chapter 3

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he grab an vampire heart and spine and crush it on his hand

the vampire turn into ash

jason:well that makes 10 vampires and 20 riders i face an my patrol

jason was the outside of the walls make patrol duty..and recon

eve:{jason you are outside of the patrol area}

jason:{i know but i smell humans and vampire and riders are here.soo}

eve:good point

jason run faster to the trough the speed shadow

as he keep run he see an group of vampires foward as they notice it

vampire:stop that human!

jason smirk as he simply slash with aramasa infuse with light magic and blood magic to absorb they blood

as he cut then into pieces he take they hearts and spines

jason:get off!,bullseye!

he crush then as he keep goin as the vampires turn into ash

jason:thoses vampires sure are getting me strong along with demonic power..but how they don't use the demon power as well

luciela:{i think happen after they die..since is the moment i sense the demonic power}

elesis:{too bad you can absorb i sure by an good amount you became the dharmpy who can take on the strongest vampire}

nisha:{not to metion you demon side as well}

jason:{true but now}

he sniff

jason:is aroud the next block

but before he turn more vampires appear and he stop and look behild to see more

jason:oh guess you plan to stop me

vampire:you can't escape human

vampire 2:we beat you by 50 to 1

jason:i like thoses odds

he save aramasa as unleash his demonic grimore suprise the vampires

jason:soo who wants to go down first

the vampires charge

jason:okay then{good thing i absorb the vampires now i strong to blow by few hits}

jason begin to take down the vampires left and right

jason stab one vampires with both hands and remove the har and spine


he crush then absorb the power

jason:*look the rest*what is the matter i just one human and you say i have an chance i kick you butts you sure are vampires?

the vampires got angry by the mockery as they attack but with they weapons enhaced

jason:now that is more like it

jason see an group of vampires about soo


he make an powerful dark slash with his demonic guantle cut all the vampires and turn then into ash


the rest of the vampires were an shock

vampire:how is he kill all us!?

jason:maybe because humans are stronger than you blood suckers{dammit i feel insulte by that}

vampire 2:wait..his vampire like us..why you do this!?

jason:i don't maybe you want to slave the humanity

vampire 3:they are livestock! why you cared!

jason:maybe because i have more humanity than you


the vampires charge as jason dodge one vampire and grab by the leg and use the vampire body as weapoon to kill the rest

all the vampires were head because jason hit then with such force witch made they bodies explode even the vampire who he use as weapon explode

jason:..soo you gonnad give up

another grope charge


jason use shadow time and take out the vampires

all the blood spell were absorb into aramasa

vampire:h he he have an vampire weapon!?

jason:now you are the last...soo?

the vampires were scare


he appear an the middle of the group

jason:za wado!

the time goes slow as he slash then and take they hears and spines and appear on the ground as the time goes back on as the vampires explode an blood and he crush the spines and hearts

all the blood was absorb into his aramasa as he look the last vampire alive

vampire:w..what the hell are you you can't been an vampire

jason:oh i am..but worst.

vampire:you will face the nobles power!

jason:nope because you won't live to tell then

jason an blick was behild the vampire and


the vampire explode an blood as it was absorb into aramasa

jason:well that was easy



he run and turn an the next block to see an group of people

jason:refuges..guren say if i find then i must take then to the close outpost

but an rider appear as the people were run away

jason:*sight*let's get this over it

jason run high speed to the rider and


cut the thing and haft and fell death

jason:{after face an group of vampires this is nothing}

he look to see the people suprise

jason:everyone hurt?

person:n no thanks for help us

person 2:thank god we have protetion

jason:you people can't stay here this place is full of riders soon o later more will come

child:but we don't know where to go

jason:i know i am part from Japanese Imperial Demon Army i can take an outpost

the people were suprise

woman:you do?

