Lucio x Reader (The Sound of Music)

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Out of everyone you met when you first joined this team of Overwatch agents when you first joined, Lucio was the one who made the biggest impression on you. After all, in your opinion, he had the best hobby. Sure, Mei's sciency stuff and Junkrat's explosives were cool and all, but as a lover of music, you had to go for Lucio. All in all, who wouldn't want to spend time with an artist?

At first, your enthusiasm seemed almost a just odd, but Lucio soon came to enjoy it. There weren't that many people in your little group who really fancied his music, and none of them did as much as you. Needless to say, you were always the first to hear his new songs, and even occasionally, you got to help him make new ones. You always loved getting to do that. And he always loved getting your help.

Being a music lover, you also loved to dance; and that's what you did a good majority of the time when most of the team was out on a mission. You hated the idea of someone walking in on you while you were dancing. You weren't horrible at it; you didn't look like a dying fish after all so that was a plus, but you were pretty shy about it. No one on the team knew you danced, so it surprised Lucio a bit when he caught you one day.

You were lucky enough to be left off of today's mission list and were currently in your room, listening to one of Lucio's songs and doing what you love. It just so happened that he had recently finished another song and wanted to get your opinion on it. Of course he went to check your room first, seeing as that was where you seemed to spend most of your time. When he arrived at his destination, he was a bit surprised to hear one of his older songs playing, but was happy you still enjoyed it.

Normally, he would be polite and knock, but would wouldn't hear him over the music so he opened the door slowly and stepped in. The sight that met his eyes met him smile. They you were, in all your dorky glory, back to the door dancing around to the song. Crossing his arms, he chuckled a bit and leaned against the door frame, content to watch you for a bit until either the song ended and you would be able to hear him, or until you noticed him there. The latter came first.

As you spun in time with the song, you froze seeing Lucio in the doorway and your (e/c) orbs immediately widened in shock and embarrassment, your face beginning to heat up as well. He motioned for you to just keep going but you only shook your head and paused the music, still looking pretty flustered by it all.

"That was quite the show there (Y/n)." He commented, laughing again as your face heated up more. You honestly couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic, but it didn't seem like he was. You ran a hand down your face as if was going to rid you of the burning sensation you felt. How come Lucio of all people was the one to catch you dancing around your room?

Lucio watched as you then proceeded to hide your face in your hands before finally entering your room and walking over to you. "What are you hiding for? You're a good dancer." He complimented, ruffling your hair a bit. This made you smile and after another moment or so you finally moved your hands away from your face again.

"Really? But I look like a dork when I do." You complained half heartily. And that's when Lucio surprised you. "Well, yeah. But you're my dork now." He said before pressing a kiss to your cheek. He had taken a chance seeing as he had no idea as to what you felt towards him, but was happy to see it paid off when your eyes widened again and your blush returned to your face ten-fold before you basically tackled him.

Maybe Lucio catching you prancing around your room wasn't such a bad thing after all.

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