Tracer x Sick Reader

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Good to be back bitches.
I know I do a fuck ton of angst, and we all love angst..
But how bout some sickness fluff!

You sniffed, you sniffed again.
Your eyes started watering as your body readied to sneeze, which happened.
The noise could have shook the house to the floor.
Coughing and spluttering, you tried to drink the glass of water in your hand, failing, the water spilled over the floor as you sneezed again and shook violently.
"Fuck.." you grumbled, grabbing a cloth and mopping up the spilt fluids.

"Love?! You ok?" Lena knocked on the door.
"I'm.. I'm fine.." you mumbled, your blocked sinuses giving you an odd sound to your voice.
Lena opened the door and poked her head in, her spiky hair flopping slightly to one side.
"God, Love.." she sighed, seeing you in your broken state. "C'mere.." she pulled you up and wrapped her arms around you.
"No.." you tried to push her away. "I'll make you sick, Lena.."
"Ok ok.. come with me then.." she tugged your hand, leading you into your bedroom.
Your throat hurt, a lot.
"Put this on.." she tossed you your dressing gown. You obeyed and slid into the soft fabric.
Lena pulled the covers off, you lay down in your bed, your head aching.
You pulled the blankets up to your chin and Lena brushed her hand through your messy hair, giving you a sympathetic smile.
"Back in a minute.." she muttered, leaving the room.
You sneezed again, so hard that it hurt.
Trying to move into a more comfortable position, you back stung and you stopped, gasping quietly at the ache.
Lena came back into the room a few minutes later with a mug in hand, she placed it on the table next to you, you took it and took a loud sip from it.
"Ow" you thought to yourself, it was.. very hot.
You put it back down and coughed, your throat feeling like it was just ripped in two.

Lena pulled the blankets back and crawled into the bed with you, wrapping her arms around you again.
"N-nooo..." you moaned.
"You're gonna get sick.."
"Shh.." she purred, pecking your chapped lips quickly.
You grumbled and tried to push her away, she just grinned at your feeble attempts and hugged you closer.
You eventually gave in, and submitted to the affection.
She giggled as you smiled up at her, kissing your cheek.
She pulled you tight against her body and brushed her hand along your back.
You lay your head against her shoulder as your eyes fluttered.
Trying to stay awake, you shifted to the other side, facing away from Lena.
This was met with Lena spooning you kissing you softly on the back of the neck.
Your attempts to restrain yourself from sleep failed as you slowly drifted off to a deep slumber.

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