jason:of course out task is help humanity agaist the mosnters and vampires..soo everyone agreed to come

the group look each other and nod

jason:okay i gonnad do something soo all you can arrive to the outpost an blick i need to stick together soo i can use this trick

group was confuse but they did soo as jason infuse his aramasa an holy enegy and have an white aura and raise his blade


an flash jason and all the refuges dissapear leave no trace

unknow to jason an group of vampires watch anything..two of then suprise

one out of anger as he reconize jason..the one who almost kill him

another for shock a he see jason again after that incident from four years ago..that one is mika who is now turn vampire

mika:{soo he is back..never trough i see him again..but an least him here the rest can been save}

he look to the side to see ferid the vampire who almost kill him look an the scene extreme angry

mika:{and see him angry put an smile an my face}

he actually smile

mika:{he sure feel humanitale been beat by human..but is the boy reaally one now i think about..his abilities seems close to a vampire..but i didn't see any sign of it}

ferid:imposible..that that human is is!

vampire 2:what is lord ferid


mika:is just that human is the one who almost kill him four year ago

tha vampire look mika an shock

vampire :you lied no way that human can't been the one who beat ferid

mika:well..what to the other vampires who guard the area then?

ferid:*look the two vampire*you two go and find out what happen!

the vampires nod and leave



vampire:they..they all..death


vampire:we found they ashes along with vampire weapons 

they show all the weapons


he punch the wall 


mika was smile on the inside

mika:{yep i sure i will enjoy this....still how he think when he see me as an vampire after what happen}

flasback 4 years ago

mika just see jason enter the portal as it close leave some roses least i know they make it

mika hear footsteps and turn his eyes to see an group of vampires

vampire:where is it?..

vampire 2:there is one human way it was the one who almost kill ferid

vampire 3:i douth how an human like him leave ferid an such state..i even douth he won't surive as he lost an arm and lost too much blood

mika:{he he is alive....but for the looks of it he won't hope he won't}

vampire 4:*notice the roses*what is this..?

vampire:maybe from the one who attack ferid..he must been here

vampire 2:what about that human?

vampire:kill it is not use anyways


the vampires look to see the queen kru tepes

kru:that human is mine

vampire:queen what are you doing here?

kru look an the chaos and then walk towad mika and touch the blood and taste it

kru:looks like he won't live long..soo what happen any idea who attack ferid

vampire 2:no we only find that human and roses


he she look an the roses and look as she smell it

kru:this vampire

the vampires and mikan eyes widen

vampire:vampire!? mean one of our own? attack ferid?!..

kru:is an theory..but for now keep look who ever attack ferid mild not go far

the vampires nod and leave the area as she walk toward mika

kru:hey human,you want to live more?,i can give you life,an enternal life,olso you seems to been the only person who see anything...soo an exchange for tell me about what happen

mika:i..don't i take anything i see to my grave

kru:i see...*bite her tough as blood drip for her mouth*well you have no choice since you won't die any time soo and i find it out about what happen here

kru kiss him as mika end up drink her blood and feel an intense pain

as from that on he became an vampire..but never say anything about jason

flasback end

he as an the same area where all it happen

mika:{who ever you area..thanks for save then..and maybe one day i can thank you}

with jason next day

guren:nice job and to get thoses refugies to the outpost

jason:i know what i to do

guren:yeah..dispide you goin out of you patrol area

jason:i already tell you the reason guren

guren:*sight*i know i smell tell you

jason:hey this can help you an lot..besides i take some vampires along the way 

guren:let me guess to take hear and spines to absorb they power?


guren:well guess an win-win..but next time report about goin out of the patrol

jason:okay i get it

guren:good you can leave

jason leave guren office and see mito


jason:guren let it pass since i find the refuges but i have to report next time

mito:oh that is good..i suprise you can teleport why you never tell us that?

jason:you never ask

mito have an anime fall and she get back up

mito:that is something you don't need to ask!

jason:ops.anyways how is yu and the rest

mito:i hear they gonnad take the training examns of the company

jason:oh i see well better pay then an visit

mito:did you know where it is


mito:*sight*i take you

jason:thanks mito

mito:no problem both walk away

mito:soo how it feel been haft human and haft vampire

jason:well i can't tell the diferent but aside i have good sight and better sense along i can see an darkness places and maybe be more much

mito:wow sure is cool

jason:jaja..yeah i trough i was an goner back i meet you guys

mito:then again we don't meet dharmpy's aroud soo

jason:good point

jason recibe an text as he answer it

mito:who is it?

