Chapter 12

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Lily couldn't pay attention at all for the rest of the day. When the four of them rushed Colin to the hospital wing, they'd been immediately shooed away to go back to class. Madam Pomfrey slammed the door in their faces when they protested.

Later that day, Lily had to recount what had happened to Alice, Hugo, and Frank. They all wanted to see Colin but Madam Pomfrey insisted that he needed his rest.

The next day, on Saturday, the four gobbled up their breakfast and rushed to the hospital wing to see him. When they knocked on the door and Madam Pomfrey saw that it was them, she sighed irritatedly and let them in.

Colin sat on one of the beds, calmly reading a book. He was pale and looked slightly tired but fine. Nothing gave away the fact that he had fainted and thrown up the day before.

They all rushed to his bed, much to the matron's disapproval. She clicked her tongue and frowned at the group of fourth years. Colin looked up from his book, saw that he had visitors, and put it away. He have them a wry smile and a dry chuckle, "Did you guys miss me?"

"You idiot!" Lily hissed much to his surprise, "You were sick and you knew it but you didn't do anything about it?"

He shrugged guiltily, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think it'd get so bad—"

He exchanged a quick knowing look with Madam Pomfrey. She muttered under her breath and stalked into her office.

"So you're okay now?" Hugo asked anxiously, "Whatever that was is gone now?"

Colin's face grew sad and he bit his lip nervously.

"Right?" Alice pressed.

Lily saw him clench his fists in the bed sheets and that they trembled slightly. And then a small drop a water splattered on to it. And then another. They continued to fall, covering Colin's arms in little water droplets. His hands quivered some more. And Lily saw that he was crying.

His face was hidden but they could tell by the shaking of his shoulders and the tears falling on to the bed. Lily placed a gentle, comforting hand upon his arm. She exchanged worried looks with the others. Suddenly, Colin sighed and said thickly, "This is embarrassing."

Frank chuckle half heartedly, "It's alright."

Colin whispered something very quietly. They all craned their heads to listen. "Say that again?" Alice said.

"Leukemia," he whispered, "That's what I have. I was diagnosed in the summer and that's why you didn't see me as often. I was devastated and tried lying to myself. I told told myself that it'd go away even though I knew that it wouldn't."

After a few second a silence, Hugo said, "Leukemia?"

Colin gave a dry, bitter laugh. "Blood cancer. It doesn't go away."

And then Lily hugged him. She breathed in the scent of his shampoo and rested her head upon his shoulder. She felt her eyes grow misty and suddenly her cheeks were hot with tears.

Colin hugged her back, his tears flowing once more. He whispered into her ear, "I'm scared of dying."


A few weeks later, Colin was allowed to leave the hospital wing. However, he had to take medication every day and return often for checkups. Besides that, everything was just as it always was.

And yet, everything was different. Lily found herself walking a little bit slower because she was afraid for Colin. She found him going to bed earlier than usual and yet he still woke up looking tired. And she learned that his grades were dropping.

Apparently, the only ones who noticed were those who knew Colin had leukemia. Most of Lily's family and close friends knew. On days where Colin wanted to do nothing but go to bed, Albus and Rose would try to cheer him up. Scorpius would sneak him food from the kitchens even when he didn't want to eat. Lily, Hugo, Frank, and Alice would laugh and talk as if everything was fine. But they all knew it wasn't.

Colin didn't practice piano as often these days. And on bad days, his hands were clammy and his playing was clumsy. He would play naturals when he needed to play sharps and flats, producing a strange melody. His songs became slower and would give a seemingly colder and choppy sound.

After a month of this, the four fourth years decided to do something about it. They endlessly tried to help him on his studies. They went on every Hogsmeade trip where they'd have the time of their lives. They hung out by the Black Lake, their laughs being carried away by the wind. They encouraged him relentlessly and, in time, slowly but surely, things seemed to get slightly better. His grades steadily improved and his playing became smoother.

But most importantly, he became happier. He laughed and smiled more, he joked again, and he seemed like the jovial boy they'd known for years and not the one who was slowly being consumed by his illness. The sadness was gone.

But the leukemia was still there.


Soooooo.... That just happened. I know you guys love me right now. J.K. Rowling! Anyway, I've got a few things to say in this author's note.

1) Of course, feel free to leave your opinions (honest ones! I CAN TAKE IT! No flames though such as "U SUCK THIS STORY SUCKS." Let me down easy, thank you very much) and constructive criticism would be very helpful.

2) Quick question. I feel like such a noob but I can't figure it out! When I wrote "Lily, Hugo, Frank, and Alice would laugh and talk as if everything was fine," is it that or "Lily, Hugo, Frank, and Alice would laugh and talk as if everything were fine?" Were or was? AGHHHH!!!!!

3) About leukemia, I did research leukemia for this story. But it wasn't that back breaking, hours on end research. I basically Googled leukemia and some questions I had about it for like half an hour. If you guys know anything that would be helpful to this story about leukemia, I'd appreciate some comments. And I'm really, really sorry if I got something about leukemia wrong. I don't mean to offend anyone who has leukemia or knows someone who does. I'm a noob at this sort of stuff and could really use some pointers. So if you notice anything wrong in this story about leukemia, PLEASE comment them, that'd be VERY helpful.

4) I don't usually do this and even if I did it'd usually be for writer's block which I don't have right now but I'm very curious. I already know what I want the ending to be (😉 🎶BE PREPARED🎶) and some things I want to happen in the story. But, what sort of things would YOU guys like to see? Is there a specific thing you want to happen or see in this book? If you have suggestions, please comment them. (And if I ever used them, of course I'd give you credit)

Okay, that was a really long author's note so congrats to anyone who's read the whole thing! You get a virtual cookie! (::) Thank you once more for reading my story and I'll see you next chapter! (OR IN YOUR NIGHTMARES MWAHAHAHA!)

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