Tracer x reader panic attack

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I just had a panic attack at a party I didn't wanna go to just yesterday.. no one was there to help me cuz I went to the bathroom to have it, panic attacks suck.. but it helps to have someone there.
Love LyricalDragon52

I didn't want this.. Lena told me we should invite everyone.. why did this happen?
I was in a corner, listening to music and quietly chatting to McCree.. as he and Lena were the only people who liked me.
Until he had to leave, then I was alone, as Lena was preparing for even more guests.
Everyone started talking together, but all right in front of me, they seemed to gradually be getting closer, my claustrophobia started freaking me out, I couldn't breath, I could but it felt like I was suffocating.
I squirmed my way past them and ran upstairs, tears in my eyes, my chest heating up, my body felt like it would shut down.
"(Y/N), where are you going?" Lena called after me.
I felt like my chest may explode, breathing too quickly and shortly, I felt like I was about to die.. I just couldn't take it, I need to just remove myself from the situation.
I closed my bedroom door behind me and started desperately trying to calm myself down, though it wasn't working, I still felt like I was going to die any second.
*knock knock*
I felt someone banging on the door, I yelped and jumped away from the door.
Lena burst inside and saw me panicking next to my bed.
"Ah fuck.. love calm down." She whispered, slowly walking towards me.
Though I could listen, I heard but it didn't register with me.
She slowly took my hand and pulled me into a hug.
"It's ok.. shh.. take deep breaths." She purred softly.
I tried to do as she said, desperately attempting to slow my breath down, it was working.. but agonisingly slow.
Though she noticed the gradual speed reduction.
"That's right.. deeeep breaths.. good.. it's ok.. relax." She purred again.
Within a few minutes I had calmed down, pulling away from her, embarrassed.
I wiped tears out of my eyes.
"Love.. come here.." she whispered, pulling me back. I whimpered quietly and she hugged me tightly.
"Don't be embarrassed.. it's ok.." she said.
I nodded, letting her know I understood.
"I'm sorry, love.."
"W-why..?" I asked.
"I shouldn't have done that to you.. inviting so many people over. I knew you didn't want it.." she mumbled. "Just didn't know it would freak you out."
"Don't.. don't apologise.." I muttered. "You.. you didn't do anything wrong..
She sighed deeply and rested her chin on my head.
"I love you (y/n).." she whispered softly into my ear.
"I.. I love you to... Lena.."

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