jason:is from alice


jason:oh the girl i save back then..aparelty she want me to say thanks


jason:but olso confess her feeling for me and give me an love letter

mito:ehh!?..and you

jason:i just meet her mito..soo i decide to hang aroud

mito:soo you not date her

jason:no..and i not sure..besides she is younger than me

mito:younger? odd are you

jason:{well arcoding to the age an the end and for how long i spedn an the void}aroud of 28

mito:ehhhh!?!? you look like aroud 20

jason:vampire blood remeber

mito:oh.right..jejeje..wait are you

jason:hey don't get weird ideas!

mito:i wasn't!

jason:yeah sure


both arrive to the buiding

mito:we are here

jason:thanks to take me

mito:no problem see ya

she leave as jason walk an the entrace and enter as he was walk an the halls

eve:{soo any progress with alice}

jason:{she is nice soo far}

luciela:{jejej mito trough you are into younger girls}

jason:{jajaja very funny besides byleth was older than me back then}

elesis:{but she have an great figure i mean all the boys love her}

jason have an tick mark

nisha:{and you get jealous}

jason:{oh shut up you}

as he walk he hear an commotion an one of the doors as he open and see an classroom and

jason:what the fuck

he see yu fighting an guy with glasess..olso the rest of hyakuga was there,along with youchi and shinoa who was just have an smug look,and guren was there


he summor bloodedge and fire an the air stop the fight as everyone look at him

jason:both of you two this is an classroom no an boxing ring if you want to settle thing do it after classes

yu and glasses:that is not you buisness you idiot!

but they regret as they see jason cover an dark aura and his eyes glow red

jason:oh is that soo?

everyone have one trough

all:{they soo skrew}

an blick jason appear between the two grab they head and


bash then together leave both uncorious and bleeding noses

guren:well an least you save me the trouble

jason:and what the heck you doing you just lack off and been an lazy idiot!

guren:i wasn't

shinoa:you were we arrive and see you sleeping~

jason:*sweatdrop*really guren..

guren:and why you care is my classroom

jason:i have douths*look the hyakuga*i see you made it


akane:it was that nesecary

jason:there is one thing i hate is people piss me off

chihiro:i i leave that cleary

yoichi:uhhh is not that an little too far

jason:..nope..anyways i let guren take his class...that if take an the first place

guren:tch and you do it

jason:an least i not an stupid pervert

all the class gasp and look an guren

guren:h hey that is false

jason:yeah sure*walk away*then you have an erotic maganize hide under you desk then

he leave the classroom as everyone look an guren

guren:that is false he just mess with me

shinoa check and find it

shinoa:ara he is tell the true i find the magazine


shinoa:just kidding

the clas laugh at guren

guren:{that kid.he is gonnad pay for that}


jason was head to guren office but he then stop as he hear voices

???:you should know about why i here

jason:{the guy with glasess}

guren:yes we know,you need the money to cure you sister with apocaplise virus

jason eyes widen

jason:{that is why he is here for}

guren:the demon moon company is an elite squad if you join and make an good work,you can get unlimited treatment o resources you can't normaly get


guren:but an you current state you are not do it soo good,you can't touch an weapon since they feed from the lust of people


nisha:{it mean what they really want the most..not the sexual one}


guy:soo you said that stupid hyakuga will do it good?

guren: not sure..but the guy who knock you out can an fact..he manage to overcome the demon an less of 1 minute

the guy gasp

guren:olso hyakuga can take care his friends olso dispide his blunt mild

jason:{you tell me}

guy:you got to been kidding i stronger than him!

guren:you need more than power,you need to make friends,stop doing anything by youseft,if you don't the demon will posess you,will turn you and you will never comeback

sudeely jason feel demonic energy inside

jason:{he must use an curse weapon to prove his point}

luciela:{oh this sure is interesting i wonder if you can absorb more of thoses curse weapons}

guren:desperation and rage is the demon's favorites,an you current state the lust will consume you and will you turn into an demon itseft

then the energy dissapear

guren:now is that is all leave my office

guy:...yes sir

jason hide an the corner as he see the guy leave


guren:*sight*{if yu is bad enough i have to deal with another}

jason:seems like you want to make sure there is no idiots who not take this seriously

guren look jason enter the office

guren:what you think i explain the why

jason:yeah you right about there is more than power you need skill and knowedge to take out an target

guren:yeah soo why you here

jason:can i ask something...

