How he kisses you *part 1*

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Listen guys, it's been a week since my last post, I know that I have a ton of requests... this is crazy guys, I might have to close requests for a while.
Anyway, I think this would be a good thing to help me get back into writing. On one of my other websites I've gotten alot of requests asking for a Reaper x reader part 2. That's very suprising to me. Well, I might do that next, and after that is a Mccree x reader and maybe a Widowmaker x reader after that. Thanks for the support loves. :)

Shout out to Cosmoblaze who helped me through some of the drama concerning this fanfiction. If anyone likes Inuyasha and or Bleach I recommend checking out his amazing fanfiction. Love ya Cosy <3

Anyway, let's do this, I've been reading alot of these lately, figured it'd be a nice change. ;) Here we go.

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


Genji: Genji, is extremely self concious about his body. But sometimes, without warning... his inner play boy peaks it's way out.

Bringing his hand to your soft and delicate cheek, he smiled coyly before tracing circles along the structure of your cheek bones. Slow tingly sensations washed over you as you stayed completely still, enjoying the rare and touchy action which was so unlike the Genji you knew. He slightly opened he's mask, only to reveal his scarred lips. Hesitant at first he quietly whispered your name questioningly.


You slightly managed to nod your head, still keeping with the silent and seductive mood that had been heavily set in the atmosphere.
He slowly and seriously grazed your creamy lips with his own, the feeling of his lips against yours was crazy and breathtakingly scrambling. Your mind and heart were going a million miles a minute. Not knowing what was happening around you, you let you instincts take over.

Working into the kiss, you rapped you arms around his neck and increased the intensity. Wanting... no craving him, and he you.

*Let your imagination do the rest. ;)*
Junkrat: Grabbing your face forcefully, he poked your nose and laughed as you cringed from it.

"Jamiee get off!!!" You yelled, trying to push his fiery figure away from your frame. But oh, this just fueled him even more. He grabbed the side of your face, and swiftly... licked you?

Yes that's right, the crazy Australian had licked you from your chin all the way to your nostrils. Black specs littered your mouth, stuck there by his saliva. He chuckled and you stood there dumb founded, a huge blush painted on your face. Before you could scold him, he ran off , undoubtedly leaving a few traps behind him just incase you tried to follow.
Roadhog: Roadhog, was a very sadistic person, but when it came down to it... you knew he was quite sensitive. You looked up at him and asked him curiously-

"Why do you where that mask."

Taken aback by your question he laughed quite loudly and deeply. He bounced up and down, from the deep laugh causing his big stomach to move up and down, in a curios manner.

Despite his sadistic and crazy temper, you've always felt some sort of connection between you to. You delicately placed a hand on his mask, causing him to back up a bit. Frowning you told him to trust you. It was quite difficult but he finely gave in. Instead of removing the mask, you went up to your tippy toes and placed a small kiss on the side of his face.

"(Y/N), you don't like bacon do you...?" You chuckled and reassured him that you honestly didn't eat bacon... 'atleast not when he's around.'
Reaper: A rough hand moved up to your cheek, grasping it carelessly, not paying attention to the blood he drew from you delicate cheeks by pressing the sharp part of his gloves to your bare skin. A sadistic smile, undoubtedly plastered on his stern and battle worn face.

He swiftly and forcefully pulled you into a deep and lustful kiss. An unfortunate moan escaped you mouth, causing him to grin. Towards the last few seconds of your breath taking kiss, he trailed kisses down your neck and licked your collarbone before biting down hard. He drew a bit of blood, but you didn't mind, he only made you yelp out in pain for a few seconds. Kissing the same part in which he bit, he walked away into the shadows once more.


Reinhardt: Reinhardt had always treated you as if you were a princess; and to him you were.

You had been walked side by side with the massive man known as Reinhardt. You two had just gotten out of a mission. Your team had won easily, to be honest in your mind the battle was unfair. The other teams composition was way to un-balanced to be able to accomplish much besides just being annoying. Once the game had ended, you walked back with your lovely protector.

"Thanks, for having my back out there."

He glanced over to you, causing a small blush to spread across your face. Your thoughts were interrupted by a pair of strong hands entangling your own. Looking down in suprise and embarrassment you asked him what was wrong. But in return all you got was your reinhardt, leaning on one knee. Slowly bending downwards as he placed he strong and firm lips onto the top of your hand.

"Anytime milady." He said before standing up and returning to walking, leaving a blushing you to be dragged by him.
Guys I'm tired lol. I'll continue this tomorrow, sorry for posting late, I've been quite busy. Again, I realize I have requests, I just need to get back into the mindset of writing. If you guys would like, depending on the feedback, I'll do a girl version. This was just a quick something to do while my schedule calmed down.
Cya ;)

-Nef chan

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