Chapter 8

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As soon as they reached land, the first years huddled into small little groups nervously chatting amongst themselves. Hagrid chuckled merrily and led them inside the castle. They gawked and starred at the beauty and majesty of what would be their second home for the next seven years.

Professor Longbottom, the Herbology teacher, gave a lengthy explanation about Hogwarts houses, the point system, and other things about the school. During this, Frank was whispering to Alice in the back of the group. Their professor and father saw this and said sternly, "Favoritism is not tolerated and no student shall receive special treatment, Mr. Longbottom."

Frank blushed at being addressed that way in front of everyone by his own father. Alice snickered behind her hand along with Colin. Lily smacked them both lightly in the arm before they got in trouble as well. At long last, the doors to the Great Hall opened.

The first thing Lily noticed were the floating candles against the starry night sky shown in the ceiling above them. She looked around for familiar faces. James and Fred gave her cheeky grins from the Gryffindor table, Rose waved like a maniac and Scorpius Malfoy gave her a friendly nod from the Ravenclaw table, and, from the Slytherin table, Albus made a thumbs up gesture at her. With these little actions, Lily felt a bit more confident.

A frayed and patched hat was set upon a stool in front of the group of first years. It opened its mouth, declared itself the Sorting Hat, and sang a lengthy song about Hogwarts and its houses. Lily suddenly felt someone tightly grip her arm and saw that it was Colin. They glanced at each other and he gave her a nervous smile which she returned.

The first name was called, "Anderson, Elise!"

The Sorting went on and Lily found herself slipping back into a frenzy. What house will I be in? What if I'm in Slytherin like Albus? There's nothing wrong with it but I don't think I'd make a good Slytherin... What if the Hat makes a mistake and I'm in the wrong house? What if I'm stupid and in Ravenclaw? What if I'm a coward and in Gryffindor? What if I'm selfish and in Hufflepuff? WHAT IF THERE IS NO HOUSE FOR ME? Lily knew her thoughts we ridiculous but she couldn't stop them. Only familiar names awoke her from her internal conflict.

"Creevey, Colin!"

What if we're not in the same house? That might complicate things...

Colin's Sorting took longer than the others. It had almost reached the three minute marker when the Hat concluded, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The Hufflepuff table clapped and Colin smiled as he walked to them. He winked at Lily as he passed her and she felt her stomach churn. She slipped back into her thoughts.

"Longbottom, Alice," said Professor Longbottom after a while. After a few seconds, it was decided. "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Frank came right after and was sorted into Ravenclaw. M, N, O... P, Lily thought. It came sooner than she expected, "Potter, Lily!"

There was a racket going on at the Gryffindor table. Someone, or multiple someones, were banging on the table, chanting, "LILY, LILY, LILY!"

It was her cousins, and James and Fred were leading them. James yelled loudly, "THAT'S MY BABY SISTER!"

Lily could feel herself melting into a puddle of her own embarrassment. She could feel all eyes on either the rowdy Gryffindors or herself and suddenly her feet has gained one hundred pounds. Someone shoved her forward and she saw by the messy red hair that it was Hugo. When Lily still had not moved, her far more responsible and quieter brother at the Slytherin table hissed loudly, "James, Fred, Roxanne, all of you!"

When they had quieted somewhat, Lily sighed and took her place on the stool and Professor Longbottom placed the Hat upon her head.

Ah, the youngest Potter. Lily winced slightly. Where shall I put you? Your bother James was very easy and Albus more difficult. He could've been a Ravenclaw or Gryffindor if he didn't fit best in Slytherin. But enough about them, what about you? Do you have any preferences?

No, Lily replied.

It's up to me then... You have a thirst to prove yourself, very Slytherin-like, but you're also very brave, however, in your own way. You're clever but make your decisions not through logic, but with your heart.


Thunderous applause and cheering rang out from the Hufflepuffs, Colin being the loudest. She took her place in between him and Alice on the bench. Alice gave her a hug and snickered, "That was quite something those Gryffindors did."

Colin laughed happily, "You should've seen your face! You had the most horrified expression!"

Lily didn't pay attention to the rest of the Sorting and instead decided to stare at her brothers instead and quietly talk to the Hufflepuffs around her.

"Weasley, Hugo!"

It took only a few seconds, "GRYFFINDOR!"

After the rest of the students were Sorted, the Sorting ended. Professor McGonagall, the headmistress, spoke at the podium about general rules gave a welcome to all the students. The feast then began.

Colin dug in immediately, loading potatoes, steak and kidney pie, and chicken on to his plate. "You have no manners," Alice huffed.

Colin looked up with a face crammed with four different things and Lily giggled. He said (or at least tried to), with as much dignity he could muster with mashed potatoes leaking out of the corners of his mouth, "'m 'ungy— suh uh."

Lily gave him a questioning look, "Excuse me?"

Colin nodded, "Yuh— ethcu—"

She wrinkled her nose in distaste decided to talk to Alice instead, who wasn't shoving everything up her mouth. The rest if the night was spent happily chatting away and eating grand food until they couldn't take anymore.

After the feast, they all headed up to their dorms. Lily shared a dorm with Alice and four other girls. She changed into pajamas and crawled into her welcoming bed, excited for what was to come.


I'm back! I haven't updated in a long time because of procrastination, writer's block, and schoolwork. But I'm getting back on track now! Sorry if my writing is a bit rusty in this chapter, I'm getting into the swing of things. Thank you to those who've stuck around and are still reading this story, I really appreciate it, and I'm gonna try to update more! First, second, and maybe third year are going to pass in a blur and I think things will get pretty.... Good... In fourth and fifth years so stick around for that. I think that's all for now so bye and thank you!

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