chapter 4

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jason was waiting 

jason:{i wonder how long is gonnad take this}

fith:{soo you choice?}

jason:{i not sure..pretty much i have to choose two devils...soo is tricky witch side..wait.i douth the vampires even want me an they ranks an the first place}

fith:{true..soo go rogue}

jason:{seems like it but for now we wait}

???:oh you are here

jason turn to see guren

jason:how was the meeting


jason:you fell sleep do you

guren:maybe..olso they high ranks are please by you skill just an the spawn 10 days you bring mutiple refugers and slay many vampires and riders..jeje i sure you arrive the rank of general an no time

jason:i don't want i rather been an front than an way back

guren:now you act like yu

jason:i was train to give orders

guren:good point..olso you are promote to Second Lieutenant

jason:woah that quick!?

guren:well you prove you have the skill and knowedge you even tell us some vampire weaknasess we never know

jason:yeah..but now you metion it there is something off..i see vampires an day time..they should get burn 

guren:oh that..they use an divice to avoud the sun ray hit they bodies

jason:hmm maybe we can find out what it is it will make easy to deal

guren:je you already plan to test do you


guren:olso another thing


guren:you will get an curse weapon

jason:huh? why i need i have the my gear to deal with the vampires

guren:well think as an chance to have fire power besides you say have knowedge about demonic stuff right?

jason:know and train to face yes

guren:then you sure how to give an good use


nisha:{sounds an good deal if you get an weapon means more fact since is demonic it can been an great boost for us}

fith:{i agaist it}

eve:{we need anything we can by the time either the human o vampire make an drastic move have to been ready besides we can't use you power o we set sights for the demon company and been hunte down}


jason:okay i do it what i need to do

guren:just the writing test you already did the other with yune witch you have the top score

jason:good to know what i need to learn from the test

guren:nothing since you already know the basic thanks to you experience


guren:and i hear you have good time with yune

jason:don't make me kick you again guren

guren:fine fine and olso why you not use the uniform

jason.because i like my outfit the blue suits me

guren:whatever soo

???:i find you stupid guren!

both turn to see yu jumping toward with an kick but

whack smack


jason simply counter with an elbow to yu as the later hit the ground hard


jason:kid if you try to sneak attack somoene an least don't yell

guren:he is always soo direct

???:yu what did i told you!

they turn to see yune

yune:you can't kick guren

yu:he deserb it

yune facepalm and look jason

yune:hey jason

jason:hey how you been..aside you this

yune:fine and olso have high score an the test thanks to you

jason:no problem

yune:trough shinoa won't stop tease me

jason:*sight*i figure as much*look yu*what you even doing here?

yu:i was looking for guren after he dissapear for 10 days without given an curse weapon

jason:for the love of god you still with that?

yu:yeah is the only thing i can kill vampires is the only reason i have to live



jason:you are idiot you want to die..what about you siblings how they react when they see you death..i know you are angry because what happen 4 years ago..but don't get that an you family already suffer an tragedy soo try to make that repeat again with you..and more with you twin!

yu:i..i...*look down*you right..i was harsh

jason:just don't you emotions get an the way i know an man who act like you...and lost many more dear things to him than before 


guren:well you want the curse weapon right


guren:okay you make an contrat and face the frontlines

yu:wait really?

guren:yeah but don't blame me if you die

yu:y..yeah but..i want more time to train myseft..soo i can been ready

guren:{he is learny}okay i give you time

yu:thanks*stand up*sorry for my attitude

jason:is okay if i was an you chose i will do the same..

guren:olso yu


guren kick you an the head

guren:don't kick two superiors!

yu fell uncosious

yune:oh dear..wait superiors?

