make monsters back at the Dark Keep peaceful well as you can guess he didn't just failed but also ran away" she said.

Y/N: "... He a idiot" he said which Olga agree thus they continue on their way.

Once inside the cave they see a Netherworld shard glowing due to Y/N evil presence.

Thus Y/N use this moment to use his evil powers but the results is unexpected as Y/N literally enter the minion body.

Olga: "Gah! I can't believe you enter that body" she said with slight discomfort.

Gnarl: "This might help us. You can sneakily attack the Dryad while Olga distracted her" he said then they begin their plan which work successfully.

Olga: "I'll return to the Netherworld now that I done my part" she said then leave while Y/N and his minions continue on only to encounter fairies that are disgusting.

An: I can't show them without getting a noticed so search up Overlord 2 Fairies.

Y/N: "I can't unsee the horrors" he thought with disgust while his minions look at the Fairies with lust.

Olga: "Those Fairies are disgusting! How can the elves allow the Fairies to become that!" She said through the helmet.

Gnarl: "Elves like them think females shouldn't fight" he said.

Chloe: "Excuse me! That bull! We Dark Elves fight to survive against Humans" she said.

Olga: "I bet it Celestine fault as she is more into peace" she said.

The fairies then leave but they also mention some red devils which confirms that the Red Minions are here thus Y/N and his minions continue.

A few minutes later.

It took a few minutes due to fighting Dryad, fairies and elves alongside gnomes but Y/N, who leave his browns behind due to fact they can't swim, arrive at where the Red Minions are located.

Red Minion 1: "Master!" One of the red minions said with excitement.

Red Minion 2: "Yay!" Another red minion said.

Gnarl: "Look at the chaos they're spreading. Sadly there no sight of the hive so continue onward" he said which Y/N did but thankfully the Red minions follow him.

A few minutes later.

It took a while but Y/N and his minions finally enter the Sanctuary itself where Florian is there.

Florian: "Oh it's you! You don't belong here. Get out of here or face the wrath of our Queen Fay" he said then leave.

Then Y/N continue on while slaughtering any elf soldier while dominating any civilian elves with his magic.

It wasn't long until they arrived at a statue of a woman who is holding a mysterious glowing orb.

Olga: "She is a fairy Dark One so be advised when you face her as you don't know what she have up her selves" she said.

Thus Y/N and his minions destroyed the statue then Y/N corrupt the magic orb which turns out to be a spell stone.

Suddenly light appear behind Y/N thus he turn around only to see Queen Fay herself.

Queen Fay: "You have stole our spell stone intruder and defiled this shrine, bringing darkness into a place of light. Suffering be upon you!" She said then leave.

But then the place begin to crumble thus Y/N command his minions to grab the Spell stone then they run until they arrived at the hive which Y/N command his minions to grab too.

They successfully escaped and returned to the Netherworld.

Gnarl: "Welcome back Sire congratulations on getting the Reds" he said.

Y/N: "However it only the beginning" he said with a dark smirk.

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