How he kisses you *part 2*

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Hey guys, here's part 2.

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


Zenyatta: Zenyatta really doesn't kiss you at all. But there are those few occasions where he's just to overwhelmed to hold back.

There you were, lying down on the moist grass, littered with the morning dew. Sunlight gently kissed your face as you sat against and old oak tree, taking in the warm breath of summer. Closing your eyes, you brought your legs straight in front of you, and became one with the nature surrounding you. Listening... listening to the rustles of the leaves, slowly falling to the earth below. The birds singing their little song way up in the trees. The wuush of the wind caressing your delicate porcelain cheeks, blowing the branches above you, creating a whistle in the heavens.

There was a disturbance in the bushes around you. Slowly opening your eyes, you were greeted with the site of your teacher, perching himself beside you.

You got up from your position and sat in front of him joyously.

"Thank you master... for opening my eyes to the world around me. It is truly a wonderful site."

He looked at you, before he relaxed his position leaning forward, placing a small kiss upon your forehead.

"What is a teacher without a great student." He said quietly and monotone, looking into your deep (E/C) eyes he refocused on meditation... leaving you with a small but sincere blush painted on your face.

Torbjorn: Torbjorn was quite old, but he had always been a bit attracted to your cute and beautiful frame.

There he was, casually walking down the stairs from his room, planning to take a quick trip to the bathroom. But before he made it there, he was greeted with the site of you slowly exiting your room, you were still in your pajama's. You were busy rubbing your eyes still trying to get the sleep to seep out of them. Glancing up, you saw the teams grandpa, rocking a white tanktop and bright red boxers.

"Umm gramps?" You said, taken aback by his attire. But oh, he was just to overwhelmed by your cute and small person that not until you had spoken that he noticed his own attire.

He peered down with a big goofy grin on his face, only to be followed up by a drunken grin and a read blushing face.

"S..sorry pumpkin! Didn't realize!" He started, quite a bit taken aback by his mistake. You only laughed it off and smiled goofily in return. That had did it for him; he walked up to you and had to stand on his tippy toes to reach, but he managed to place a small kiss on your cheek.

"Go back to bed ya l'il rascal." He said before walking around you, leaving you dumbfounded that gramps had just kissed your cheek. Whether he was old or not, there was just something funny about him in your eyes.

Hanzo: Hanzo was quite shy, and focused on his training; but lately he's been getting side tracked by a certain little girl that he found absolutely adorable.

So there you were, trying to balance 10 dumplings on your head, just barely not exploding from giggles. DV.a, Lucio, and Tracer were all cheering your name loudly. As you placed the final dumpling on your crown, you accidently bounced up in excitement of the accomplishment, causing all of them to fall in front of your face. You leaned back, taken away by uncontrollable laughter, followed up by your friends. Oblivious to the archer, staring your way with a small smile plastered on his stern face.

About 4 hours had passed since you had seen your Hanzo, whom you would never let your friends in on the fact that you totally were crushing on him. A devious smile played its way onto your face as you made your to the training area where he undoubtedly was.

Once you made your way there, you were greeted by the archer whom was off practicing, but taking a closer look at his body, you almost fell to the ground as you peered at his glistening sweat covered frame. As he pulled back to release the next arrow, you got an amazing look at the muscles he was owning. You swore, you would feel a little drool slip down your face.

Before your next move, you were interrupted by Hanzo's disappearance. Drastically moving your head in every direction possible, you were dumbfounded... where did he go....!?

A rough and sturdy hand made its way to your shoulder, causing you to jump slightly until you figured out who it was... Hanzo. You turned around, greeting him smiling. But that was it, before you could do anymore, you were greeted by the taste of his smooth lips upon your own. Your eyes shot out widely until they fluttered closed once more, overwhelmed by him.

But little did you know in Hanzo's mind, all he was thinking was. 'THANK GOD SHE DIDN'T PULL AWAY."

Mccree: Mccree was quite the toucher. All you wanted to do was hang on the oh so comfy sofa, in the middle of the living room... but no... that was impossible with Mccree around.

You sat there; enjoying the smooth fabric that comforted your sore skin, looking over you heard the noise of spurs rocking across the floor. Peeking an eye open, you were greeted with a cowboy hat covering being placed on your half open eyes.

"Sup Jesse."

"Hey Darlin'"

He said before he joined you on the couch, wrapping his rough hands around your small waist. Turning around, you grinned at him playfully wrapping your legs around his waist, only earning a quick surprised glance from him.

He placed his huge hand on your cheek, making you a little uneasy, but none the less excited. A slowly and questioningly leaned in, tickling your face with his unkempt beard. After a few moments your lips collided. They began to work in a slow but heavy rythem, allowing you to taste, feel eachother better then any quick peck on the lips ever allowed.

