Young Mercy x young female reader (Hatsune Miku)

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You sighed deeply. Looking up at the rest of the party you fought the tears back. Everyone was enjoying themselves.. why couldn't you. You just wanted to leave. You looked back down at your notepad and continued drawing. It was a picture of a girl running to the top of a hill with a drop off at the end. You bit your lip and tried desperately not to cry.
"Hello there, you are (Y/N) right?" You heard in front of you. You looked up slowly, cautiously. You saw a woman with blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes looking down at you with a smile. "Those eyes are pretty.." you thought to yourself.
"Um.. y-yeah.. I'm.. (y/n).." you mumbled and looked down at your notebook.
"It's lovely to meet you (y/n).. I'm Angela." You noticed her accent. You liked it.
She was.. really pretty..
"Stop it.. she'd never like you.. you're an ugly fucking bitch. No one will ever want you so stop dreaming about it." You heard a voice scream in your head. But you couldn't stop dreaming.
"Um.. nice to uhh.. meet you to.." you replied. You scratched at your head in attempt to stop your thoughts from racing.
"What the fuck are you doing? You look like an idiot, stop scratching yourself.." you heard another voice in your head.
You stopped scratching and looked down.
"Are you alright?" Angela asked you. "You look a bit ill.."
"I uhh.. *cough cough* I'm fine.." you muttered. You were losing control of your tears. You hid your face as tears started dripping down your face.
"Why the fuck are you so weird? She thinks you're a freak!" The voices kept screaming.
"What's wrong?" Angela asked, sitting down next to you. "It's alright, relax." She rubbed your shoulder.
"I.. I'm sorry. I should go.." you mumbled and stood up, walking out of the house. You hid your face from everyone as you walked. When you got outside you ran to the side of the house and cried.
"Why.. why am I so weird?" You whimpered to yourself. "What the fuck is wrong with me.."
"Hey, what's going on?" Angela looked at you. She followed you out.
"What's the problem..? It's alright. Take deep breaths." Angela said.
"No problem.." you muttered.
"Yes there is a problem.. you are clearly very upset." Angela took your hand. You blushed heavily and snapped it back automatically.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that.." Angela said.
You shook your head.
"No.. its not you.. it's.." you whined. Then you turned your back.
"Get out of here.. get the fuck out of here!" You heard the voices again.
"Shut up!" You muttered under your breath and scratched your head.
"What?" Angela asked.
"Oh..n-nothing." You mumbled.
"You're beginning to make me nervous, please tell me what's wrong." Angela persisted. "I promise it's ok to tell me. I'll keep it a secret."
"Run.. RUN!" The voices screamed. You looked over Angela's shoulder to see your mom in her car, ready to pick you up and you received a text from here telling you she was outside.
"I, uhh.. gotta go.. that's.. my mom." You muttered. "S-sorry.."
"Wait!" Angela called but you ran into the car.
"See, that's what you get for going to parties! What the fuck did we say?" The voices said.
"I know.. it was a mistake." You replied in your head.
"Hey Hun.. how did it go?" Your mom asked.
"Oh, fine." You replied.
"Make any friends?"
"N-no.." you sighed.
"Oh.. why not..?" Your mom looked at you.
"Didn't want to talk to anyone.. I said that I went there to see if I would.. but I didn't.." you shrugged, wanting the topic to end.
"Ok.. anyway, work was pretty good. I told you my friend Mary had her daughter Angela go to this party as well right? Your eyes widened instantaneously when you heard the name.
Is.. is that the same Angela I just saw? I mean.. it was an Overwatch get together of sorts.. oh fuck..
Your mom's talking eventually blacked out and you couldn't hear her.
You were lost in your thoughts, thinking about Angela, god she was beautiful. You couldn't stop thinking about those eyes, they were just stunning.
"Stop that.. she wouldn't fucking like you, there's no point. Just stop thinking about her." The voices demanded. You obeyed and tried to think about something else. The fear came into your mind, you were terrified of what Angela thought. She probably thought you were some freak, like everyone.

When you got home, you rushed up to your room, changed into your pyjamas and took your notepad. You stared at your picture for nearly five minutes straight. How you wished to be that girl, jumping off the cliff.. relieved of the pain. You closed the notebook and went to bed.

