Flirty Mccree x shy reader

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So, Cal is going to hate me for saying this, but I'm kind of excited to write this because Cal's true accent is a southern accent just like Mccree's. All though he's embarrassed of it, I think it makes him a living cowboy... although he certainly sucks at aiming with Mccree. But that's alright. Sorry I've been holding off on requests, I've still got a ton to post from other websites like Quotev and fanfiction ect. So they're adding up, so if it seems like it's taking a while for me to write yours, I'm busy writing another's. Anyway this is flirty Mccree x shy reader, requested by... Dietnukacola. Please enjoy and thanks for the request!

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*
(Sorry if it's short, I'm quite tired lol...)

"Hey darlin'." Said Mccree, his accent heavy in your ears.

"M.. Mccree, I told you... it's (Y..Y/N)." You said flustered. A huge blush spread itself across your features, seemingly everytime he had called you Darling.

He walked towards your still frame, placing a hand around your waist and staring into your deep (E/C) eyes. The more he stared at them, the more he began to lose himself in them... slowly forgetting his original intentions.

As for you, you just stood there. You were frozen and stiff, fully unprepared for his sudden bold actions. Your pulse increased to a dangerous speed, you felt as if he could hear every thump... every breath... every movement that you made. Wether it was to shift positions, or simply breath... you felt as if Mccree knew it all.

The room you were in, quiet and dark. The brown colored walls, seemingly closing in on you. The puny light illuminating the room, flickered on and off due to the loud thunder storm raging just outside the windows. Lightning cracking outside... the loud whip of the wind, against the freely flowing trees. And the big booms of thunder that had occured periodically every few minutes, sending shivers up and down your spine.

You lost yourself within the moment; overtaken by the loud noises heard from outside, and the disorientating position you were in currently. But you were quickly awoken by a pair of chapped lips, consuming your own. Your eyes widened... your (H/C) hair falling in front of your face, causing you to become all the more flustered... but hey, at least it'd be harder to see your flushed face this way.

Moments passed, and neither of you came up for air. It had taken you a while to fully comprehend that your life long crush was currently pouring his heart out to you, and... kissing you. But once you came to this realization, you slowly melted your way into the kiss.

You loved every aspect of him... whether it was the way his prickly stubble, tickled your chin... or his entrancing coffee brown eyes, that held so much passion and love within them. No matter what it was, you couldn't hold back anymore. You didn't care whether your face was red or not, you didn't care if your hair was a greasy mess, all you cared about was the love of your life in front of you.

You slowly snaked your gentle hands around his neck deepening the kiss. A moan escaping your lips as he licked your bottom lip, and with this he quickly took the opportunity to explore your mouth. He poked and prodded at your tounge and gums, and at this point you dare not think about the shade of red your face must be.

But all good things must come to an end... no?

Slowly parting for air, you kept your hands around his neck and his your waist. You weren't gasping for air, but more just taking in slow deep breaths, in an attempt to calm your heart rate.

But that wasn't the "end" end; more of a brief break, as you two began start the kiss all over again.

About twenty minutes had passed, and you two were lying on the cold ground; with Mccree wrapping his arms around your small frame, keeping you warm and comfortable on the cold wooden floor. You on the hand, just stayed motionless, your face as bright as a tomato, and your heart rate through the roof. But how could you pass up the opportunity to cuddle with your lover?

And with that, he slowly brought his mouth to your ear and seductively whispered into it... " Your beautiful when ya blush." This of course, caused you to become some how more flustered as his hot breath breathed across your own skin. Shivers made there way up and down your spine but you didn't mind. All you did, was lean in closer to the cowboy; resting your head on his chest. He brought his hand up to your head and patted you like a master would to his dog; this caused you to completely push yourself against his built frame... and purr into his warm chest, sending vibrations throughout his whole body.

"I love ya (Y/N)... ya know that?" He said, no hint if hesitation clouding his voice.

"I love you to Jesse." You replied, a small and sincere smile placed on your sweet face. For you finally found someone who brought out the best in you.

You kissed his stubbly cheek, and slowly drifted off into a dreamy sleep; feeling safe in your lovers arms.

There wasn't much of a story line here, but a lot of fluff.

I umm... I write in fluff mostly, it's what I feel I'm most effective at. I'm sorry if your don't like the style.

Anyway, good night and till next time!

-Nef chan~

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