Fake Tears

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(TW// Bullying)

Rosie never quite understood why Pecharunt, even after she gave him the Blessed Leaf stone and made him into a Grass/Ghost Pokemon, kept the move Fake Tears in his move set.

Now she understood why.

It was a peaceful day. A mostly peaceful day, at that. Rosie was having a picnic in the Wistful Wilds of Kitakami taking care of the Loyal Three, Pecharunt, and Terapagos for Holly while also using this opportunity to introduce them to Zacian. Things were going great!

Until someone from Uva Academy showed up. It was a girl named Julia, a bully of Holly’s, who had been harassing Holly ever since she caught the Loyal Three and Pecharunt. Recently, Holly had teamed up with Team Star to do a little trolling of Julia to hopefully get her to discourage the bullying.

It didn't work.

“So you’re the sister of the Holly brat-” Julia began.

[Hey! You leave Aunt Rosie out of it!] Pecharunt said, getting in the way.

“How about YOU stay out of it!? Her sister has given me hell!”

[A hell of your own making!] Pecharunt retorted.

Rosie gasped as she saw Julia raise her hand and move to strike Pecharunt.

Okidogi dove to try and catch it, Fezandipiti lunged at Julia-

But a watery hand was what caught Julia’s. Munkidori caught her hand.

Munidori’s eyes looked like he was dead and his face had a large deep blue shade to it, given the watery chain had partially lifted off his head just like his old Toxic Chain did whenever he used his psychic powers.

Rosie swore she heard thunder strike in the distance as she heard Munkidori begin to speak.

‘IF YOU HURT HIM, I WILL BREAK YOU.’ Munkidori said, in an eerily cold tone of anger. 

Okidogi snarled and Fezandipiti’s feathers rustled…but what was odd, was the malicious smirk that Pecharunt did.

[Julia. You are a very bad girl. The only reason you got on my Mama is because she has me and my friends. You wanted an excuse to hurt her. Because she was so much more ‘perfect’ than you. And now, I'm gonna prove to everyone what a horrible woman you are.]

Pecharunt then turned to Rosie.

[You told me earlier that you wondered why I have Fake Tears in my moveset. And it's for situations like this. Munkidori, hold her there.]

Munkidori nodded, tightening his grip on Julia.

Rosie gasped when she saw Pecharunt slap himself. HARD. The Loyal Three all looked shocked, but Pecharunt shook his head, telling them to not worry. 

[You’re gonna regret ever picking on my mama.] And then, Rosie saw Pecharunt’s eyes well up with fake tears, before he hurriedly floated away. [UNCLE 682!] 

“WE NEED TO GO!” Rosie yelled, and the Loyal Three obeyed, all running away. Terapagos, the innocent turtle he was, had to be called back into his Ultra Ball so she could carry him along.

And shortly after, Rosie heard her brother roar. LOUDLY.


After a while of hiding from her rampaging brother, Rosie returned to the scene. Julia was unconscious in the grass, with Pecharunt chuckling to himself behind 682. 682 was clearly enraged and seething.

“...Pecharunt, I say this with love. What the hell was that?” Rosie asked, absolutely dumb founded.

[I just let Julia know you don't mess with us.] He chuckled. [682 is a bit angry that I had to trick him, however…But he was genuinely mad when he realized what Julia was doing to my mama.]

Rosie just sighed and facepalmed, chuckling to herself.

Now she knew why Pecharunt kept the move Fake Tears in his move set.

Because sometimes, tears are an effective tool to get people to know what is wrong, even if the tears themselves are fake.

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