Genji x Reader (lime)

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-Lime warning-


Hands on skin. The light trail of butterfly touches burning fiery patterns down the sides of his bare back. Shoulder blades tense and knotted; abs constricted and toes curled downwards, digging sharply into the plush red material of her couch.

He bites down mercilessly on his tongue, ignoring the faint coppery taste swirling about his nostrils.

Gods be damned was she incredible with her hands. If he didn't know better he'd accuse her of purposefully trying to elicit some sort of hardly-work-appropriate response out of him. It's times like these Genji is quite glad he's missing certain aspects of his former self - no more unfortunate boners at least.

Either way, this was necessary. Every week or two he'd have a session similar to this. Although not always does it involve magical hands trailing up the taut muscles of his upper back; at least 40% of the time his physical therapy sessions included some sort of stretching exercise and the use of 5 pound weights. He wouldn't complain about those days, he knew he required them to increase the efficiency of his remaining biological body. Still though, having a woman feel him up is not something to sneeze at - ever since the incident with Hanzo he's found himself lacking in the female partner department.


His breath caught in his throat. So distracted by that mouth watering circular pattern she'd trace along his neck he apparently missed her moving closer.

Her red tinged glossy lips slightly parted. Hot breath caressing the shell of his ear in a teasing manner. She was so damn close he could practically feel the soft skin of her mouth curled upright in a knowing smirk.

He had to suppress a groan at the mental picture of their proximity.

"I can't quite reach from this angle... would you mind if I just sat on your lower back - you know the area that's plated?

He didn't have to look at her to know the glint of amusement most certainly shining in her eyes at that moment.

"Do whatever you find necessary." He replied, attempting to keep the anxious shake from his voice.

Without another word her touch disappeared and he found himself left utterly cold. That is at least before she sat perched in the valley of his plated back, legs placed beside his torso on either side of him and hands gripping gently on the defined muscles of his shoulder blades in a bracing manner.

'Fuck' It didn't register originally that she had been wearing that office standard, white clinical skirt until now. Maybe he shouldn't have let her straddle him, it's getting harder and harder to suppress the shivers threatening to betray the calm facade he wore.

"If only we had time..." He swore he heard her murmur. His heart clenched as he fought the overwhelming urge to suffocate himself on the soft plush of the couch. Only him. Only he would say something so embarrassing outloud. FUCK! What happened to that smooth talking, play-boy he used to be. Surely he hadn't gotten that rusty?


'Did she say what I thought she said?' He thought to himself, heart once again skipping a beat. She couldn't possibly be interested in -

His thought pattern was interrupted as the soft pads of her fingertips swirled about his back. Gently kneading into a particularly sensitive area of the left shoulder he found himself unable to suppress the wanting moan he released. Her hands stopped their prodding momentarily as the sound escaped his lips, he practically died of embarrassment. Cheeks most certainly plum-like, he almost let out an audible sigh at the lack of contact. That was until he felt her lay down on him; perky breasts barely separated from his back by a thin white strip of clothing and what he could only assume was her bra. His heart threatening to leap out of his throat, he tensed and kept utterly still, held similarly like prey in the piercing gaze of its predator.

Without warning he felt a pair of soft, damp lips press themselves on to the base of his neck.

He almost choked in surprise.

Trailing upwards in a ghost-like touch, so soft he had half a mind to believe it wasn't actually happening. Her fiery lips found the conjuncture of his shoulder muscle to his neck and she placed delicious kisses up and down that area. Her pillow soft thighs resting on either side of him, stomach flat against his plated back, soft hair strewn across his shoulders - god they must be a sight right now.

He couldn't stop himself this time when a lustful groan escaped his treasonous lips at the feeling of her teeth slightly grazing him. Fervourently kissing his pulse on the underside of his jaw, she methodically sucked and nibbled at the over-sensitive skin. Massaging it with her wet tongue only to nip and suck again, certainly hard enough to leave a mark. Her left hand knotting itself tightly in the inky roots of hair, the other traveling needily down his exposed skin, nails dragging lightly leaving red scorch marks in their wake. She moaned against his pulse, completely enraptured in his taste. He brought his hand up to reach around his back and grip her plush ass in an attempt to release some of the pent of sexual tension he accumulated throughout this entire session. Gods did his body feel on fire.

She began to grind against him in an attempt to relieve the pulsing ache and warm pit forming at the bottom of her stomach.

So caught up in their antics, it took several seconds for either of them to register the incessant beeping of her alarm set to mark the end of the physical therapy sitting.

She had another client coming, due to show up within the next 5 minutes. Fuck.

Letting out a sigh of disappointment, she leaned forward slightly to place a tentative kiss on his exposed cheek and reminded him that his next appointment was set for a week from now.

"Don't be late."


*Hides in a corner with knife drawn* Don't kill me! I know it's been ages since I uploaded. I must admit, I hadn't been planning on writing another chapter but I'm in quarantine so I figured it couldn't hurt. This is very different from what I typically write if you haven't noticed - I did give you guys a lime warning at the beginning. Hope you all enjoyed ya little perverts. Huehue


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