guren:oh jason is now Second Lieutenant

yune:woah you work fast

jason:jejej yeah..soo i guess you have to take yu

yune:i know

guren:come on jason i take you when you take the test

jason:okay see ya yune


jason and guren walk away

fith:{that human see the surface}

jason:{she is don't worry i sure you will see more good side of her}

fith:{soo she is gonnad one of...then girls who join?}


jason's demons just whistle

jason:{*sight* give me an break}

timeskip next day

jason was an park with alice eating ice cream as it was one of the "dates" since they are not

alice:thanks for accept this jason

jason:no problem..soo how you been

alice:i fine i see that moment of the vampire an distant memory now

jason:good to know

alice:so.j jason


alice:a..are you gonnad accept my feeling?*blush*

jason:oh look alice i not say no..but we just meet and you know i want to know you more before i can give you an answer

alice:of of course..silly me i can't just since we date 1 week

jason:we just have 3 dates

alice:oh.i see*blush*

jason:{she like corrin back then}

alice:well anyways we can still hang aroud and know each other right

jason:sure and thanks for the ice cream i love it

alice:n  no problem{he is soo handsome and nice}

jason eat his ice cream but alice notice something

alice:jason you have ice cream on you cheek

jason:huh where?




girls less fith:{bold!}

jason blush and see alice who was more red than tomato as she cover her face

alice:i i 

jason:w well that was


jason check his phone

jason:oh sorry i have to call guren

alice:is is okay we can text

jason nod and walk away with an pink blush

jason:{and here i trough byleth and corrin does that}

elesis:{guess is progress}


jason:{girls stop}

fith:{soo this is love and kiss interesting}

jason:{i kinda worry now fith}


he was walking with guren trough halls

guren:soo how was you test

jason:well seems like more focus an more things outside combat but i manage

guren:i see..soo how was you personal life

jason:how soo

guren:*smirk*i hear you have an date with an high school girl and she kiss you



jason:i gonnad kick her butt when i see her

guren:i paid to see that..still are you gonnad take the curse weapon

jason:well yeah..but mosty depends of the test score right?


they arrive to the door and hear loud noices


jason:don't tell me are thoses two again

both enter and was yu and shiho fighting again



jason summor bloodedge an pistol form and fire an the air caugh all class attetion along with sayuri who was there as well

jason:you are gonnad make me waste bullets soo stop fight o i shoot you guys instead an the third time

yu and shiho nod quicky and get back to they seats

guren:maybe i should start to use that to get then thoses two calm down


sayuri:Lieutenant Colonel.guren and Second Lieutenant.jason you are here

guren:yeah jason is here to get his test results

akane:wait jason is Second Lieutenant!?

yune:oh yeah he get because he make an great job 

chihiro:yeah i hear he get many refugers and slay many vampires..and many don't know hw jason bring many refugers

yu:wait he already kill much

shinoa:for what  hear his kill count is aroud 150


shinoa:yeah looks like many vampires hate that guy..and i not suprise if they find out about..that


yu:something jason have make vampires hate it..we don't know either{i can't yoichi}

yoichi:i see..olso how the rest of the family are

akane:all are fine and glad we make it this far if we join the company they can live better

yu:yeah that is an good thing

yune:since you change little bit

yu:yeah jason world maybe realise i should not act base my emotions and he seems like he experience that as well

shinoa:ow that is touche but is gonnad been an hard change for you..maybe you get laid

yu:oh shut up!

sayuri:here is you results jason

guren grab it and see as his eyes widen


jason look as well

yu:what is it?

jason:oh i never expect that

the class got curious until shinoa grab the test and look and her eyes widens

shinoa:EHHH!?!? but how

the rest look and they eyes widen

it was an 100 score the perfect score

yu:eh!?..t that is.

chihiro:my god i have 60 i trough i was smart but..this

akane:wow jason is sure smart

jason:hey i not mustle without brain you know!


jason:an least i studie hard and not talk loud like an idiot who said is gonnad been the best an the test and have low score!!


shiho:why you

jason:soo guren i can have the weapon now

guren:you pass both test with rank soo yes an you case you can get an black demon rank witch is top strogest


shiho:Lieutenant Colonel.guren please explain,why abadont his class and dissapear for 10 days

jason:well for you information..

guren:jason that is confidetial

jason:you never tell me that part

guren:did i?



shiho:back to my point i think we have the capacited to make contrats with the curse gear

jason see the score an some students among then shiho

jason:sorry to say but most of you won't been ready

shiho:what!? what you know

jason:one you score is low two you have an big ego and arrogant something the demon will take edge on you

yu:well i better than him

jason:you are not mild have an chance..but 50-50 thing soo don't get overcofident

yu:well..better than 0 i guess

yune:i told you to study

yu:i did

yune:you spend all time train istead

shiho:and you see say you are better than me

yu:what was that!?

