sixteen: what now?

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i woke up naked. i'm squished between three, very attractive, very ethereal, hybrids who are snoring peacefully. Jimin, on my right, has his face smushed against the pillow, Jungkook is curled up near my feet adorably, and Tae, on my left, has an arm wrapped around my waist. the room still smelled of followers, peaches, and strawberries. i look at my alarm clock, 8:30am... 8:30AM?! i'm late for work!

i didn't pay much attention to where i'm stepping so i just rolled out of bed, feeling the limbs of my hybrids and they make whining sounds of pain but did not wake up. i reeked of their scents, and i'm not complaining, but i still look like i just came out of a hurricane and i smelled of sex. i took a steamy shower and took a plan B pill because i'm really not trying to have kids right now when i have seven adult hybrids to take care of. the thought of being pregnant with any of their children inside me kind of made me excited but also second guess myself that i'm not prepared to be a mother.

i make my way into the kitchen wearing my black slacks and a pastel pink knit sweater. Jin is prepping food for breakfast and didn't even look up to acknowledge me. he takes out a cutting board and starts to cut up meat while i watch from the counter as he makes sandwiches, still not even sparing me a glance.

"hello? earth to Jin?" i giggle to get his attention but to no avail.

"what is wrong Jin?" i ask and stand up from the counter.

"everything." he mumbles as he quickens his pace on chopping the meat and placing it on the pan, the sizzling not helping with communication.

i walk around the counter so i'm by his side now. i stare up at him, glaring, hoping he'll see that whatever has made him upset he can at least tell me.

i hear him sigh. and this throws me back a little, Jin has been the most quiet about turning into a human and has more human qualities than the rest. i should probably look into that...

"i remember..." he begins.

"remember what?" i suddenly panic. he remembers what he was like as a puppy?

"my past life." he said lowly but enough for me to hear.

suddenly there was a knock at my door, it was a little too hard and i know it's not Minseok since he never knocks.

i open the door and the woman i met in New York gives me a shy smile before placing a strand of hair behind her ear. Lacy isn't wearing makeup, making her more stunning and i hear Jin retreat back to his room because he doesn't like strangers or maybe... it's because of something else.

"Lacy..." i manage.

"sorry i'm late." she says casually.

"late for what?" i question.

"why, for an adventure of course! do you enjoy the gift or rather, gifts i gave you?" she said while eyeing the inside of my living room.

"please come in." i said while stepping aside. "what do you mean gifts?" i raise an eyebrow and she makes her way in and gets comfy on the leather couch in the living room.

"your hybrids silly!" she smirks.

just then Jungkook, Tae, and Jimin come out of my bedroom fully dressed (thankfully) but stop abruptly at the stranger in the room.

"i remember you!" Jimin yelps and scurries to hide behind Tae.

Lacy just shrugs and asks, "you got any good food here or what?"

dinner was awkward... i can feel a sort of sour smell in the kitchen and it honestly effected the taste of the fried chicken to which Lacy had already devoured half the plate. i couldn't help but smile because of course food brings me joy and it's always good to share with others. however, Jin and Namjoon were sulking at the dwindling pieces of juicy meat, Tae was also eating quickly, trying to keep up. Jungkook just stares at Lacy while Jimin and Yoongi give her glares. it's only Hoseok who seems to be warming up to the woman.

"so you made us human!" he beams.

"indeed i did cutie. look how handsome you all turned out to be, you know my magic only is strong when my customer truly desires something." Lacy explains.

"c-customer? i never asked for hybrids." i said.

"oh, don't you worry you're cute little head, your deepest desires have been unlocked thanks to me." she boasts.

"i don't even know myself." i mumble.

Yoongi's sensitive ears picked up what Nari said. his hearing has been normal up until a couple days ago and it's like his cat instincts are kicking in again and he can even hear the conversations outside on the street. it's honestly scaring him but he doesn't want to worry Nari who already has so much on her plate. so the former kitten just plays with the drumstick while the mysterious lady rambles about magic and Nari's desires.

"so you're telling me you're a witch?" Nari asks.

"now that's just offensive, i am a sorceress, i go around solving people's problems." Lacy said then fake gasps.

"is there a way to, i don't know, switch them back?" Nari asks quickly and honestly, she didn't mean it that way but the statement clouded the whole kitchen, even Lacy was taken aback.

"i don't want to be a useless chinchilla!" Hoseok slams his hands down on the table causing it to shake like the way Nari's boots feel right now at the sudden outburst of the male who's known to be the most collected.

"i second that!" Jimin said stands from his seat.

"me three!" Jin joins in and one by one the hybrids stand up and it leaves Nari dumbfounded that they actually like being human.

"why do you all want to be human? do you think you'd want to be stuck inside my apartment until the end of your days? i can't possibly support seven grown men, including myself, for the rest of my life." Nari said a little too harshly due to all the pent up stress she has had the past couple months. with them having heats every month and work has been overtime lately, the woman has run short of patience despite loving each of the seven hybrids. a little too much that she's willing to let them go into the real world so they could find their own place.

i didn't mean to say that. i love them no matter what shape they take, their eyes soften and i kneel down to the floor quite pitifully.

"i'm sorry my friends, i have failed you. how can i give you all the attention and love you need when i can't even focus on myself." i bring my hands to my face and begin to sob quietly.

an unexpected hand lays on my shoulder. it's Lacy's hand and even through my sweater i can feel the warmth of her palm.

"that's why i granted you your friends Nari. you need a group of people to steer you towards happiness or else everything you've worked for will be for nothing." Lacy's honey voice worked wonders and my quiet sobs turned to sniffles.

i look up and each of their eyes are filled with worry. Lacy's words repeat in my head, "everything that i've worked for"... she is right, it took me most of my youth to get to where i am now. a woman in her late twenties with no husband, no boyfriend, no family. just a woman with her passion for animals and helping those in need.

i've built my own family, with the help of Lacy, and i'll do anything to protect the boys even if that means letting them go.

"alright everyone, who thinks they have any special talents?" i announce, but i'm only met with questionable looks and a slight smirk on Lacy's face.

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