When you woke up, you checked your clock, it was a quarter past two in the afternoon. You crawled out of bed and put on your dressing gown. You walked downstairs and saw your mom on the couch.
"Morning." You grumbled.
You noticed two other people on the couch with her.
"Good morning sleepy head! It's about time you woke up!" Your mom chuckled. "I want you to meet Mary! My friend from work! And her daughter Angela." She gestured towards the two other people.
"Hi Mary.. hel-" you started to greet them but stopped when you looked at Angela. That was the Angela from last night. You froze and stared at her. She stared back at you, both of your shocked.
"Sorry about that, she's probably still a bit" your mom chuckled nervously and made a gesture towards her head, indicating you were fucking insane or something. That made you angry.
"Oh, thanks! Real nice!" You barked and stomped back upstairs.
"(Y/N)! Get back here young lady!" Your mom called, annoyed.
You ignored her. You shut your bedroom door and lay on your bed.
"Oh fuck.. of fuckfuckfuckfuck.." you thought to yourself. "Why is she here?? She's gonna say something to my mom isn't she? Nononono.." you heard a knock on your door.
"What!" You demanded.
"Can I come in?" It wasn't your mom, you recognised the voice as Angela's.
"N-no.. I'm.. g-getting changed." You stammered nervously and started changing.
"Ok.. I'll wait.." she said.
"Fuuuuuuck.." you said to yourself as you put on a black hoodie with black jeans.
You opened the door once you were decent.
"H...hi.." you croaked nervously.
You expected her to be annoyed at you for last night but she looked worried.
"Hey.. can I come in now?" She asked.
"Uhhh.. sure.." you muttered.
"So.. are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" She asked.
"Um.. i, im sorry for last night.. it was rude of.. m-me to-" you started.
You were interrupted by Angela saying.
"Hey, it's ok.. I was just worried. You don't need to apologise.. I could tell you were nervous." She soothed. "Just tell me what's wrong so I know you're ok..
"Um.." you started.
"Don't you fucking say anything!" The voices growled in your head.
You couldn't take it anymore. You broke down crying and hid your face. Angela hugged you.
"Shh.. it's ok.. calm down.. it's ok. Relax.. you're gonna be ok." She purred.
"I.. want.." you whimpered.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"To... d...d-die.." you muttered quietly. Angela froze when you said this. You cringed at what was going to happen next.
"W..why..?" She asked you.
"I.. have no one.. I'm alone.. I want someone.. but I have no one who gives two shits about me.." you started.
"FUCKING STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT!" The voices screamed in your head.
"I.. hear voices.." you mumbled. "They tell me what to do.. they scream at me.. call me names.."
Angela just listened silently while hugging you.
You hesitated. Then decided you had literally nothing to lose. You pulled up your sleeves and showed her cuts and bruises, some covered up with bandages. She gasped.
"W..what did you do to yourself?" She cried.
"N-nothing.." she looked up at you.
"It.. wasn't.. me.." you sighed in defeat as you said this.
"Who..? Who did it?"
You shut your eyes tightly and muttered.
" dad."
"Oh.." she sighed.
"I.. I can't take it anymore.. it just fucking needs to stop.." you whimpered.
"No! You can't do that...!" She almost yelled. "You.. you can get past all of this.. I.. I will help you."
"" You asked.
" won't be lonely anymore.. I think you need professional help for the voice thing.." she said.
"I.. I can't. No.. uh-" you started to freak out.
"Shh.. shh.." she purred softly. "Trust me, I want to be a doctor when I'm older so I did some research on things to do with therapy and stuff. Everything you tell them will be kept a secret unless they think you are in danger."
"But.. I want to die.. I am in danger.." you muttered.
"That's why you are gonna spend a lot of time with me.. I wanna keep watch of you." She stated.
"Ok.." you mumbled. She hugged you again, she was an amazing hugger. You shut your eyes and cried into her hoodie.
"Angela! We need to go! Say goodbye to (Y/N)!" You heard Mary call.
"I guess I gotta go.." she whispered.
You nodded solemnly.
"I'll leave you with something to think about.." she said, grinning. "I talked to because I thought you were cute.." she giggled as your eyes widened.
"See ya!" She gave a little wave and left.
You smiled slightly and sat on your bed.

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