Solider: 76 x reader

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Hey, I know I've posted one of these already... and yes, I do have other requests at the moment, but I really want to write some tragedy, and what better to do that then with the solider himself. The next one should be Flirty Mccree x shy reader I believe. And... thank you for all the support for Caland. He read it and almost cried. You've all helped him so much... he's back home now, and is resting currently but still tries to come online and play Ow with me and his friends.

But for now, here's the next chappie!

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


There you were, prancing through the fields of dead bodies that littered the ground, painting the gorgeous green grass, a crimson red. Fear, still imprinted on the cut faces of your enemies. No... you did not show any Mercy to anyone. You were a killer, a murderer whom relished in the suffering of those around you.

Speaking of which, an elderly man, made his way over to you, practically crawling at the ground with one hand while the other held his rib cage that had a bloodied gash slicing it's way down the flesh. His short coffee haid, matted and littered with specs of ruby blood, some his own... some his fallen comrades. His face... built and strong, that of a warrior whom has undoubtedly seen many battles. Wounds and deep gashes ran up and down his built frame, bullet holes drilled all throughout his legs and pelvic area.

Oh how you enjoyed watching him crawl his way to you, blood leaking from his body with every movement and struggle to survive. The screams and yelps of pain that would occasionally escape his cut mouth. And you stood there, towering over him with a sadistic grin plastered on your face. Your maniacal features deepening in passion every moment he called out for help. And oh... you'd have your fun alright.
Hours had passed since the massacre, and a certain solider made his way through the dead bodies, littering the ground. Stepping over thousands of brutally harmed bodies. The once flourishing grass, now painted crimson... and underneath the layer of entrancing blood, there lyed no longer healthy grass, but brown and dead strips of memories if the previous backround.

Tears rolled down his scarred and battle worn face as he looked over the massacre. But he forced himself to walk on, to avenge those who died today, who died to your bloodied hands.
It was now the next day, and Solider had caught up to you quite quickly, by sprinting the way there mostly. And there you were, smiling coyly and humming to yourself and you skipped through the vegetated forest you had inhabited. Oh and how he observed you from your hiding place... a grin definetly plastered on his usually furrowed face and features. I've got you in my sights he screamed as if it was some sort of war cry. His visor slipped off his head as his sprinted right at your suprised frame. And he shot you down... but made sure to keep you alive enough to question you.

As he made his way back through the feild of bodies, he noticed a similar feature... they were all killed by knives. All though upon closer inspection, he managed to get a good glimpse and a solider with brown hair... and his features, mangled and deformed. His eyes looked as if someone drew huge eyelashes on them... but instead they were carved with a knife, and his mouth carved in the form of a smile, blood smeared itself across his cheeks, but the smile was all to unbearable to look at anymore.
Once he made it back to the base fully, you were put into the bottom floor of the Overwatch vacinity... and we're strapped down to a metal chair with your hands tied down to the arm rests. You were the new prisoner, and they planned to interrogate you until you gave in to the pain. This included daily torture, and the person in charge of your punishments was Solider himself. But instead of him exacting his revenge on you like he had planned, something else happened... he began to fall for you.

Like fire and ice, you two were polar opposites... but managed to attract eachother more then any other before this. You began to look forward to your daily visits, torture or not... He'd make it worth your while.

But one day he happened to ask... "Why do you enjoy killing people...?"

You of course answered... un aware that the other agents could hear you.

"Blood... I love the color."

He frowned slightly.. was that the only reason you killed people? Because you like the color if their blood? Well, so be it... He'd accept you either way.

And when all the agents left to go discuss what to do with you... he always stayed.

"(Y/N)... I fear how long we can keep this up. He mumbled between even breath.

"How ever long we need to babe." You replied, putting your hand on the back of his head to deepen the kiss you two were currently doing. He nipped at your neck, and the bottom of your lip only to receive an approving moan to escape your lips.
Later that day...

"Were done with her and I think it's better to kill her now." Said Dv.a, thinking about what the next move would be. After a long conversation, everyone agreed and went in search of Solider: 76 to complete the task.

Of course, he did not agree at first... but then decided to deceive them and help her escape.
So that night, Solider payed a visit to (Y/N) and told her of his elaborate plan to break her out... but for the first time in years her humanity peaked it's way through, as she realized the terrible effect it'd have on her lover.

And that night.. Solider had began to cut her chains and break her free... and after he had done that he was pulled into a long and roughly passionate kiss... and then..-

Blood platterd across his face as he looked down at your smiling figure. You still had that same crazy smile, but no eyes to back it up with. A bloody line drawn across your lips with ease, creating a make shift grin that became drowned in your crimson blood.

And Solider could only stand still and hold your dead frame as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"(Y/N)... dear dear (Y/N)...... wait for me." He said as he picked up the same bloodied knife and brought it his own mouth... carving a smile into it just like yours, as he layed down next to you, crying out from the pain... and quickly slitting his throat.

Later that day, the other agents found you, resting in his arms... next to eachother. With bloody smiles carved into both of your dead features.

Ye that came out a little dark at the end... but whatever... sorry if ur not into tragedy.

Till next time

-Nef chan~

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