Tracer x stressed reader (fluffiness bois)

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Hey everyone!
Before I start this, I wanna thank you guys for 5000 views!! I didn't want to make a whole chapter bout it.. cuz I already did for 4000.
But I'm extremely grateful! I never would have thought anyone would think my work is good.. let alone thousands..
Thank you.

Sitting by your desk, your sweaty palm started shaking lightly, your fingers aching as they tapped the computer's keyboard. You glanced at your clock.
12:30 a.m.
You sighed and grumbled, and turned around and continued writing out your presentation for work tomorrow.
"Ya still working on that thing, Love?" You heard from behind you, making you jump slightly.
"Uhh.. y-yeah.." you mumbled, looking at Lena.
"You should take a break.. you seem kind of stressed.." she rubbed your shoulder.
"What makes you say that..?" You asked quietly.
"Body language, Love.. your tapping the desk, which you do when you get stressed or anxious.. and your breathing is kind of slow, meaning you're tired." She wrapped her arms around your neck.
"Yeah.. I guess so.." you sighed.
"Want some more coffee..?" She asked. You could feel her breath on the nape of your neck, sending a light tingle down your spine.
"Sure. That would be great.. thanks.." you mumbled as she left the room.
You kept typing away, you were sure you would need new keys for your keyboard at this point.
"Here you are, my Love.." Lena whispered into your ear a few minutes later, placing a mug of coffee next to you.
"Thank you.." you sighed, taking a sip of it.. a little too hot, but great none the less.
"Tell ya what?" She said, turning your swivel chair around to face her.
"W-what..?" You whispered, blushing lightly as she sat down on your lap.
"When you're done there, we'll watch a movie..?"
"Sure.. sounds great.. you wanna pick something to watch.. I only have a bit left here." You mumbled.
"On it.." she kissed your forehead, getting up.

Within about half an hour, you were finished. You sighed as you shut off your computer.
You started dressing for bed, and looked over to your bed, to find Lena lying in it, looking over at you.
"Ready Love..?" She asked, you responded with a nod of your head.
She pulled the covers off partially, inviting you over.
You crawled into the bed and cuddled up next to her, she wrapped an arm around you as the two of you held each other close.
She picked up the TV remote and started the film.
You sank into the feeling of warmth, you reached across Lena's stomach and grabbed her other hand.
She looked down at you, as you brought her hand to your face and kissed it, then interlaced your fingers with hers.
She blushed and giggled.
Kissing the top of your head, you felt her warm breath weaving its way through your (h/d) hair.
You shut your eyes as she began running her fingers through your hair, so you could feel her soft skin against your scalp better.
"I love you.." you muttered shyly, looking up at her.
"I love you too.." she giggled, using a hand to lift your chin up and kissed you, her soft lips pressing against yours.
You felt your cheeks heating up as she gently rubbed her thumb against your cheek, making your hairs stand on end.
You rested your head against her shoulder, sinking into the bed, you wrapped your arm around her waist and hugged her.
"Want to get some sleep, Love?" She asked, to which you nodded. She turned off the TV and lay down, pulling you against her body.
You gently pressed you head against her shoulder and shut your eyes as she softly rubbed your arm, then wrapped it around you as you both drifted off to a deep slumber.

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