Feel The Beat!; Lucio X Deaf! Reader

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I saw the request and I'm like...





So, here's the wonderful person who requested this: @GirlOfMyWorld

I think I got the username right.

Well, without further ado, here is your request! Enjoy!~
Your POV:

Most people are blessed with their senses.

Then, there's others like me. Born with one less sense.

I can't hear.

I woke up, and yawned. 'Another day I guess...' I thought, sitting up, and stretching. I decided to get up, take a shower, brush my teeth and hair, and get dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror. 'What's the purpose of these anyways?' I thought, frowning as I rubbed my ears.

I've always wanted to listen to music...

If I could just hear one song, then i can know what it is.

I sighed, walking out of my apartment. As I walked down the bustling streets of Numbani, I noticed posters on the sides of the building advertising a Concert. I looked closer, and read the sign. 'Lúcio....?' I thought. 'Never heard of him...' I thought again.

(BA DUM TSSSS!!!!! XD okay, I need to stop.)

"...!" Someone bumped into me, causing me to fall over. "--------?" He seemed like he was speaking to me. He was holding out his hand. I grabbed it, and he helped me up. I pulled a pen and a notepad out of my pocket. I scrawled words on the paper.

"I can't hear, I'm deaf."

I showed him the paper, and he nodded. I handed him the notepad, and he wrote a message.

"Sorry about that, I should've been watching where I was going. The name's Lucio."

I read the message, and pointed to the poster raising an eyebrow. He nodded.

"Oh, I was just reading about your concert. I'm [Y/N], nice to meet you."

I wrote down a reply before showing him. I continued to write a sentence.

"I'd love to go to your concert. Is it later today?"

I wrote down. He chuckled, before I handed him the notepad.

"Yeah, it's at 3. But, why do you want to come? You're deaf, right?"

He replied, handing my notebook back to me.

"Yeah, but even so, it sounds like it'll be fun."

I wrote, smiling.

"I'm actually on my way back to the stage. We just started setting up, did you want to help?" He wrote.

I nodded in reply, and followed him to where the concert was supposed to take place. I wrote something down, and showed him.

"I've also heard rumors that your music has restorative effects when heard."

He laughed.

"It does." He wrote.


Just maybe...!

"Do you think it could temporarily cure my hearing?" I wrote.

"..." He looked like he was thinking for a few seconds, before writing a reply.

"I honestly have no idea, but it's worth a shot." He said, smiling.


After we finally finished setting things up, the concert was ready to start. At three o' clock in the afternoon, tons and tons of people flooded to the stage. Lúcio said I could 'chill' backstage, so I wouldn't have to deal with the crowd. He looked like he was talking to the crowd, and they responded with what seemed like a cheer. After a few minutes, I experienced something... odd.


I can....


Loud music filled my ears. I could finally hear! 'It worked!' I thought, jumping up and down with joy.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Another Timeskip!(TO DA END OF CONCERT!!!)~

After the concert ended, my hearing started to fade again. The crowd had cleared, as I scribbled the news down on my notepad.

"It worked!"

I showed him the notepad.

"You're kidding, right?" He looked like he was laughing as he read my message. I shook my head no, and smiled, trying not to cry.

"That's awesome, [Y/N]!! I'm so happy for you."

He wrote, handing me the notepad, and pulling me into a hug. "Thank you. I spoke, not hearing my own voice. Lúcio grabbed the notepad.

"Y'know, we should do this again! Wanna join me?" He wrote, as I smiled, and nodded. I hugged him tightly. I wrote something down.

"I love you, Lúcio."





So, I thought this request was really cool. I never would've thought of making a deaf reader x lúcio! It was so cool to write!!!

I may actually make this a separate story lmao.

Me right now:

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