Chapter 9

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Lily and Colin always went to classes together. However, they got lost on the first day. Professor Flitwick excused them, understanding how confusing getting around the castle was on the first day. Their History of Magic teacher, Professor Binns was as dull and bland as Lily's brothers had told her. Professor Slughorn was decent although, after class, Colin grumbled about how Lily received special treatment. Lily also learned that Professor Macmillan, their Transfiguration teacher, was a strict and fair man and his class was rather enjoyable.

At least, that was what she thought until the year progressed. It seemed like their teachers were meeting in secret to find out what day was best to give them multiple assignments. Lily always did hers a few days before they were due, following Rose's advice. Colin and Alice, however, had decided to ignore Rose and follow James's advice instead. And so, on the weekends, Lily was often found reading smugly in the common room while Colin and Alice tore their hair out in frustration over their work due the next day. This would go on until Lily was gracious enough to help them (or when Colin annoyed her enough).

Lily and Colin kept up with their musical studies in the Room of Requirement. Instruction and lesson books and teaching materials were provided for them and they taught themselves to further their musical education. Not many people taught themselves how to play but the two best friends made it work. Lily would learn more and more and she gradually improved on the violin as did Colin on piano. Colin claimed that, at the pace she was going, she was bound to become a prodigy. Lily shook her head and told herself that he was just being nice but it felt good nonetheless. Sometimes, when Lily was really doing well, just for fun, she'd do duets with Colin. Those were the songs she liked to play most.

Alice, Frank, Hugo, Rose, and Lily's brothers had always bugged her and Colin about allowing them to listen to the two play. Colin didn't mind but Lily always answered with a firm no even though Colin said she was amazing.

Halloween and Christmas passed and the first years buckled under the weight of the upcoming exams. Lily, Colin, and Alice were often found studying together in the Hufflepuff common room during times like these. Occasionally, they would do the same with Frank and Hugo in the library. And when exams were finally upon them, Lily felt like she's done quite well. She, Colin, and Frank had gotten excellent marks (despite Lily's Acceptable in History of Magic) and the others' grades were good as well. And so their first year at Hogwarts came to a close much sooner than expected.

In the summer, Miss Hanson was more than happy to see them and was very impressed and proud about how much they'd furthered in their musical abilities over the school year. Ron continued to take Lily to and from her lessons and sometimes another family member would tag along such her parents, cousins, or brothers. She remembered the first time this happened and Albus and James had decided to come. For some reason, she was very nervous even though she knew she shouldn't have been. By the end of her lesson though, James had merrily skipped over like a frilly schoolgirl and pulled her into a deep embrace. Albus, deciding to give people a more dignified image of him, simply walked over and patted both her and Colin on the back.

Another birthday came and went and, once more, they were on the Hogwarts Express. Their second year was similar to their first one but with less confusion. James had gotten his first girlfriend (Lily wasn't surprised it took so long), Abigail Louise, around Halloween. However, they broke it off around Christmas, parting as friends. Albus continued on his Potions streak, much to Professor Slughorn's delight ("You should've seen the man's face when I concocted a potion today. He looked like he was going to have a happiness induced stroke.") And soon, Lily's second year had passed by like the first.


Told you they'd pass in a blur. I'll be doing a little skimming over third year too but not like this and then we'll be entering fourth and fifth! Two years passed in a chapter, wow! It wasn't even the 1,000 words ones! I'm kinda proud of myself. I thought it'd turn out worse but I guess this was an okay way to tie two years together smoothly. What did you guys think? Constructive criticism and honesty please!

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