Reaper x reader

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Hahaha, the requests are blowing up and surprisingly a lot of you wanted to see a Roadhog x reader. Hahaha, Ill have to read his lore at some point so I can provide you with something at least a little accurate. But at the moment, I need some ventilation and what better to do that with then my Reaper. <3 Enjoy all my Reaper fangirls!!! ^^

*Disclaimer: I don't own Overwatch or its characters.*


"Hey ma, can we stop off at the museum please!!!" You whined.

"Anything for you  birth day girl." She said with a warm smile spread across her features.

Ahh, the museum held some of your fondest memories. The memories you shared with you family. But its also where you met your role model... Gabriel Reyes. Strike commander and leader of black watch, completely ruthless but off the battle field you were left wondering how he was as a lover?

You remembered a while back on your daily trip to the museum, you happened catch a glimpse of him, and oh boy... he was handsomer in person. You remembered walking up to him, saying hello with the biggest blush spreading onto your face... but that was years ago. You were 35 now, and the once childish dreams you held slowly vanished. 

There was a large and loud bang at you door. 


Swiftly pulling the door open, you were surprised to see no one there...

'But I swore I heard something.'

Turning around, you began to walk back into the kitchen... that was until a large smokey hand reached its way to you and wrapped itself around your mouth. Your screams muffled, concealed by the strange aparation that seemed to be invading your household.

Kicking, biting, scratching for the being to release, you were surprised to find it listened to your pleads. Dropping to the ground trying to catch your breath you stared up at the strange creature.

"Who are you...?" You asked, summoning up all the courage and defiance you had left in your puny little body. 

The creature didn't reply, he merely stared at you. Glowing red eyes looking into your soul, a bone mask instilling fear into your body, and the black cloak hiding its body, this thing was the very essence of pain and cynicality. 

"That's none if your concern girl." He said, a voice like ice. Ripping deep into your being, seemingly tearing me up from the inside out.

"Now, you will let me stay here for as long as I require." 

"Yes sir..." Was really all you could say, with a masked murderer willing to kill you at any point he felt like. 

A few months have gone by, and the mysterious man has slowly revealed himself to be reaper. A masked terrorist, going around under the orders of a secret organization. But that was all he'd reveal, you two weren't exactly buddy buddy. But still, you felt there was more to him then what met the eye.

Often times he'd come home late at night, and be gone the next morning.  You never really felt like questioning him though. 

As time went by, you two seemingly became closer. You were sure he'd be less apt to kill you then when you two had first met. Your job required you to stay up late to work overtime, so you'd often see him come back from one of his missions. While most nights were spent quiet, you still enjoyed his company. 

One night, you had finished work early but weren't quite ready for sleep. You threw on some T.v. and sat next to the reaper himself, watching the news. All went fine, until a certain face popped up on the screen. It was a memorial television show for the supposed dead Jack Morrison. 

You've never hated anyone more then that man, he stole Reyes's job and ohhh, you would never forgive him for that. Screw it if everyone thought he was a hero, in your heart you'd never be able to feel anything but seething hatred for that man. 

Not realizing what you were doing, or who was watching you, you began to shake and mumble out a few words of hate towards the commander. 

"Him... he was not hero, Reyes was the hero...."

That specific statement seemed to catch the undead terrorists interest. 

"Reyes?" He asked, a hint of wonder prominent in his deep voice.

Turning around, staring teary eyed at the reaper in front of you. 

"The only person Ill ever love!!!!" You cried to him. 

And then something you never expected happened, he began to wrap his cold hands around your shaking figure. And surprisingly, his embrace was quite tender and warm.... despite his outer appearance.

A small blush spread across your face and you accepted his hug, graciously. Maybe... just maybe there could be someone besides Reyes. 

The morning came, and Reaper was gone yet again. 

The day went by, and you for once anxiously awaited his return, but it never came. The next day came by and you wondered where your reaper was...

Weeks had gone by, and Reaper was gone. He hadn't return since that night and you lost yet another person whom you began to love. 

"WHY!?" You screamed, falling to your knees in pain and sadness. 

'Im sorry (Y/N). But I refuse to get close to someone else ever since that day..'

'Although, Im glad I found someone who liked me for me, despite what I looked like or my actions, but for me.' Those were his last thoughts as he disappeared into the night, back on his hunt for the ex Overwatch members.


DONE! So, I made it kinda sad? Idk, basically, he didn't wanna get close to anyone ever again so he left the only women who loved him no matter what identity he took up, because the reader began to fall for Reaper and had already loved and stayed loyal to Reyes. ect. ect.

Anyways!!! Thanks for the support, almost 80,000 readers!!! ^^

Nef chan~

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