Junkrat x reader

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Heya guys! So I'm once again gonna try and get back into writing. Thank you all for your support! <3 Hopefully "Panic at the Disco" Is good writing music. xD

Anyways, this is a fluffy Junkrat x reader requested by... @Emerald0803. 

Hope you all enjoy! 

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


"TODAY'S THE DAY!!!" You screamed as you shot out of bed.

The sun made its way through your shades, blinding you for a few seconds, but you didn't mind. You loved the sun. It brought life to everyone, and it brought the most life to you. You had always felt some sort of connection to the ol' hydrogen ball. Sometimes, you'd purposely forget the science behind its existence, and fantasize about it being some sort of living ball of flame. 

Ever since you were a child... it was your dream to fly to the moon! Now pushing onto 18 years old, maybe you could make that dream come true. Today was the day of your apprenticeship to the notorious Jamison Fawkes, but most people new him as Junkrat. Despite you and him being opposites, he was the only one in the town that could help you with your studies!

'Well enough time thinking! I've gotta get ready!!!" You said.

Running into your bathroom, you jammed the toothbrush in your mouth and began to scrub vigorously, getting any left over crap from your last junk food spree. 

You ran your fingers through your soft (H/C) hair, untangling a few strands that had mixed up together. You never really had to do much with your hair, but you still always ran a quick brush through it, getting out any tangles that might be left over. 

Grabbing this cute off white fluffy sweater, you ran to your closet, trying to pick out what youd wear on ur bottom half while putting on your sweater at the same time. After a few minutes of hard hard thinking, you decided on a short black skirt, and black leggings that fit under it. 

Slipping on some glossy eyeliner, and bright blood red lipstick, you hurried out the door. Of course, this was until you came running back in with equal enthusiasm, slipped on your shoes, and ran out once more.


"Mr Jamison! Mr Jamison sir!" You called out, waving your hands at the short aussie and his rather large friend.

"'Ello sheila, can I help you?"

"Yep!' You said, nodding your head ecstatically.

"Im here to apprentice to you sir, (Y/N)! Pleasure to meet 'cha!"

"Trainin' starts now. Follow me." He said rather bluntly, still you followed the fiery figure.

He brought you into what looked like a warehouse of some sort. There were tools, and blue prints lining the walls... some of the tools you'd only heard rumors about; this was your utopia 

"Aight Hog, go grab some grub, Imma train sheila here for ah bit."


The lunatic waved you over with a single hand. You complied, and followed him over to the table he was setting up at. 

"We're gonna build a simple bomb. Aight?" He said, his accent absorbing his words.


A glint of some sort came to your eyes, and your pupils dilated and reflected the incoming sunlight from the roof. You were stunning; The aussie sure noticed this.

Quickly snapping out of your daze, you readjusted your eyes and looked eagerly at your teacher, who had been in a bit of a mesmerizing state.

"'Ur a pretty sheila aint 'cha?" He said.

A small blush came to your face and you smiled happily.


"No pro'lem."

That day, you two worked for hours together, occasionally taking breaks every hour or so, and sitting down and talking about your personal lives. 

He explained to you how he met Hog, and how hes always been there for him ever since they've met. Inseparable friends. 

Strangely, at first... you took him for a malicious evil man. But your soon realizing, that despite him being those things, he also has some amazing qualities to him. 

Hes sweet, enthusiastic, has a sense of humor... sorta. And hes quite cute. 

It was hitting around twilight, and Hog returned with a stuffed belly and a few crumbs plastered to his mask.

"Oi Hog, ya've been gone for so long, where were ya'?"

*Grunt... food... grunt*

"Bring me back any eh?"

The only thing he got after that statement was a long and drawn out burp from the Roadhog.

"Guessing no." Jamie said, tears making there way into his eyes."

"I haven't eaten all day, and ya go out and pig out huh? 'Ah see how it is!" 

A quick quiver of the lip and a few more fake sniffles, and Junkrat finally gave up realizing his friend wouldn't fall for it.

"Well, see ya tomorrow sheila! Have a good night!" Yelled the small man, as you were walking away from the messy warehouse. 

A few more weeks of your apprenticeship to him went by quickly, until you were finally ready to go out on your own jobs.

The last day you had with him was a stormy and dark day. Sun hidden behind the clouds and trees, your own radiance for once wasn't able to light up everyone's faces... because just like them, you were miserable.

I mean sure, you were happy about being done, and being considered professional now... but still; you'd miss your time with 'em.

"Sheila, really enjoyed my time with 'cha, come and visit soon sheila!."

"Of course I will." You said softly as tears made there ways down your reddened cheeks. 

Not sure what you could do, you simply walked up to him and gave him a long soft hug. Jamie was taken off guard at first, but soon warmed up to it and hugged back tightly.


Its been two years now, and you never did see him again... of course you wanted to but everything with work had been so overwhelming, you never got the chance to visit him again. 

Recently though, you were given an invitation to a vigilante group called Overwatch which had disbanded after the omnic crisis... and you had no idea who'd be waiting for you when you went there. ;)  


*The end! I hope you all enjoyed, have a happy Christmas and a great new years. :)

~Nef Chan

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