Soldier: 76 x Reader

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SO! I'm working on like 4 parts at once, but the thing is... tomorrow is my mother's birthday, and she loves Soldier: 76. I just drew her some fanart of and 76, and this is my last present for her. But, I figured I'd post it for others to enjoy!


"Hey, how're things going by you? Is Hana behaving?"

"Everything's fine hun. Well, she won't get off the stupid computer but I guess it's alright... she's paying our bills with her salary so I don't completely mind. We miss you! When are you coming home?"

"Looks like it's going to be a while. I got new orders. I'm leading the front line tomorrow against the omnics..."

"What... but you were supposed to come home in a few days... and you're supposed to let Reinhardt and Winston handle the front line!! Why are they putting you out there.."

"I know I promised I'd be home but I can't sweetie... they need me out there, the fewer omnics, the better."

"You've been gone for 5 years Jack! You're family misses you! Hana barely knows who you are... dont you care about your family?"

"You have no idea how much I love you both... I-"

-"Times up Jack, give the phone to someone else! We all got families waiting"

"I'm sorry (Y/N) I gotta go. I love you both so much, I'll call you when I get the chance. Wish me luck!"

"Yeah... good luck, please don't get killed out there Jack.."

"Mommy, who're you talking to?" Said the dorito covered 8 year old.

"No one hun, I'll go make dinner okay?"



The sky turned into a swirling mass of smoke and gunpowder. Filled with the sound of gunshots, screams of generals, and the overwhelming stench of death.

Reinhardt lead the attack against the omnics, along with Soldier: 76, and a  million men following behind.

Reinhardt let out a long and deafening battle cry, and charged forward. His back lit up, crimson in fire as he flew forward crashing into dozens of omnics along the way.

And with that, the war began.

Soldier sprinted towards the battle straight into the front ranks of the omnics. Taking his pulse rifle off his back, he too, joined the fight.

He took down about 40 omnics before he began to tire, his back line was beginning to fall due to the sheer numbers of the omnics that surrounded them. Reinhardt had taken quite a beating, his breath was ragged and tired, and his swings more careless and uneffevtive. Till finally, he too fell.

Soldier now became more frantic in his actions, only about 300 of his men still fought. And there was still over 6000 omnics surrounding him and his fellow soldiers. The leader of the omnics, who initially lead the attack, pointed at Jack and whispered something to his leutenant.

The army broke in two, one half surrounded the remaining soldiers, and the other half surrounded Jack.

"Hands up, drop the gun" Said the leader.

Jack, obviously outnumbered, complied.


"Hello? Jack?" You said as you answered the phone.

"I'm general Reyes, I'm calling you on Jacks behalf, (Y/N) is it?"

"Yes.. that's me"

"Jack and around a million of our soldiers went out on the front line a few days ago. We got surrounded and lost more then 95 percent of our soldiers. I got reports from several men that Jack had been taken by the enemy. We have search parties out looking for him. I'm very sorry this happened."


"He might be dead already... we hope that's not the case though!"

You simply hung up the phone.

"Hana, I'm gonna be heading out for a month or so, I'm gonna send you over Lena's house okay? They'll take care of you till I come back."

"Kay mom"

And with that, you began for the long journey ahead of you.

You went downstairs and found your old army outfit.

'Hmm, still fits. Nice!'


"Hey Jesse, I need your help quickly."

"Howdy, yeh, watcha need darlin'?"

"Teach me how to fight."

"Uhh.. what?"

So you explained to him what happened, and he gave you his aplogises about the incident, and agreed to help you.

*2 weeks later*

So two weeks went by, and you set off to find Jack yourself.


You came upon the battlefield where Jack got captured. Corpses littered the ground. The stench of blood and rot filled your nostrils and made you gag.

You were able to trace what happened pretty accurately, and came upon a charred spot on the ground. 'Helix rockets'

You found a cylinder of something yellowish looking. Opening it up, you realized it was Jacks biotic field medicine.

So you quickly scanned the ground and found a pair of human footprints surrounded by what looked like a 1000 or two omnics.

The tracks led you to what looked like 40 tents and over 3000 omnics.

You sat back against a tree, and decided to wait till dark to find Jack.


Night fall hit, and you took up this opportunity to strike. You went towards the outer ring of tents and tried to hear anything that might lead you to Jack.

You didn't wind up finding him until you got towards the center of the camp. And low and behold, you were able to hear the low grunts of the Soldier, as he fought against his instincts and tried to find some sort of peace tonight.

You entered the tent gingerly, and tapped jack lightly on his leg.

"... (Y/N)? What in the world are you doing here!?" He demanded

You put your finger to your lips and told him to shush.

Taking one of the knives you hid within your sleeve, you cut him free, collected his clothes, and started to lead him out.

You managed to make it to the entrance of the camp without being seen, and right before you were about to step into the cover of trees, you looked behind you, only to see one lone guard pointing your way.


He set out an alarm and sooner rather then later, there were over 700 omnics in your wake.

You ran as fast as your legs could take you, not slowing, not thinking, just running. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, taking away the protests of your muscles being forced to sprint so far...

Finally, you threw jack down, behind a tree, unstrapped the m16 on your back, and began to rip through the ranks.

Omnic after omnic fell, some required more shots then others, but in mere minutes, you managed to bring their numbers from 700 to 300.

One of the generals charged you, he managed to dodge 3 of your shots and right before he got close enough to grab your gun, you lifted up your foot, and kicked him straight in the face.

He fell without another word.

You looked down at him, and saw his gun... it was Jacks rifle. You quickly threw Jack your m16, picked up his rifle, and sent a barrage of helix rockets at another cluster of charging omnics.

With now under 100 left. Those who remained retreated back to the camps, fearful of what would happen if they stayed.

You picked up your m16, handed jack his rifle, and at a much slower pace, jogged back to your military camp.

General Reyes was giving orders to a pair of newcomers when you arrived.

And with a completely baffled look, he welcomed you and Jack and brought you both inside the camp.

And so, you two told the story of how you rescued him, and he shared all the knowledge he was able to aquire in his 2 months of being there.

"That's unbelievable... Miss (Y/N), how would you like to work for us? We could offer you a top position here, with full benefits and a good pay."

"I'll pass."

You and Jack exchanged quick and knowing looks.

"And I'll be taking Jack back with me, permanently this time."

"But... what.. you can't- Jack can't just!"

"Oh yes I can."

And that was the end of it.
You too walked home together that night, and the next morning, you looked next to you in bed, and smiled at the sight of a sleeping Soldier: 76.

The next few months were hell, trying to have Hana adjust to having a father around was hard enough, but a strick one was gonna be almost impossible, but you'd all work through it. Somehow...


The end!! What'd you guys think?? :) It's almost like a continuation of my last Soldier x reader, but not really, lol. Same characters, same setup, different world.

Hope you all enjoyed!! Night!

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