Song Of Madness

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TW/// Audio Hallucinations,Mentions of the Apocalypse,Insanity

(Lobotomy Corporation AU)

From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins.

2 days since Toy Freddy had began being Silent Orchestra's specialist. And it was 2 days that he kept hearing that music. He was hallucinating and he knew it. When he asked the others about the classical music everywhere,they all told him to get his ears checked. He looked back at his E.G.O weapon,Da Capo. He heard rumors that everyone who had wielded before him had went insane due to Auditory hallucinations. He would prove them all wrong.

4 days. 4 days since he started hearing the music. It was a constant in his life now. Even when he was with his wife Alisa,nothing provided him silence. He was studying the tune he heard,trying to write it down on sheet music paper. But he just....kept getting distracted by the melody. It was oddly enchanting in a way. No,no. Focus. Write it down. You have to figure it out! But perhaps you're looking too deep into this....

8 days. 8 days with the music. It had gotten Louder. Why!? He was losing himself to the music. He would find himself subconsciously humming along to the tune. He looked like a mad man,yes. But almost everyone around him had already went crazy,so he was just joining them. He sighed. He had to do something about this melody. Why did Silent Orchestra only give him the weapon first? There had to be a plan.

16 days with the music. He had the E.G.O. gift now. He could see the sheet music in front of him,at least,through the eye the monocle covered. It was.....beautiful. It was the same as the melody playing to him,he was certain.
It was actually getting easier to sleep too. And in his dreams,he heard the same beautiful melody. He sighed to himself. He was going mad.

32 days with the music. He had finally gotten the E.G.O. suit. The melody was even more beautiful than it was before. He gave a laugh. Why did he ever doubt the melody? He was on stage with Silent Orchestra now. And he had just been given the opportunity to conduct the Orchestra himself. Of course he would take it! And so he did. He took it.

And he surrendered himself to the music forevermore.

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