Tracer x socially awkward reader part 3

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"Would you like to come with me to train?" Lena asked you. "For real this time."
"Um..y-yeah.. sure.." you replied. You have never worked out or trained before in your life.. the guys you fought to save the old lady.. are just really weak. So you were nervous.
"Great! Let's go, Love!" She cried happily and tugged you by the arm. When you reached the training ground Lena handed you a pistol. You took it and nearly dropped it, you didn't expect it to be so heavy. You were shaking with nervousness. You had never held a firearm before.
"Uhh.." you blanked. Lena giggled.
"76 asked me to start your training. You still have no fighting experience.. apart from the idiots.. so I think we will start with this" she said.
"S-shouldn't we start.. with y'know.. hand to hand or something? I.." you stammered nervously.
"Mmm... nope.. you will be fine.." Lena giggled.
You were gently pushed onto the training grounds with a bunch of dummy robots. You looked back at Lena, terrified.
"Don't be scared, Love. You're safe I promise." She reassured, walking over to you with a pistol, the same as your own. She showed you how to fire properly with a standard pistol and then let you train with the dummies while she watched your progress. After about an hour she pressed a button, deactivating the dummies and blinked over to you. She noticed you were sweating profusely and were panting.
"Looking good there, love!" She giggled.
You blushed and said "whatever.." jokingly.
"You are doing very well... nice work out there." She smiled.
God dammit that smile was way too cute.
You blushed.
"R-really..? Cause I thought I did shit.." you said with a goofy smile on your face. This made Lena laugh, making you blush harder.
"Oh my god.. you are too cute!" She laughed. You stopped laughing with her and blushed harder than you ever have before.
"Did she just call you cute? What the fuck?" You said to yourself. She noticed your nervousness and giggled while hugging you.
"I..I'm not.. c-cute.." you muttered.
"Ha! Yes you are! You totally are.." she rubbed your arm.
You giggled nervously.
"Calm down (y/n)!" You screamed in your head.
"So, wanna get some lunch with me?" She asked.
"Is..t-tha-" you started.
"A date?" She finished your sentence while grinning. "Oh, I don't know." She giggled.
You tried very hard to not hyperventilate.
"Uh.. o-o...ok.." you stammered nervously.
She smiled and took your hand, you both walked out of the training arena.
"L-Lena?" You muttered.
"I have a q-question.." you asked. "P-please don't hate me for asking this." Not freaking out was completely out the window now, you were ridiculously nervous.
"What's that, love?" She asked.
"D..d-do... you.." You stammered, petrified of what may come next. She opened her mouth to speak and you shut your eyes, bracing for her answer.
"Yeah!" She cried.
Your heart skipped a beat, the world slowed down and time froze.
"Did.. she just say yes..?" You asked yourself. "YES!! FUCK YES!!!" You felt immensely happy.
"I made it so obvious.." she giggled.
You couldn't stop grinning.
"I.. I uhh like you to' you said.
"Really!" She cried, hugging you.
"J.. just.. um.. w-why?" You asked, rubbing the back of your neck.
She chuckled.
"You.. are possibly the cutest dam thing on this planet." She flirted, leaning against the wall, looking you in the eyes.
"W..wha..?" You stammered.
"Aaaand.. you are very funny, nice.. kind as well." She enjoyed watching you get so nervous, she thought it was cute.
Now you were hyperventilating.
"You ok?" She laughed.
You nodded.
"Why would you think those things about me? I.. I'm.. just.." you mumbled. "I'm..none of those things.."
she kissed you on the cheek.
"Yes you are.. you're all of those things.. you will realise that soon." She whispered, closing the gap between your two faces slowly. You got very nervous.
"Uhh." You started.
"Sh.." she interrupted.
Then she kissed you. Pushing you back against the wall. Your eyes were very wide from shock, embarrassment and nervousness. Lena started moving her hand up and down across the back of your head.
You eventually started doing the same as her. You never felt better. You wanted this feeling to last forever. You moaned quietly and shut your eyes. Then she stopped, but didn't move away, she stayed about an inch from your face.
"Pretty good.." she giggled. You were left in shock. You just started giggling. You couldn't believe what just happened.
"T..thanks!" You cried, making Lena laugh hard. She hugged you.
"See what I mean? You're funny (y/n).." she whispered into your ear.
She chuckled and took your hand, leading you to the cafe. You were still slightly in shock though.

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