guren:.....why should i after you embarrased me

jason:because  if you don't i gonnad make you that moment worst

guren:..try it

jason pull out an serious of erotic magazines as guren eyes widen

guren:how you!?

jason:it will an shame if this end up an the girl's hands..i sure you balls won't surive

guren:...dammit why you want



jason arrive to the room an the hospital and enter as he close the door and he look an the girl

jason:she must been..mirai kimizuki..

he look at her as he vision change to see something off

jason:{what the?..this this is}

eve:{angelic energy...but how..she suppose to been infecte with an apocalise virus right}

jason:{seems soo..but looks like what ever it is.must been the cause}

nisha:{what is the plan}

jason:{well remove the thing from her since is demonic i sure i can extrat it}

eve:{not that fuse will her you need an good amount of holy power..soo}

jason:{we have to fuse right}


jason nod and focus as eve and jason fuse an soul as jason have his light form

jason:okay then here goes

he cover an hands an pure light magic and look an mirai

jason:good thing you are uncosious since you won't feel this..but then again you won't anyways but you avoid the panic

jason put his hands inside mirai as there was no wound at all

jason:{now to find the thing}

he look to find the core and grab it


he begin to pull the core put resist

jason:{dammit get out already}

he pull more force to pull

eve:{the energy try to fuse with the host jason you have to avoid it!}

jason:{fine full power!}

he add more energy and finally pull the core hard and see it was an

jason:{what the trumpet?..this is weird..and have no sense}

eve:{but i can sense an lot of energy coming from douth}

jason:{how this end up an a girl}

jason see the girl wake up

jason hide the trumpet 

mirai:uhhh where..i am*look aroud and see jason and gasp*

jason:is okay you just were uncosious for an long time

mirai:i.i am*look aroud*where is my brother

jason:is an demon company academy don't worry you soon meet him

mirai:b but who are you

jason:*giggle*well you angel guardian soo to speak i am the reason you are awake

mirai was suprise


jason:but keep secret since well this place is no nice with supernatural beings soo you know

mirai:i i see..i promise i won't tell

jason:thanks and olso make sure you don't brother doesn't do stupid things

mirai:what you mean

jason:you mild find good bye

he dissapear an a flash


jason was an the top fo an buding and look an the trumpet

jason:okay let's see what is this trumper do

he focus energy as he suddely was an the dark avoid

jason:what the

???:you are the one who remove me from the human

he turn aroud to see mirai but diferent

jason:who are you?

???:i am the trumpet you remove from the human

jason:i see what is you name

fith:i am the fith trumpet an serafin

jason:soo you are angel..


jason:but why you are inside mirai

fith:because she is...was an sefain before you remove me from her..

jason:okay but why you were here an the first place

fith:not sure..but if you get me out..they won't hurt her anymore


fith:the humans

jason:what!?..but why

fith:they try to control me,,and use me as weapon

jason:weapon for what?

fith:i..not sure but i hear then something to eradicate the vampires

jason:i see

fith:thoses humans must pain...they must die for it

jason:ironic you say to one you are an front of human and too you were inside of one 

fith:you...are difent you are human but an the same time is not..i can demon

jason:haft demon and haft vampire

fith:i can't hybrid can't exist

jason:an this world

fith:w..what you mean

jason:well you see

he tell her his full story

fith:soo dispide humanity experiment and anything it been trough for you family you decide to save then along with the other beings?

jason:yeah look i know there is worst beings i mean i see the worst of each type but just as there is bad begins there is good one..soo why the good people must suffer for the mistakes for others


jason:how about this you can stay with me..since as i can tell you i hard to beat..soo you can been save and maybe help you to see an good side of the humans

fith:.i have no choice an this point..soo i accept

jason:all right we have an deal

fith:olso jason if you accept you become an serafin

jason:i an this point i not suprise soo

fith:i see..all right

both shake hands as anything turn white

an the real world jason unleash an burst of light and look himseft

jason:woah soo this is the power of the serafin?