both begin to argued as yoichi try to calm then down

jason:...sayuri are they capable?

sayuri:well yuichiro and shiho are stronger than i was an the age of 16

jason:and the rest?

sayuri:well yoichi,akane,yune and chihiro are by far high estabilities to face the demons

guren:i see..well time for an test*grab his weapon*

jason:i not gonnad like this

guren:you been fine

jason:i not talking about me

guren draw his weapons as the demonic power is spread trough the class as he stab the blade to the blade to the ground as the all class felt the demonic power,some fell to the ground uncosious other end up an they knees,thoses will stand are either have trouble by the pleasure thoses are yu and shiho,the rest are fine thoses are yune,shinoa,yoichi,akane and chihiro,while sayuri was use an seal tag to protect herseft

yoichi:w what is happening to everyone?

but an the moment everyone who still stand see some of the demonic energy head toward jasona and sorround him

jason:what the?


the demonic energy got intense and jason feel the power

jason:i..i i feel the power

guren:no way

yu:j jason


shinoa:his absorb the demonic power!?

akane:no way!

chihiro:oh god

he have an demonic aura

jason:{dammit is is gonnad trigger my demon powers!}

they see is begin to turn


he turn into into something diferent

jason:this ..power is strong i feel they want me an all cost.

yune:oh god!

yoichi:jason a are you fine

jason:aside i feel the rush to crush anything an my way i fine..i guess..but damm this thing sure is desperate

shinoa:it can't been you absorb the demonic power and turn into demon but still consious!?

yu:oh god

shiho:what the hell are you

jason:something strong enough to take this i guess

akane and chihiro were an shock



guren sheath his blade as the demonic dissapeear as some who was an ejnoy as well but the rest as in him but jason was back to normal

guren:what the power is still there

jason:*deep breath and focus*i can hold it

the demonic aura dissapear

jason:there..i done

sayuri:jason you okay!?

jason:aside that power on me i okay

guren:jason what happen?

jason:i don't know but when the power is aroud is i can hear then as they want to been with me.because my darkness is stronger than they's

nisha:{must been because you demon blood}

fith:{no other way and besides you azure is something any demon want}

guren:{ it can't been}i see..did you feel diferent

jason:i fine*look his clothes*and my clothes are okay as well 

guren:{maybe he can be the one}*look the rest*the one who are concious mild have an chance,if you continue train,you can pass the ceremony to make an contrat for the curse gear*look the one who are stading have four starts you can have an test for black demon series the same rank as my sword

some fell to the floor

jason:soo thoses are stand are the hyakugan's,yoichi,kimizuki, and yoichi..i think that is all

shinoa:and what about me?

jason:of course you stand because you have an curse gear on you own

guren:anwyas let's go..jason you come as well



the group along with sayuri were walk down the stairs

jason:hey guren


jason:how exalty this contrat go? 

guren:right ..well simply you grab the weapon you want and then you have to face the demon the goal is to overcome it dispide what the demon want to do agaist you normally use the ilusions of the things you cheer the most

jason:huh that sounds like the thing i did back then when i grab the ax but there was no ilusion just the demon i and kill it

guren:wait you did see any ilusions


sayuri:how normally an demon will manifest something dear to you

jason:well let's say i face an lot of things and manipulation teniques agaist me i became imnune to that{yeez like phatom put been an infinte forest with no way out i was lucky to escape and thanks to byleth teching}

eve:{true besides with us is imposible to get an you head}

jason:{thanks for that}

guren:that explain how you get out soo fast 

jason:yeah olso yoichi you okay

youchi:i just nervous

jason:don't worry i mean you go this far right just stay positive you been fine..just think what are you here for and you been fine

youchi:*nod*i will thanks

the group enter the elevador

jason:soo let me guess underground?

guren:yeah suprise?

