Chapter 3

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^media above is River Flows in You on Piano


Uncle Ron Flooed over to Lily's home. He tumbled out of the fireplace unceremoniously and brushed ash off his coat and jeans. "Ready to go, Lily?"

Lily nodded with excitement and bounced on the heels of her feet happily. Ron smiled at her and called into the kitchen, "Harry, Ginny, I'm taking Lily out!"

Harry and Ginny poked their heads out of the kitchen. Ginny narrowed her eyes in suspicion at Ron and asked, "Where are you two going? This is the third day you've been heading out together."

Lily's uncle gave a convincing shrug and answered, "Lily's going to show me around Muggle London. I thought it'd be fun."

Harry nodded but replied with a hint of suspicion, "Uh huh..."

Uncle Ron raised an eyebrow and grinned slyly, "What? I'm not taking her anywhere bad or dangerous! I can be responsible!"

Ginny pursed her lips in thought but nodded, "Alright, have fun."

The two went back to the kitchen. Lily heard her mother say menacingly, "Harry, you touch those cookies and pay the price."

Ron chuckled in amusement and led Lily out the door. They Apparated to an alley close to the studio. When they walked in, Ron took a seat in one of the visitor chairs by the window. Lily went to go find Miss Hanson, who gave her a violin to practice with. After telling Lily that she should get a violin of her own, the music teacher instructed her for an hour before going to help a young boy about Lily's age with the piano.

Lily went over what she had learned for a few minutes. Uncle Ron clapped and his face glowed with pride when Lily plaid a short and sweet tune. Lily felt herself blush slightly but thought to herself, Uncle Ron is proud of me. This is what I was meant to do. This is what I want to do.

"Brilliant," Ron praised merrily, "You're such a fast learner, Lily!"

She smiled gratefully at him and glanced over to the boy at the piano. He had disheveled brown hair and thick black rectangular glasses framed his concentrating hazel eyes. Miss Hanson had gone to help some other student. Lily watched as his fingers flew smoothly across the piano and she could tell he was playing with all he had.

She walked over to the piano and watched him play, hoping she didn't look like a creep. Her eyes tried to keep track as his fingers traveled over the keys steadily.

"Wonderful," she murmured to herself. The boy, however, had heard her and looked up. Lily felt herself growing red and muttered, "Sorry, I'll just be going now..."

However, he grabbed her coat sleeve to stop her from leaving. He grinned cheekily and ran a hand through his hair, "Thanks."

"Uh," Lily stuttered, "You're welcome. What song was that?"

The boy answered, "River Flows in You."

"That was beautiful," Lily complimented, "How long have you played?"

He blushed but looked pleased nevertheless, "This is my fourth year."

"Four years? Wow!" Lily exclaimed in an impressed tone.

"Thanks," he muttered.

Lily laughed and said without thinking, "Haha, you said that already!" She blushed even more and mentally called herself stupid.

The boy merely smiled and chuckled, "I guess I did. Aren't you the new girl? Violin, right?"

"Yeah," she replied and extended a hand to him, "What's your name?"

"I'm Colin Creevey," he answered and winked, "And I know who you are, Lily Potter."

She widened her eyes at him and her hopes flew out the window. Lily had thought that her family's fame couldn't reach and overshadow her here whatsoever. She thought to herself, Stupid, stupid. What did you think would happen? Of course there would be another witch or wizard here. The next thing he's going to say is probably going to be something like "You're Harry and Ginny Potter's daughter!" or "Woah, it's James and Albus Potter's sister!"

"I saw you playing," he said casually, surprising Lily, "You're a quick learner. Oh, I bet no one else in your family knows how to play!"

"No, they don't."

"It must be tough to live in a family like that," he acknowledged sympathetically.

"It's like you read my mind," Lily breathed, awestruck.

"Yeah, I'm just awesome like that."

Lily couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. She asked with genuine curiosity, "How about your family?"

"My dad, Dennis Creevey, he's a wizard. I was named after his brother, who died in the war. My mum's a Muggle. She thought it'd be good for me to be good at something Muggle-ish. She enrolled me here and I got attached to piano."

Lily questioned, "You'll be entering your first year of Hogwarts too, right?"

He nodded and bounced excitedly, "Yes! Are you?"

Lily nodded. Colin yelped happily, "Yes! I thought I'd be the only musician at Hogwarts. We can help each other!"

"What do you mean?"

"We'll need to keep up with our musical studies," Colin explained, "We can't just ditch them for the school year."

Lily felt her heart lift suddenly. She realized she wouldn't be alone and her insecurities about violin vanished. "My father told me about this room called the Room of Requirement. If we need a room to help us learn music, that's what we'll get!"

"Oh, yeah! You know, they used it for a room to practice Defense Against the Dark Arts back during the war."

"My parents told me about that," Lily told him, "This is great! I was nervous about playing at first because you've never heard of a wizard or witch musician, have you?"

Colin shrugged, "It doesn't matter, honestly. Lily, you're a fast learner and I can tell you're going to be great," Colin continued, oblivious to Lily's blushing, "And, not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty great myself. We're going to make it big, in both the Muggle and wizard world. I can feel it!"

What he said gave Lily a new hope. Suddenly, her goal of being acknowledged as herself for something she was good at and loved didn't seem so hard. Her goal seemed within arms reach.

"We can make it, you and I," Colin daydreamed out loud, "We're going to be brilliant, amazing, I know we will."

"I've got to go," Lily said, wanting to stay longer, "Sorry, my parents will probably think Uncle Ron got us into trouble or something. I'll see you tomorrow, Colin."

He waved her goodbye, "It was nice meeting you, Lily."

"You look happy," Ron noticed when he saw her face, "Has it got anything to do with that boy at the pano?" He nudged her with his elbow and winked mischievously.

Lily giggled, "It's a piano, Uncle Ron, not a pano. And no, I just met him!"

He raised an eyebrow in suspicion, "And you like what you saw?"

"He's just a friend!"

"Must be a pretty great friend if you're so happy," Ron stated.

"I'm just as happy as I was when I came in," Lily insisted stubbornly. But she couldn't deny that there an extra spring in her step on the way home.

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