Chapter 29

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Arjun gazed at his unconscious wife and back at the raj ved, worry bubbling in his chest as he combed his fingers through her long dark tresses, his eyes shining with concern as he gazed at the Raj ved, most of the women of the family stood around surrounding the bed.

"Ved ji will my putri be alright?" Kunti asked, concern dripping of her words as she patted her head, the raj ved examined her, taking in her vitals, Dhananjay's heart beat increased with each moment as his hand fisted on his side, "Why isn't she waking up?" He finally questioned, his thread of patience snapped. The ved sighed, like the weight of the world was kept on his shoulders, "There is a good news and a bad news." He said sadly,  a heavy weight settled in Arjun's chest as his heart pumped wilder, "What do you mean?" He snapped, the anxiety in him began to build as he stared at the ved, "Maharani is going to be a mother. But if she continues with the pregnancy the chances of her survival are less. There are only five percent chances of the queen to survive." He informed, Arjun's heart nearly collapsed, for a moment his heart had over flown with joy hearing the news of her pregnancy, he was going to be a father, but all those hopes, all his those wishes came crashing down as Ved completed the rest of his sentence, his princess would die?  Gasps filled the air, shock and sorrow covered the room like a thick dark blanket with no source of light of hope coming in.

Pain. Agony. Was all that Arjun could feel, his eyes watered, what sort of game was this? He had to choose between his child and his wife, "Isn't there a way out of this?" He asked desperately grasping the last rays his hopes, wishing that everything will be fine, "Maharaj either the child can be saved or the mata, if maharani Panchaali continues with her pregnancy the chances of her survival are almost none, there are chances that this complication may arise again or may not completely depends on situation. If you wish to terminate the pregnancy this is the herb, mix it and give it to her in water, she will have a miscarriage." He stated, Arjun watched in pain and shock at the herb and his wife, "He will save the child, the child is the upcoming heir of Indraprasth, and what importance do woman hold in royal families? Their job is to marry and give the king a heir, and she did hers. And it's not like Bhraatashree Arjun can't marry another. What does it matter?  My arya and Bhraatashree Duryodhan did the same thing, they in same situation three years back and they let the child be born, their first wives died during the process and after a week they married again, see here I am, I love my jijis son as my own. Bhraata Arjun needs to do the same thing, that's politically right." Dushasan's wife, Duspriya stated nonchalantly making Arjun growl in anger, her words build fury in him, "Mind your words bhabhi! I am not endangering my wife for a bloody political reason. I am not your husband and Duryodhan, for them their wives were the tissues that they could use and discard but for me, my wife is my soul! A person can't live without their soul, you better mind your tongue I will have to cross my limits!" He snapped at her his words coming out as a growl, red covered his haze as he looked at her, his fists tightening and his jaw set, the hazel in his eyes turned dark as he glared at her, his eyes intensifying with anger as he continued to glare at her harder,  she smirked as she looked at him, "Oh really? Than how do you plan to have an heir if you abort this child?  What guarantee is that she won't be having this complication again? You have promised her as a wedding vow that you won't marry another? Are you going to break this vow?! Ha? What do you plan to do??!!"  She snapped back, "Stay in your limits Duspriya! Mind your tongue!" Gandhari snapped, "Being a woman how can you speak so cruelly putri Duspriya???" Kunti snapped hurt and angry, "Bhabhi Panchaali has been nothing but kind to you, didn't your heart crack once even before you spoke so ill of her? Instead of sympathizing with her current predicament, being there for her, you are saying so ill of her?? Have some shame Matsya Kumari!!" Shouted Dushala,  "Making me the bad person here won't solve any problem! What have I said wrong? Can any of you deny this truth? Can any of you say that a woman holds more important in the life of a man than birth givers? Weren't you married to Yuvraj Dhritarashtr for your same capacity mata? Because you held the boon of giving birth to hundred sons! Aren't you loved more by the people here Maharani Kunti because you have the mantras who would give you sons of gods?! EVERY woman here is for the same reason than how do you expect Panchaali to be any different?  Why does she get to have the special status when none was given to others before?! Why the hell?!" Screamed Duspriya, her eyes watering with tears as fury and pain tangled in her.  

She never wanted to marry Dushasan after what he did to her elder sister, Duspriya was Dushasan's first wife's younger sister, the monster let her sister die for a child, and married her. She hated Panchaali,was extremely jealous of her, why did she get to have a husband like Arjun, a man who loves and cares,while she suffers, she hated it. Despised it to the core.

"I want to be alone!" Arjun snapped, ordering everyone to leave, they did. Duspriya's had shaken the very base of soul, his heart throbbed with pain and agony, the thought of killing his child crippled him, he had created this child with her, their baby, the fruit of their union,the symbol of their love. The very being that he had wished so much to have it with her, what was his fault? Why had god cursed him to make this difficult decision? If he chose his wife, his child would have to die and marry another for an heir, he can't ignore his duties as the king. If he doesn't abort her pregnancy the chances are he'll lose her and than he'll have to marry again, what sort of choices are this??? Lose the child or lose the wife!  He can't choose, a loud cry left thorough his lips as he broke down, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed on top of his voice, his heart burning with pain and suffering, he cried and cried, today he was completely shattered and broken, completely dead, the agony that he suffered was worse than death, he wanted to die! He couldn't choose! How could he? If he chose Panchaali, he will forever suffer the guilt of killing his child, if he lost Panchaali, he himself would die, he couldn't live without her, there was no point, there would be no reason for him to,she was his soul, his one reason, his one priority, he couldn't, he couldn't lose his love damn it!! The thought of losing her made him feel dead, this was torture in its worst form, he felt like dying, but his Panchaali held him anchored and rooted, he can't loose her, no he could never. Arms wrapped around him as Kunti pulled her son in her embrace, his legs gave out as he fell on the ground on his knees,crying and sobbing in the arms of his mother,who too cried, "Everything will be fine putr." She whispered, "I can't leave without her mata, I can't without my Panchaali. She is all that I ever needed, she's mine, I can't lose her!" He screamed in agony breaking down in sobs, his body wrecked with soul wrenching cries as the slithering agony of his heart took the form of tears and rained down his cheeks. What sort of fate was this? What would Arjun choose, Kunti wondered as she cried, her heart throbbing at the pain of her son, either his choice meant his death in a way. . .




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