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TW///Mentions of Abuse,Gun Violence,Gaslighting/Brainwashing

(Contained Titan AU)

The following passage is taken from the autobiography titled: The Story of an Iron Giant.

"When you think of a childhood,what do you think of? Fun? Relaxation? School? I never had a childhood. My equivalent was filled with pain and agony.

The day I saw Rosie for the first time was also the day I realized that fact.

From then on,they started torturing me. Gaslighting me. They wanted me to be a gun,the very thing I stated I was not. And they got their gun. I don't remember how many GOC or Chaos Insurgency agents I killed. But it must've been in the millions.

I remember forcing myself to eat each day. I wanted to starve. But I wanted to live to see the downfall of the Foundation. I lived off of spite for years.

When I finally got out....I didn't know what to do. Then Rosie and her brother 682 introduced me to the Wanderer's Library. It was a huge interdimenonal Library. I could fit in it,and I'm 50 feet tall!

I checked out many books on the arts and other things that peaked my interest. That's how I got into making music and making huge paintings. I also learned how to love again.

And then I heard of a group. The Serpent's Hand. They wanted to free anomalies. Let then roam free. Let the world embrace them.

Guess who's a Serpent's Hand member now? That's right,me.
And I'll die proudly with this title.

The Serpent's Hand saved my life,ans in return,I saved them.

They also taught me to love again. I got to meet so many different people. I even managed to meet myself from another universe. He was like my more childish self. Oh how I wish I could go back in time and free myself.

I met so many new Animatronics and people at the theme park Rosie set up.

And finally,I found my home."

End of Excerpt.

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