Bastion: Bastion is obviously a robot, so it's quite difficult for him to show great affection and passions when it's due. But just by simple body language, he can do so much, show so much.

You had been walking through a beautiful flower garden, outside the base. It was littered with all as sorts of types, ranging from small daisies, to huge orchards stretching to 4 or so feet into the sky. A gorgeous pavement, sat under your feet, as you curiously admired the scenary around you. This tranquil feeling was swiftly interrupted by the sound of mechanical footsteps coming increasingly more vigorous. But you were not scared, for you knew who it was. Turning around quickly, you saw a big robot begin to close in on you. A smile consumed your bright features as you welcomed him into your sanctuary.

He looked at you tilting his head slightly before giving an understanding nod of his head. Your grin widened as he approached you, before you took his big metal hand into your own two. You played with the cool metal, creating his frame, addicted to the shivers it sent up your spine everytime you touched your body to his frigid one.

But yet in such a cold shell, rested a warm spirited soul, a gentle one... whom has connected more with the world around him then most humans.

He beeped slightly, before leaning his head on your own. You didn't flinch one bit, but instead reciprocated the affection. For the longest while, you two stood there, taking in each others presence.
*Yes, the leaning head thing is Bastions version of a kiss ;)*

Winston: Winston being a very professional ape and all, didn't pay much attention to affections from others. He had figured, no human in their right mind would feel any sort of love towards his being. With that said, some calculations can't estimate the unusual. That being yourself.

You had always felt close to the ape, not in a physical way of course... but just his voice... the way he spoke... his kindest overall. This was the key to your love for the massive beast.

Today, you had planned a special visit to the ape. Of course he didn't know, so there he was... working away in his lab with no worries, until yourself had popped out from behind his desk causing him to spoke very easily, almost dropping the pink florescent liquid he was holding.

"Ugh... (Y/N)! Please don't do that." He said after he recovered from his recent scare.

All you did was smirk and walk up to him quite confident.

"Hehehe, ok Winston." You replied before you placed a small hand on his cheek. A warm smile took over his scowl, and his placed his own hand unknowingly upon yours. Before you got any further, he slowly kissed your nose and shewed you off so he could finish his work. Staring blankly ahead, you complied to the action and began to exit. A bright blush fluttered it's way to your cheeks and as you tried to comprehend what had happened... failing of course.

Solider: 76: Solider: 76, also known as the team dad, had been known to take it easy on you, when everyone else received a pride shattering scolding.

So there you were, sitting next to 76 at breakfast, you had always been a slow eater, and we'll 76... he had finished first, but didn't move. For he was researching some more outbreaks revolving around a black cloaked and hooded figure.

By this point in time, everyone had left and once again you were the last one left eating.

The atmosphere was quiet, and surpressing. Without realizing it, you had begun to hum a quick tune, not even aware of the effect it was having on 76. A few minutes had gone by, and you still had not stopped singing your little song.

"Stop!" Yelled Solided. A scowl menacingly plastered on his face, mostly covered by his mask.

You shot up, immidiatly suprised by the tone he had used that snapped you right out of your dazy state of mind. A small smirk played it's way to your face as you continued this action, only to anger him further. As soon as you continued, he sat straight up out of his chair, and marched his way over to you. Roughly grabbing your cheeks, he removed his mssk, only to reveal his war beaten features, that currently wore a pretty big frown.

You partially scared, looked at him seriously, until your playful side peeked it's way through again. You brought your finger up and swiftly placed it on his... nose.

"Boop." You said playfully.

His grip loosened a bit, and he leaned in harshly, crashing his rough lips onto your own, making you yelp in suprise. Eyes widened in shock, you finally comprehended what was happening and accepted the hungry kiss, graciously.

For he maybe rough and rude, you just couldn't pass up this rare opportunity.

Lucio: You had fallen for Lucio the moment you heard his sound track.

"Hey Luciii!!" You yelled from across the hall, very extatic to show him the new head phones you had just purchased.

A quick flash of green flew in front of you, and in that same moment... you were greeted by the music lover himself. You showed him your new headphones proudly. As he took them from you to inspect them, his soft hand grazed the side of yours, causing a small blush to form on your face. He was astonished by the quality of them, going on about them different types and music quality's of each pair.

All the blabbering stopped as you mumbled something quickly about how you bought them so you could listen to his music better.

He smiled sweetly and your comment and quickly kissed your cheek, causing a huge blush to form on your face as you brought your hand to where he had kissed you.

He laughed quickly and patted your back.

"Ya really are somethin' (Y/N), ya know that?" He said teasingly.

*Well guys, that was much longer then expected lmao. Hope you guys like it, it was very timely to right, cause I had to type 3/4 th's of it off of my phone lmao. Till next time! Oh, requests are closed for now. I have like 15 still... xD Cyaaaa!*

-Nef chan :3

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