jason:no find fitting any demonic stuff is underground where hell should been and we pretty much goin staight to hell

chihiro:you right about it that

akane:soo jason you sure you okay

jason:well i fine and didn't try to kill you soo

sayuri:still is odd the demonic energy act aroud you


guren press the button as sayuri realise witch one hit

sayuri:wait guren that one lead


sayuri:but they can't

guren:no then*look jason*is for him

jason:wait does that chamber lead

guren:there is one demon weapon who is above any one you see..but no one have ever overcome the demon with it

yu:then i


guren:let me finish!..where was i

jason:about the part never overcome

guren:right because the demon is too strong to even an high trainer soldier can handle it

shinoa:ahh and what make jason soo special then~

shinho:tch it can't been that special

jason:can i i was say we deal some research and turn out the only way an person can overcome this if the person have demon blood on they veins

everyone eyes widen as they put two two together and look at jason

yu:w w w wait s s soo jason is 

yune:an demon!?

jason:that o i have demon blood{dammit}

sayuri:bu but how

jason:again no idea

guren:i suspect when energy of my weapon react turn out stronger demonic energy can attract others to join the source and for the looks of are that case..soo jason you are ready..because this is far above anything you see

jason:yes..i came an lot soo i ready

guren:we see

the elevador stop an the floor and open the door to reveal an dark room with an circle an the middle of it as the group enter

jason:soo what is the demon you talk about

guren:is unknow but is know an the dark being who darkkness who make trmpe and corrupt other demons as well

jason and the girls:{please don't let been an incarnation of the black beast}soo this is an black demon rank right?

guren:unclear we never see the weapon an shape because no one overcome the demon

jason:okay soo why i do

guren:stand a the circle

jason stand an the circle

akane:jason you sure about this?

chihiro:it seems you will face the worst

jason:i deal worst things and besides i face many demons

sayuri:yeah but this one is...

jason:if guren is right then i have an chance to beat the demon right

yune:but what if you don't?

jason:don't think the bad scenario okay that is the thing the demon will use agaist you


yu:you better come back you hear i want to beat you and prove you i strong

jason:je then cross you finger then kid

shinoa:ara ara been confident do you

jason:don't ruin the moment rabbit


yu and the hyakuga laugh an the nickname

guren:all right back to the you need to drop the blood an the circle the ritual begin when you do that

jason nod and summor bloodedge an sword form as he grip the blade hard and move dow as blood begin to drop on the ground and then move down the blade to cause more drop shred and fell to the circle as the later glow red

guren:remeber if you lose to the demon you became an demon man eter

jason nod as an blick anything was black

jason:another battle void

but anything change to an weird place

jason:i was expect something more...demonicsh...hmm

???:soo another fool who will die to try to take my power

he turn to see an woman

jason:you must been the demon

???:if i am you will die.besides you just...wait..


???:you aura..and not an human

jason:you figure out

???:i can sense an vampire..and..demon...i see..maybe you can been the one who mild pass the test

jason:soo what is this

???:well you are the one who came this far..this is how it goes you need to defeat me..if you die

jason:sounds good to me

he see his weapons on him


???:i want to see you pontecila soo is gonnad been an fair fight..i nyal will have no mercy!

jason:fine then i won't hold back!!

both got ready

nyal vs jason

nyal fell to her knees


she fell to the ground uncosious

jason:*sight*i did was hard but i did it

???:impressive for sure you beat her

jason turn aroud to see another woman

jason:who are you?

shane:i shane the heart


shane:yeah nyal is the body and i eam the heart you must beat me i let you know i not easy to beat

jason:well i not hold back..bring it on

shane:that arrogance will doom you

jason:we see

both got ready

{jason.lucian- shane apha}

jason end up on his knees while hold his hold are strong

shane:i suprise you survive this far..but looks like is over

jason:tch you think i kick the butt

with stugger jason stand look an shane dispide the wounds

shane:oh really you think are capable

jason:you see..

