Reaper x Reader

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Omg guys guess what!!! I'm not dead! I know right? Hard to believe. But I'm back and ready to right some more heart breaking and hilarious works for you guys. 

This was requested by... Firegirlx48

Thanks for the request, and this isn't just any old Reaper x reader... Its Reaper x crazy reader. ;) Lets get to it. 

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


"MMMMMMMM-ORNING BOO!" You yelled, as you sat energetically out of bed. 

Your flawless and gorgeous (H/C) hair flopped down, as you ran your hands through it. Tounge half peaking out of your mouth, you jumped out of bed and ran towards the showers. 

"Hey sweetheart!!!!" You said, as you intruded on your intimidating boyfriends shower. 

"(Y/N)! Get out!" 

"But boo! I came to wish you a good morning!!!" You said, wrinkling your nose in defiance.

"(Y/N)..." He said, his deep and deadly voice becoming even more threatening and menacing. 

What did you do? Ya popped up that finger in the middle of your hand. Like hell he'd control you. And what you did next? Any normal person wouldn't dare, but lets be honest... what normal person would date a Reaper?

Before he could reprimand you for your distasteful body language, you took his robes and mask from the counter top and popped them on. 

"Death walks among youuuu!!!" You said, in your deepest voice.

And Reaper? His eyes turned cold... he'd get you back later for that; for now, best he finishes his shower. 


Later that day, you two were assigned a mission to bring in an ex gang member by the name of Jesse Mccree. And that so happened to be the same man whom Reyes had worked with in Blackwatch.

'Little bastard left me... we could've done it without me losing my body with him on our side, but he left us... like hell I'll bring him back alive.'

But what part did you play in it? Like any other gorgeous women, you were the bait. 

Jesse would be doing his weekly gun cleanups and checks today. What better time to strike when he's weaponless?

Tonight you'd be dressed in a very open and flashy black and shiny skirt that hugged at your thighs, along with an open white tank top that cut off just at your belly button. Your hair was put up in one long and majestic braid, that sat atop your creamy and flawlessly shaped shoulders. The final touch? Whether you needed them or not... what better to top it all off with then a big pair of glasses. 

"(Y/N) WAIT!" Screamed Reaper as you started to run out the door on your way to the cowboy's.

"Yes boo?" 

"Your shoes..." He said, a bit of that... "Are you kidding me?" tone prominent in his voice. 

"Oh." You said dumbly.

And take two:

There you were, gorgeous as could be, not to mention a very expensive pare of laced up high heeled black boots that went up to just about you knees. 

'She's crazy but her body is unbeatable...' Thought Reaper as he watched you run down the dimly lit streets. 

"Whoops, almost forgot!" You said, as you approached the cowboy. 

Rummaging through your purse you pulled out an ebony blade and stuck it in your boot. Before you returned to running, you went back into your purse and pulled out a similar dagger... a few inches smaller; and stuck it in your bra.

'If he gets too hands-on, he's in for a nasty surprise.'

Now, you set yourself up against a fence post that rested right outside the little shop the target was in. And there he was, looking back inside to give a little tip of his hat, he re-positioned himself forward and began to exit.

"Oh, what we got 'ere li'l lady."

"Just enjoying the beautiful twilight."

"That ain't the only beauty out 'ere tonight it seems." 

"Aww.." You said, a sincere blush coming to your cheeks from the compliment.

"Mind if I join ya?" 

"'Course ya can, but I have this rule... only people that hug me can sit with me." You said, a devilish smirk coming to your cheeks.

"As ya wish, Mi'lady" He said, as he approached you holding his hands out for a hug.

You took it graciously, but before he had the chance to realize what was happening, there was already an ebony knife sinking deep into his skin. A scarlet fluid ran down his chest and covered your arms in the sticky fluid. 

Jumping up excitedly, you turned to one of the bushes to your right and just as you thought.. a shadow slowly emerged.

"Did I do it right boo???" You asked, excitement and content lit up your face as you held up the bleeding man. 

"Yes, now lets go." He said, as you two disappeared into the night.


"Good job tonight (Y/N)." Said Reaper, as he began to take off the rest of his gear. 

"Anything for you boo." You said, giggling to yourself.

"Did you see the blood? It was so pretty." A murderous and primitive glare struck your features, as you laughed to yourself re-imagining the death scene over and over and over again.

"My little monster, bed time." He said, slowing sliding himself under the covers.

A mischievous grin spread across your face as you crouched down, and then popped up onto the ex commander.


"(Y/N)..." He muttered out in a slightly annoyed tone

Although that menacing mood was soon interrupted as you smacked your lips against his roughly. He had no hesitation of course. Kissing back immediately, he kissed from your jawline to your neck leaving little bit marks up and down your cold skin. 

Shivers ran up and down your body as you pushed yourself onto him, smothering him more then humanly possible.

Pulling you two close, you both engaged in a slow and passionate kiss for a few minutes. Every so often taking breaths in between each moan that escaped your lips.

But before he could continue, you were already fast asleep in his arms.

"G'night baby..." He whispered, in quite a soothing and loving voice.


Yay! Done!

So, I'm finally back. Schools just so crazy now-a-days. But I will try to get back into writing for you guys. 

Have a good day, and yes... the kiss scene at the end was hot. I know! :3

Nef Chan~   

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