Chapter 28

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Panchaali smiled as she stood beside her husband at the gates of heaven Hastinapur to welcome the princess of Sindhpradesh. Ulekha stepped down her chariot a smile on her face as she walked towards the Kuru. Dushala was first to greet her by hugging, but her eyes moved around, searching for that one man for whom she had travelled such a far distance.

Arjun watched as Ulekha moved towards him, after meeting his family, he didn't like the fact that the woman was completely disregarding his wife as she moved to him with a soft smile on her face.

"Pranipat Maharaj Arjun." She greeted, joining her hands in front of him, as he gazed at her with an expressionless mask, she didn't like one bit that he was greeting her with no emotion, that he showed no happiness on her arrival. Men threw themselves at her but she usually ignored them all and here was a man who was ignoring her, how dare he? "Pranipat Sindh Kumari Ulekha." Formality dripped off his words as he joined his hands and greeted her, gazing at her the way he would to any stranger.

"Oh Arjun why are you being so formal? We are friends aren't we?" She asked looking at him, he gave her a nod, "A lot has changed since we met the last time Rajkumari. Meet my wife and the queen of Indraprasth, Maharani Draupadi." He introduced, his eyes softening as he gazed at his wife, a caring smile appeared on his face when he turned to her.

Panchaali blushed before she joined her hands and looked at the princess, a smile appearing on her face. "Pranipat Rajkumari Ulekha." She said politely as she gazed at the sister of Sinduraj. "Pranipat Maharani. I have heard so many tails of your beauty and generosity. And I must say you are more beautiful than those rumors, they do no justice to you Yagseni." Complimented Ulekha with a smile on her face though she was burning with rage from within, as she saw the care and affection that Arjun had for his wife.

"Oh you're too kind princess to say this." Panchaali replied, "Now will you continue talking here, or should shall we all proceed in Putri?" Kunti teased making her daughter in law blush, "Let's go in." Dushala said with a smile and they all turned to leave, Panchaali moved when she felt rough, callous fingers wrapped around her wrist making her halt, she felt herself being tugged and found herself in the arms of her husband, her chest pressed in to his as her hands rested on his chest, his wrapped around her waist as he gazed in her eyes. "And where do you think you are going baby girl?" He whispered in her ear making goosebumps break throughout her body, "Arya don't start." She whispered blushing as she tried to get herself free from him, he however just tightened his hold on her making her squirm, "Arya anyone can come here." She whisper yelled her heart thrumming in her chest as her breath came out in short pants, she looked at him blushing. He smirked mischievously as he just tightened his hold on her pulling her closer to his chest, nuzzling his neck making her heart thunder. "Aryaaa." She whined, "Hmmm." He just hummed his eyes shining with love and care as he planted kisses on her neck sending sparks through her body, "arya mata must be waiting." She nearly moaned the words, "Let her." He stated kissing her neck, "so you're not afraid of her?" She whispered, "No." He stated kissing her neck, "Mata!" She shouted, Arjun jumped away from her like she had electrocuted him, turning around to explain to his mother that it wasn't what she saw, his heart thrumming and cheeks red. He looked around to see no one was around, soft giggling laughter had him squinting his eyes at her, she was laughing as she put her hands over her mouth and laughed. "So you are not scared of Mata arya?" She teased making him give her a fake glare, she laughed harder, his heart jolting with sparks as he saw her giggle. "Don't you think you are being a bit too mischievous for a while now?" He taunted, "Seems like the great warrior is having a little difficulty handling a little mischief." She teased, "Oh really? Just you wait!" He teased as he ran towards, she squealed as she turned around and ran, her heart thundering in her chest.

"Putri." Kunti called making Panchaali slow down, she smiled as she looked at her mother in law. "Yes mata." She replied, "Where have you been we are waiting for you? Now forget all this and come with me. And putr Arjun what are you doing here? Don't you have practice?" She asked raising her brow at her son, who flustered, he nodded and left.

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