Chapter 13

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"Are you sure?" Lily pleaded once more, much to Madam Pomfrey's annoyance.

She closed her eyes and massaged her temple with her thumb and index finger. "For the hundredth time, Miss Potter, you simply can't cure leukemia with the wave of a wand."

Lily sighed dejectedly and looked down at her feet. Hugo put a hand on her shoulder sympathetically just when she looked up again with a hopeful expression and asked, "Is there a potion for it?"

A calm expression replaced Pomfrey's irritated one and she said with feigned patience, "I was not aware that you were the one who graduated from Europe's most prestigious wizarding medical school, Miss Potter."

"I di—" Lily began to say when Madam Pomfrey cut her off.

"Oh, that's right! You didn't! I did," she exclaimed with false surprise, "So if there was a potion to cure leukemia, don't you think I'd know?"

Lily opened her mouth to reply but Hugo spoke first. "If you graduated from such a prestigious school, why'd you choose to work at Hogwarts rather than St. Mungo's?"

Pomfrey glared at him and answered (rather haughtily), "I prefer working with children... Most of the time..." she added as she surveyed Hugo.

"Thanks anyway, Madam Pomfrey," Lily said quickly before Hugo could earn himself a detention for mouthing off to the nurse. "I'm sorry for bothering you. I guess there's nothing we can do."

Madam Pomfrey's face softened a little and she said, "Oh, never say that, dear. People are discovering new things everyday and maybe you can find a cure for leukemia. And besides, believing is half of healing."

"So should we return those books to the library?" Hugo asked Lily when they left the hospital wing.

Lily nodded sadly, "I guess so. They're not much use to us anymore."

"Come on." He grabbed her arm and dragged her to the library.

Madam Pince gave the two a sad look when they returned the books and she saw the titles. Arnold Bishop's Medical Encyclopedia, An In-Depth Study of Leukemia, and Medical Spells and Potions Volume 4.

Unable to stand one more sympathetic look, Lily rushed into a random aisle of the library. She dragged Hugo by the hair into the medical section as he winced, "Ow, ow, Lily!"

She let go and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just help me look for something helpful."

As soon as they started to browse the shelves, they heard a whispered argument from nearby. One voice whispered exasperatingly, "You can't just do your essay on Forgetfulness Potion!"

"Why not?" another voice retorted, "It's a potion and the instructions were to write an essay on any Potion of your choice. And I choose Forgetfulness Potion."

"There isn't enough information on it," the first voice, which Lily recognized as Rose, insisted, "Can you really write a two foot essay on a Potion that only offers one page of information, Scorpius?"

"What potion are you doing then?" Scorpius grumbled.

"Wolfsbane," Rose answered smugly, "In fact, I could write four feet of parchment on it if I wanted to. Actually, I think I will. Maybe I can get extra credit."

"Albus, will you tell your cousin to stop nagging me?" Scorpius half pleaded.

A third voice joined in, "Can't you two just work it out? You argue over everything. If this keeps up you're going to get the three of us kicked out."

"I'm just trying to help him!" Rose exclaimed loudly. This was greeted by a chorus of shushes.

"Oh, look, there's Lucy. I'm going to go over there and pretend I don't know you two," Albus replied. There was a shuffling sound of him gathering his supplies.

Hugo chuckled as he pulled a book from the shelf, "How long do you think it'll take those two to admit their love for each other?"

"Rose and Scorpius?"

"No, Albus's school bag and Rose's quill," Hugo answered sarcastically. "Of course Rose and Scorpius!"

Lily laughed and said, "I don't know. I'm kinda rooting for Albus and Scorpius."

They spent the rest of their time in the library looking for books and quietly debating about whether Albus or Rose should be with Scorpius.

"But could you imagine how awkward it would be if Rose brings him home?" Hugo mused as he pulled the fifth, sixth, and seventh volumes of Medical Spells and Potions from the shelf and added it to their stack that consisted of Muggle Illnesses of the 2000s and Magical Maladies and Cures. "Her room is right next to mine so I'd hear her and Scorpius next door doing everything..."

"Ew!" Lily punched him in the arm and proceeded to carry their stack to Madam Pince, "That's disgusting!"

"But if Albus were the one to bring him home," Hugo continued, choosing to ignore Lily's expression that clearly told him to shut up, "you'd hear it since your room is next to his."


"I hope you appreciate what I had to go through to get these," Lily grumbled moodily to Colin when she slammed the books on to the table at lunch.

Colin looked up from his mashed potatoes (she wished he'd eat something more filling) to smile at her and she felt her heart soar. Perhaps it was a sign that he was getting better. At least he was eating more. "So what did you have to go through?" he asked mischievously.

"Hugo's predictions of what will happen between Scorpius and Rose can escalate quite easily," Lily sighed as she slid next to him.

"Personally, I myself think that Albus and Scorpius should admit their love for one another."

"That's what I said to him. Alice agrees with Hugo though." She loaded food on to her plate and realized that she was missing something.

She asked Colin, "Could you pass me the salt?"

"Oh, that's sugar, not salt. Alice has got it, hold on." Colin stood up and asked Alice for the salt. Since Alice sat towards the left side of Lily while Colin was on the right he reached across the table to get the salt shaker. He accidentally stepped on Lily's foot which caused her to jump. She jerked and elbowed him in the face.


"Sorry!" Lily gasped, feeling really bad.

"Anything bruised?" Colin asked while rubbing his face.

"Let me check."

Colin lifted his head up and they were face to face. As Lily's eyes scanned his face, she mentally noted that they were really close. For some reason, that made her blush. After seeing that nothing was bruised, she began to notice other things. His eyes still had bags under them but they were still the same lively hazel as when they'd met, despite everything. Even his glasses looked the same.

"Well?" Colin asked and interrupted her train of thought.

"Oh— Nothing... Everything's fine," she muttered. Lily was painfully aware of the blush that was blossoming across her face.

Colin, who either chose to ignore it or didn't notice, resumed their previous conversation, "So Hugo and Alice think that it'll be Scorpius and Rose and we think Scorpius and Albus. What about Frank?"

"Oh—" Lily abandoned her strange thoughts and mentally hopped off the psycho train. "I'm not sure, we've got to ask him."

"We'll just have to let things play out itself," Colin said dreamily, "After all, you can't rush love."


That night, Lily tried to sort out her thoughts. What was happening to her? It wasn't the first time she'd acted strangely around Colin lately. She recalled just a few days ago when he smiled at her while they practiced together, alone in the Room of Requirement, and she felt a tug at her heart.

I'm loosing it, she thought.


Whoooooo! Update! Who's proud of me? HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND!!! *is sadly rejected, high fives self*

Anyway, what did you guys think? I'm rather proud of this chapter (slightly, I still wish I could work on my descriptions and details. I've never really felt what Lily is feeling so yeah. I'm trying) And anyway, what IS up with Lily? It's pretty obvious but I want to hear it from you guys.

Quick note: the thing I had Madam Pomfrey say ("Believing is half of healing.") isn't my quote. It's from A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (SO GOOD READ IT).

And, this is kinda for fun, but, Scorose or Scorpius x Albus (what's their ship name?!)? Are you with Hugo and Alice or Lily and Colin? LET THE SHIP WARS BEGIN!!! HAHAHA! TURN AGAINST YOUR OWN PEOPLE! (OMG imagine the carnage! What have I done?) Comment! I'm not sure which one yet.

So, that's it for now, thank you and goodbye!

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