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(Quick note, this is Supposed to take place after the tale When Day Broke the Unbreakable Reptile by TopHatBionicle on the SCP Wiki, and takes some inspiration from the tale The Little Lost ██████ by Winterheart. Enough Rambiling, let's get on with the Story.)
TW// Suicide

[....sister…] 682 spoke as soon as he regained the ability to, as Rosie was actively bringing him back to life.

[You heard what I said. That I deserved to die. That there was no being I hated more than myself. Why did you bring me back…?]

“You don't deserve to die, 682.”

[Yes, yes I do. I’m the most vile and disgusting creature….you know it’s true.]

“But it's not! 682, your adaptability isn't a curse. It's your blessing!”

[How is it a blessing!? It's agony every time I heal, worse than the wound itself!]

“682, why don't you look at it this way?” Rosie proposed. “You are a god. God of Hatred and Anger. I know that's why you hate yourself. Don’t give me that shocked look, you can't lie to me. You hate yourself because you think that the anger and hatred you bring are only hurting humanity. But they aren't. I am such a case. You let me feel anger and hatred for the first time ever. You’re the reason I got myself free of the Foundation. 682, the emotions you bring are not negative. Without them, the world would be hell, as dictators would be able to come into power and never be disposed of because of the lack of rage against mistreatment. And that's telling you the least worst side effect. 682, the world needs you, and I need you. Please….”

682 was shocked into silence as he began to think of the side effects of him not being there. Suffering, with people not being able to do anything about it was what all the things he thought of ended in.

[....I….but what about my curse….?] He croaked.

“Your power. Your power is not a curse, I already said that. 682, the only reason it hurts is because you hate yourself. If you didn’t, your healing power wouldn't hurt at all.” Rosie said.

[....but how… can I accept myself?]

“Go into your mind with that Astral Projection ability. As deep as you can go. And then….show yourself some love.”

682 couldn't find the words to complain, so he just did as he was told. Deeper and deeper he went...until he was in a familiar scene.

He was back in his cell, way back in the day. And in the corner and sobbing, was a small lizard. His child self. No larger than the average alligator, he was sobbing, trying desperately to to cover himself with his own wings and rip out his horns.

682 approached his younger self.

[...Hello, Me. I know you hate yourself because of what those humans did…] He gently pressed a finger to the maw when his younger self tried to complain or explain himself. It wouldn't help all that much. All he needed, was comfort. [But you don't deserve it. It's not your fault you’re the god of hatred and anger. It was never your fault. Life isn't fair. But your emotions you bring help defend people from greater pain. You will find that out with your sister. You will save her and she will save you….just please, this is not your fault. Forgive and love yourself.]

His younger self broke down crying in his arms, and he gently rubbed his back. He smiled, feeling the sensation of love in his soul. A sensation he craved sometimes.

682 opened his eyes, feeling the sensation of wings on his back again. He also felt his horns on his head…and his scars were gone. It was replaced by some Black scales scattered around his body.  He smiled.

He finally loved himself, and accepted himself. And that was a feeling he would never forget, and always want. He grabbed his sister, and pulled her into a tight and loving hug.

He had finally accepted himself.

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