Zenyatta x Reader (Anger Issues)

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Mornings filled with angry shouts, gun shots and the occasional explosion were always a wonderful way to start up the day. Especially when you were involved in it. Definitely the absolute best way to start off the day totally rage free. Or not.

Right now you were, well in the midst of trying to kill Lucio. The poor man had accidentally knocked your favorite mug off the counter, smashing it into pieces.  Hey, you had a right to be angry, your dad bought you that! Okay, 76 wasn't exactly your dad but he sure acted like it. Real dad or not you were very angry, and that was proven by the little scene in the kitchen.

Junkrat was typically a late sleeper, so he was pretty annoyed to be woken up this early; and he was definitely going to say something about it. Until he saw what was going on anyways. Your arms were being held behind your back by Zarya and Lucio was across the room, Reinhardt standing in front of him. Junkrat decided it would probably be best to complain about the whole ordeal later and left.

Meanwhile, you were trying very hard to struggle out of Zarya's strong grip and shouting many variations of many different insults, and a pound of curse words for good measure. You were lucky that your friends and teammates understood that you were just angry and honestly didn't mean anything by it. Oh yeah, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened.

However, this was going to be the last time that a certain cyborg listened to your little tantrum without doing something. He waited until you had calmed down enough to not attempt to murder anyone who came near you before walking over and taking you from Zarya. Both he and Hanzo were like older brothers to you, though you listened to Genji a lot more, so you calmed down a considerable bit when he grabbed you and just held your arms at your sides. It took a couple more minutes, but you were finally 'stable' again. After that he suggested that you go visit someone and the two of you left, leaving the others to finally enjoy a somewhat peaceful morning.

And that was how you had started meeting Zenyatta every so often to become... You know. Less murderous towards your teammates. And it was definitely working. After a couple months of these visits, you were most definitely a lot calmer. As far as just hanging out around the base goes. As far as battle went, well, your antics were enough to scare Reaper sometimes; though he obviously wasn't going to admit it. And Zenyatta, or Zenny as you started to call him, was very happy with your progress and with you in general. He very much enjoyed your company and how hard to tried to work through your problems. Needless to say, he came to admire you very much.

Which explains the situation you're in now. Sitting half asleep in your favorite Omnic's lap as he read a book. The two of you had been a 'thing' for about a month now. You were a bit of an odd pairing to the rest of the group, but to the two of you, your relationship made perfect sense. He brought peace into your life, and you brought some entertainment into his.

You were basically asleep but could still hear everything that was going on around you, so you perked up a bit when Zenyatta spoke. "(Y/n)?" All you could manage was a very sleepy sounding "hmm?'' followed by a groan. This caused a low hum from the Omnic, his substitution for laughter and said nothing else. Instead, he gently nudged your temple with wear his mouth would be before going back to reading. You only smiled and shifted a bit. That was his way of showing affection, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

(Sorry if this one kinda sucked; I'm REALLY new to writing fanfiction.)

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