Hanzo x reader

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Hiya. I have a ton of drafts, and my lazy butt doesn't wanna get off over Overwatch and actually write, especially not since the seasons gonna end soon and I'm so close to masters, but I figured I owe this to her.

Shout out to Derpybubbles2
This is their request and I can't wait to write it! :)

Also, this is also has song inserts of "Play our little game"
By Benny. It's an awesome song!   Check it out please, and check out Derpy! They're an amazing writer.

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*

"Introducing, Hanzo Shimada and Genji Shimada." Said an unseen voice.

'Today's the day...' You thought to yourself.

For today you would choose a husband.

For centuries the Shimada clan and the (L/N) clan have been at war. An assasin would be sent to murder the Shimada clan's leader's second hand, while they'd send a spy to seek out the ancient secrets long hidden in the (L/N)'s clan's history.
But tonight, that'd all end.

With marriage comes alliance, with alliance comes strength. And that's what it's all about... strength and power.

And you'd be the connector for them all. Your family, their family, the future sits in your hands..

*Don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to live?
Don't you think it's funny how we're all delinquent kids?*

Your deep thoughts were interrupted though by a simple greeting from the one you believe was called Hanzo.

He was young and angry looking. Very high cheekbones, and dull black hair that cascaded down his back and shoulders. A scowl burned into his features and a sense of superiority found its way onto his lips.

He took one step towards you, gently took your hand, and placed a delicate kiss upon your fingers.

Politely stepping back, he allowed genji to introduce himself next.

From behind the curtain a much younger and lighthearted boy stepped through. His hair.. an abnoxious carrot top green, and his mouth upturned in a smile. His features were much more soft, but no less striking.

"Yo." He said in a heavy japanese accent.

Unlike his brother though, he wasn't so formal. He merely walked up to you and wrapped his arm over your shoulders.
Pulling you closer he whispered in your ear... "Don't pick Hanzo, he's a real downer."

A smirk played its way onto his lips as be backed away and found his place right next to Hanzo.

Once again the unseen voice began to speak.

"Take your pick, (Y/N) of the (L/N) clan."

You didn't like either of the cocky brothers one bit, but you would not dishonor your family...

It took a few minutes as you studied both of the brothers, each one of them equally unique and equally cocky.

"Hanzo." You said, after a good 4 minutes.

A cheeky smile found its way to the archers lips, as the renown playboy lowered his head in defeat.

Whyd you choose Hanzo? Honestly, it's because you found him more attractive, and much less likely to cheat on you.

So that night, you and Hanzo wed under the cherry blossom trees, and your new future as Mrs. Shimada... began.

Days passed and you haven't seen your husband. It's been a week since the marriage and as far as you know, he's been busy with all the responsibilities of a clan leaders eldest son. Not to mention trying to learn the customs of your clan, which is required of anyone who would wish to marry into the family.

Today was different though. The Shimada clan leader called you down to his quarters about an hour after lunch.

"(Y/N), please, come sit."
He motioned you over to the pillow that rested in front of him.

You gingerly walked over and sat down, doing your best to keep a calm and cool look on your face.

The leader of the Shimada clan was an old man..
Maybe in his mid 60's. He had chocolate colored hair with grey roots, small eyes, and 5 o'clock shadow.

"I want a grandson." He said.

Your eyes went wide. You just met the man a week ago, and you were barely 17. None the less, he expects you to have a child with him? Yeah right!

You opened your mouth in protest but he held up his hand to silence you.

"Hanzo is waiting upstairs in your room, you will see to him now."

*You're raising suicidals with your predetermined titles
Like "a mess", "distressed", "I am unimpressed", "you're excess",
"a dress is all you'll ever be".*

And without another word, two guards came up behind you, grabbed you by the arms and escorted you out and upstairs.

They stood outside the doors the the room, and casually waited for you to walk in.

You begrudgingly slid open the ancient japanese door, and was greeted with a shirtless Hanzo, lying on your bed.

'Dear god.' You thought to yourself.

The guards pushed you in a little further, and closed the door.

Hanzo slowly got up from the bed and made his way over to you. You involuntarily began to back up as he approached. He held you against the wall and slowly brought his hand to your cheek. Leaning forward he placed a gentle kiss upon your soft lips. His hands wrapped around your back side and began to fumble around for ribbon that held your kimono together.

*Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a word
Throw on a jersey and no one gets hurt
Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your eyes
Play our little game, play our little game*

Nope! You lifted your foot slowly, he didn't seem to notice, and brought it crashing down on his exposed toes.

His eyes shot open, and he immidiatly bent down to grab his foot.

You had to get out of here.

You looked around frantically, there has to be a place to escape. Your eyes found their way to a windowsill, and before you knew what you were doing, you began to step through it.

'That's about a 20 foot drop...'

You looked back to the bed, and then Hanzo.


In one great leap of faith, you jumped through the window and plummeted down down down into a bush. Quickly recovering, you ran as fast as you could down the winding paths of the Shimada gardens, making your way slowly to a near by village.

Unfortunately for Hanzo... by the time he recovered, you were already long gone.

"Crap! This is gonna be a long talk with dad..." He said sadly.


It's now been eleven years since you left the Shimada clan and dishonored your family. You thought you could marry for your clan and unite your people, but you had never expected to not even get the chance to fall in love first... you couldn't do it, dishonored or not.

Things have changed though. You've become a different person.

Out there.. in the wilderness... without protection or weapons or money, you had to do some very drastic things to merely survive.

From your head to your neck you were human, but down further... you had a silver plating making up your right torso and arm. Your right leg was partially metal, and you had artificial discs running through your spine.

Over the last few years you've gotten injuries, each one more untreatable than the last...

With your katana strapped to your back, you headed off on your next mission.

You heard rumors of an archer attacking Hanamura... your old home. You swore you'd never return there, but the bounty was on his head was so large, you didn't care.

Home... you said, as you approached the great gate that separated the Shimada clan, from the rest of Japan.

You heard a crackle of the leaves as someone or something began to move... peering through a large window to the left of the gate, you saw the oh so famous archer. All you could see from here was a pointy black bun, and the arrow tips that peaked out through his quiver.

One by one he dropped bodies of the agents that worked here.. slowly making his way further and further through this oh so familiar territory.

You followed him under the cover of the shadows, in the quickly darkening sky.

Just as he approached the old training room where him and his brother held so many memories, you struck.

Leaping from the shadows, you latched onto his back and pulled him down. The unsuspecting archer had no counter attack... for he was taken by surprise. Drawing your katana, you held it to his throat and pressed into his neck. All was going so well.. until you recognized that familiar scowl.

"Hanzo...?" You said, completely taken aback.

It took him a second to recognize you under your mask, but he'd never forget that voice.

"What're you doing here." He asked.

"There's a bounty on your head."

"I see..."

"So are do you plan on bringing me in?" He said nonchalantly.

You stared at him cold and hard. Slowly removing your blade from his neck, you crept backwards a bit, but still held him down.

You motioned for him to speak, and tell you what happened. And so he did.

He started with the fight he had with his father, to killing his brother, the fall of the clan's, finding his brother again, and despite all that, he still comes here every year to pay respects to his family.

For the Hanzo you met that day so many years ago was gone... this man new only loneliness, and since that was partially your fault, you made sure you'd fix that.

You spent the next few months living here.. in Hanamura, catching up with Hanzo on life.

You told him about your scars and how you grew with each one... how you've spent the last few years alone as well, living in the run every day.

*We feign opulence just to get by
Put on false confidence just to feel alive
They can't hurt me anymore
There's nothing left to break of me
There's nothing left to take from me*

Turns out, you two have quite a lot in common

Another month went by and you two were growing closer and closer with each passing day.

One night, you sat awake, gazing at the stars under the cherry blossom trees. The same place you had gotten married.

You closed your eyes and took in the scent of the newly blossomed buds, and the crisp wind that caressed your body. You were so distracted, you hardly noticed a strange figure walk up next to you.

Hanzo sat down and faced you directly. You both had come a long way and he thought to himself.. if he had taken the time to get to know you the first go round, maybe none of this would've ever had to happen. Maybe his brother would still be human..

You sat up and stared into his chocolate colored eyes.. losing yourself within their sparkle and gleam. And this time.. when he leaned in to kiss you, you didn't fight back.


The end! Hope you enjoyed it. :)

-Nef Chan

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