he focus his azure


he unleash the power as jason have an strong aura

shane:jejej now you show you sure is strong and remind me to myseft..well then let's start the round two..but an that case..i unleash my power

she unleash her power as shane change

shane:let's start

both got ready

{jason-nero  shane-vergil}

shane fell on her knees.and pant

shane:i are really strong..for an hybrid 

jason:i more strong than you realise

shane:oh really then how about

jason see walk nyal walk next to shane with her weapon ready

shane:how about face both of us as last test


shane:but as reward i give you something

an weapon appear an front of him

jason:wait his this you sword

shane:an copy with an part of my power..if you can control then this fight will been even but if you fail you die..o you can fight without it..but an you current state you have no hope

jason:je i guess i go for the first

he grab the katana as jason feel the power and he was sorround by demonic energy


the power was more intense 


he roar and unleash an power as he begin to trasform

there was an burst of demonic energy as jason was trasform it was the same but diferent now it have wings on his back as all his body less his hair was pure black as his eyes glow intense red and still have the tail and sharp teeth and the weapon blade glow intense red

jason*demonic voice*is this..the true power{is like the black beast}

shane:amazing seems like you demonic side accept the with that aside

both girls got ready as jason got ready with his weapon

jason:here i come!!

{jason-apha   nyal and shane-twins}

both girls fell to they knees defeat

nyal:soo..strong.. douth you are the one worthy an our power

jason:good to know

shane.but answer me this..what you plan to with it

jason:an first i use to help humanity but after learn they do some stuff with a serafin stuff..i just use to pretty much avoid this world's destrution

shane:je soo you know huh even you have to fight both vampire and human?

jason:if is for the world never end an chaos..yes i go for it

shane:even you friends?

jason:..if i have too yes

shane:well you not like the rest..soo we shane i accept you

nyal:and i nyal i accept you..

girls:we will make an contralt with you jason yoru bloodedge

jason:oh thanks.that is good to know

shane:if you want our power call out our names

both cursh they hands as the world aroud then begin to crumble

both:open you eyes and let you enemies know the true fear,and let the darkness consume then

jason open his eyes and he was back an the chamber as but he have that form


he stand up and look an the group guren and sayuri have they weapons ready as the rest were an shock to see jason there?

jason:*look shane blade and then his hand and talk an his demonic voice*yes....i am here.

sayuri:jason what happen to you?!

jason:looks like the power allow me to transform ...i sure i find this useful

guren:you still youseft right?

jason:*look guren*like i want to kick you nuts because you were stare sayuri legs an the elevador?


sayuri:wait what!? guren!!

guren:no no no you is an lie

jason:*chulker*sure coming from you i douth


guren:calm down olso jason you made it right

jason:yeah let me test something...nyal!

an coffen land besides jason and open as jason put his hand inside and pull out nyal weapon as it happen 3 coffins was an his back


jason:je looks like i have they weapons

yu:w wait jason how many weapons you get!?



sayuri:no way no one ever have two curse gear before

guren:i can't believe it...

akane:woah i sure jason is super strong now

shinoa:*gulp*i better think twice about make him angry

yu:je see you scare it put an smile an my face

chihiro:still he looks scary

shinho:how he can do that

jason:well i have the weapons soo

sayuri:but jason you still have that form

jason:oh right

shane:{just focus and you turn back to normal}

jason focus and all the energy goes to his curse gears as jason was back to normal

jason:there that should do it

guren:i see..good you are fine..demon vampire


guren:you get the curse gear who are obtain by have demon blood guess that make you an hybrid


chihiro:oh that means jason is part human,part vampire and part demon

shinoa:woah jason  have 3 suprises an one package

shinho:just how strong are you

jason:maybe later on you will see

akane:wow no wonder how that vampire lost that bad.


guren:well with that out of the way let's go to finsh the other test

the rest nod as jason make his weapons dissapear alog with coffins as all enter the elevador

shane:{hey jason we meet you other pathners..and i see you have an serarin}

fith:{i don't trust you dark one}

shane:{you have too besides my pathner is the one who want to make things right even face two races by himseft}


luciela:{well he is not alone he have us to cover his back}

shane:{guess we get along just fine..jejeje}

jason:{i don't like this but i have an curse gears soo is win win}


vampire:my queen

kru:what is it

vampire:some scouts report the power of the dark one is been awake


vampire:it it make contrat


vampire:is unclear who is it

kru:find it and don't come back until you find out who

vampire:yes queen

the vampire leave

kru:soo the dark one is already made an contrat..well then..*smirk*this will make things more interesting

now jason have the must powerful curse the questions is..will use agaist the vampires..the humans?...o both

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