fith:{yes and i see you have companios...but i don't like trust an demon}

elesis:{i deal with eve soo deal with you is not problem}

eve:{i know you don't trust her but she is nice..soo}

fith:{fine then}

jason deactive his new form and return back to normal

jason:{now this is an statement human and vampires have they worst side}

elesis.{witch one you choose}

jason:{i think about when i dig out more}

jason dissapear an a flash

next day

jason was with sayuri as today was the preparation for the attitude test for the demonic weapons

sayuri:okay soo this an preparation for the test soo me and yoru we judge you capabilities

jason.{why i even here?}

girls:{gurden orders}


sayuri:if you don't suscend here then you can't take the test soo try you best*look jason*

jason:*sight*soo you better take this seriously because this will prove when you face you own demon..and this demon will know you weakness this will prove how far you will overcome the demon..o you become one and kill an the spot

some students gulp

jason:soo don't fail.undestand and this seriously o gonnad kick you butts is that clear!!?


yoichi:*gulp*i feel i gonnad die

yu:is big deal

yune:bother is jason we talking he have enoug guts to kill guren an the balls without regret..hell he even shinoa an the area as well

akane:wait really!?

chihiro:that explain why shinoa was walk weirld the other day

shinoa:*shiver*don't remind he already do it twice

yune:where it happen the second



both were have an spar an rooftop as one point jason attack push shinoa break the face lucky it was caugh by jason who grab her legs

jason:you okay

shinoa:i fine...*look and smirk*ara did you did this unpurpose to see my underwear?~




jason:say something like that again and i drop you

shinoa:oh..oh ..okay

flasback end

yu:well you have that coming for tease him

the girls shiver an feel the pain

yoichi:uhh i don't think we survive

yu:we will and i will the strongest weapon

yune:just keep focus okay?

sayuri:*whisper*jason go easy okay they are students no soldiers

jason:*whisper*sorry but you know my master train me harshy an the end it have good results besides theses kids need to know is not a joke

sayuri:*whisper*i know but take easy okay they just start

jason:*whisper*i try my best

sayuri*nod and look the class*today we evualate the formation of cooperation soo chose you pather

jason:this score will settle for how good you and you pathner work together..soo if you choose wise..and you are the people will end up with someone you don't like..bear with it..because an battle you have to face alongside someone you don't like*look yun and shinho*even if the pathner doesn't tag team

the two metion groan as the group begin to choose pathners

yu:hey yuichi how about

but he see he was choose by shinoa as the later look at him and smirk

yu gulp and look akane and chihiro but they choose been pather with each other he then look her twin

yu:hey sis

yune:sorry but no

yu:eh but why!?

yune:you have to learn to work others beside us

yu:but is no one else here!

yune:there is is*point shinho*

yu:oh no

yune:sorry but no 

she push yu toward shinho

yune:wait..*look at sayuri and jason*but i am the only one left and everyone have an pathner

sayuri:oh is right..what we do

jason:i been her pathner

sayuri:eh but jason

jason:what other choice..if doesn't have one can't take the test

sayuri:hmmm.good point okay yune jason will been pather

jason:soo guess been pathners

yune:jeje i don't mild if is you

girls less fith:{another{

jason:{don't start!}

fith:{what they mean}

jason:{you don't want to know}okay let's do our best


shinoa:wow already make moves an another girl huh?

jason:*glare*shinoa shut up o i kick an thid time

shinoa gulp and nod quicky

yune:{jejej i like this guy to make shinoa get scare}


the teams were chain connect by an chain an they arms

jason:uhh this an odd idea for team work

yune:i agreed but then again we have to

jason:but how is the scenario we both end chain up.


sayuri:all right the test is about to begin

the groups see doors open to expose somekind of humanoi big dolls as they begi to walk to the teams as they begin to attack

jason:they are slow when they attack

yune:then let's use that to our edge

jason:wait yune remeber we are chain we can't go too far from each other soo we have to move as one

yune:oh right

they see an doll about to attack then

jason:go right!

both go right to avoid the attack

jason:the doll is widen open soo we strike an the counter


the doll attack again 


they move foward to avoid the punch

jason:kick to the leg!

both kick the leg leave the doll on his knees as the later try to punch then again but jason act first and punch the face stun the doll

jason:yune jump over his left shoulder i do for the right

yune:why is that

jason:you will know

she nod as both do that as the chain end up wrap aroud the doll neck as both land behild as yune realise the plan

yune:oh i see it now!

