Genji x reader with personality disorder part 3

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When you a Genji arrived at Zenyatta's home, you were feeling very on edge. You felt guilty for seeing Genji as one of your monsters. Genji noticed your anxiousness and hugged you.
"It's going to be ok. Relax, Zenyatta will help you." He said.
You nodded while fighting back tears. Genji rang the doorbell and soon Zenyatta opened the door.
"Greetings, Genji and (Y/N).. what a pleasant surprise." Zenyatta said.
"Greetings master, this is not the time for catching up unfortunately.. (Y/N) is having some problems but I do not know how to help him/her." Genji started, stepping inside with you behind him. "I feel you are her/his last hope at solving this."
"Oh, and what would be the problem (Y/N)?" Zenyatta asked.
"Um.. I, I see.. these monsters.. they are really horrible but.. no one else can see them." You mumbled.
"It's something in her/his head." Genji stated.
Zenyatta nodded and said "I see, (Y/N) would you like to come with me?"
You looked up at genji nervously
"It's alright, go with him.l genji said.

Zenyatta took you into a room, it was an odd room. It had candles, was fairly bright and smelt calming..
"Please, take a seat." Zenyatta gestured towards a cushion on the floor. You sat down and Zenyatta sat in a cushion opposite you.
"So tell me (y/n), what do these monsters look like?" Asked Zenyatta.
"Um.. they are short.. black, spiky. They have huge glowing red eyes and a huge mouth with sharp teeth. They laugh a lot, to eachother for torturing me.. or at me" you answered nervously.
"I see.. and what do they do?" He continued asking.
"Uhh.. they.. when I'm alone, they show up and laugh at me, call me names and tell me no one will ever like me.. they continuously say degrading stuff to me.. stuff like that when I'm with people they will usually show up in the corners of the room or something and nudge eachother laughing at me." You sighed.
"Ok.. it seems you are very afraid.." Zenyatta stated.
"What..?" You blurted, taken aback.
"Yes indeed.. these monsters laughing at you, you seem be terrified of your friends, family and peers judging you.. you see, monsters actually showing up to people is quite uncommon but when it does happen.. it is usually a manifestation of an ones fears or anger.. things like that." The omnic explained. "To me it seems.. if these monsters are constantly laughing at you, it would only make sense that you are afraid of people judging you or laughing at you."
You looked down at your feet.
"Would I be correct?" He asked.
"I guess.." you mumbled.
"Ok.. for now, I am busy today so I must cut us short unfortunately. But I may be free tomorrow." He said.
"Ok.. thank you Zenyatta.." you muttered.
"Your welcome (y/n).." he replied.
Zenyatta took you out of the room back to Genji.
"Are you ok? How did it go?" He asked you, looking worried.
"(Y/n) seems to be struggling with inner demons, though I'd say you guessed that already. Judging from these monsters laughing and judging him/her, I think (y/n) is afraid of being judged by her/his peers and friends. Though that's all the time I have for today, you are free to stop by tomorrow if you'd like." Explained Zenyatta.
"Ok.. yes I think we will come tomorrow." Genji said looking at you as you stared at the floor. "Thank you master."
"Not a problem, Genji. See you both tomorrow."
"Bye.." you mumbled.

"(Y/n) are you alright?" Genji asked.
You shrugged. Genji stopped you from walking and hugged you tightly.
"It's ok.. you don't need to be afraid of that." He said.
Tears started building in the corners of your eyes.
"You won't be judged by me.. I promise.. I won't laugh at you.." he purred.
"I'm sorry.." you whimpered.
"For what?" Genji asked.
"S-seeing you.. as one of the monsters.." you mumbled. Genji sighed and hugged you.
"No apology needed.. it's not your fault."
You cried into his chest and he hugged you tighter.
"Shh.. it's ok.. relax.." he soothed.
"God dammit.." you mumbled.
"What's wrong?"
"You are too fuckin amazing.." you mumbled, half chuckling half crying.
"I..I love you.." genji sighed. You blushed and bit your lip.
"I love you to."
Genji held your hand and you walked home.

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