both begin to pull as the doll give some resistance but soon both brng the doll down as jason stomp the head shatter an pieces

jason:how is that


both high five

sayuri:jason and yune have 100 points for team work and elimination for curse doll

jason look behild yune as his eyes widen as he grab yune and move out the way to avoid another doll punch

jason:that was close

yune:j...j jason

jason:yeah what is it

he look an yune and see he was carried her bride style

jason:uhh i i sorry but i have too because...

yune:i i get it but can you please put me down

jason nod as he put yune down

akane:hey yune i don't think is an good moment to make moves an the middle of the fight

yune:i not!*blush*

jason:on you left!

akane and chihiro look and avoid another doll


sayuri keep evualate the students until

???:sorry for interupt the training

sayuri look to see an soldier as the soldier tell her some news

all the suddle all the dolls stop as everyone was confuse

sayuri:kimizuki!,go to the hospital room right now!,there is shocking news about you sister mirai and is an urgent matter


shinho:shut up,i sorry please don't worry and continue with the training!

yu:hey wait you sister can been an danger you should go to see her an least

shinho:i told you to shut up,i have good penformace,i came this far

yu:even mean yo abadon you own sister?

shinho:..shut up don't get into others buisness,i will join the blood moon company,continue!

yu punch shinho

yu:are you stupid! you family is an risk if they will never see then again!

shinho was suprise

jason:besides you can take retake the test later soo don't worry



shinho was hug her sister as she was cry

shinho:sister thank god you okay

mirai:i glad i can see you again brother!

shinho:i know i tell you i will never leave by you side

doctor:is an miracle looks like the virus leave her body 

shinho:but how

doctor:is unclear

shinho:soo she can leave

doctor:no quite we don't know if there is an remmain soo she need to stay an the hospital but we don't have an gear to do soo

shinho:don't worry when i join the blood moon company she will have it,please take care her

mirai:is okay brother ..i just happy you see you gain

shinho:mirai..thank you

mirai:olso what happen when i was uncosious and who is he?*point yu*



both were outside sittin an the bench

yu:well looks like she is cure an the moment,soo you did all this for you could tell me but still i won't let you have the stongest demon weapon

shinho:is you fault


shinho:because of you i have an low score, i won't been able to enter the demon moon company,soo they can't take care of my sister

yu:hey remeber what jason say we can retake the test this time..and you can enter..besides are you gonnad give up that easy?..i will get what i want no matter what.soo

shinho:je who said about give up,but still this is you fault but..thanks to that i can see my sister fine again

an another area


???2:yes the fith trumpet is not longer with her

???:who take it!?!?

???2:we are not sure..yet..we still dig

???:find it!! without that we can use to take out the vampires!!

???2:u u undestood but what about the girl

???:leave it it have no use for us


meawhile an the underground city an the auditorium

all the vampires were reunite to an meetin as there was an announcer

vampire:today we father all the noble vampires with progenitor blood for one reason treat!,running wildy an the nort of tokio,there is an human organization call japanese imperial demonic army, they kill our brothers and expand they territory,and play with forbidden charms like they want to,acording to our inteligence they are experiment with the owari no seraph again,

kru:and there is another thing

everyone look an kru who walk into the stage

kru:they have an vampire among they ranks

every vampire gasp by that

mika:{must been that guy}

kru:olso i find out the vampire was the one who almost kill ferid 4 years ago

again another gasp as they remeber ferid was almost there and many considere an goner but somehow he survive not to metion he was an noble vampire and not many can take it aside kru itseft

mika look fred angry

mika:{even since then many wonder how he lost..guess that destroy his part}

kru:looks like the vampire is help the an fool to believe an thoses world ..soo that along with owari no seraph who can cause the virus again..we decide to exterminate the japense imperial demonic army,soo this is war!

all the vampires were suprise

kru:if we want to protect the balance of this world we must erase thoses greedy humans,

all the vampires cheer

kru:and more thing...the vampire who kill the bad blood who join the humans will have an reward from me personally!!

another loud cheer appear

mika:{soo he is an vampire..and he help me...guess make things easy..o harder..but still..yu and everyone..i will came to rescuer}

the war will come..but how it will end...and witch side jason choose? after see the devil of the two sides?

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