Chapter 33

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Krishn laid on his side in his garden’s swing, his one hand supporting his head as his face was a mask of calmness unlike his mind and soul that was in chaos, his heart thrumming with an ache, his mouth grew dry as a single tear traced down from the corner of his eyes as he heard her voice. “GOVIND” though she had whispered it, the words reverberated through his mind as though she had screamed them. He sniffed as he opened his now red eyes, tears tracking down his cheeks as he sat up. “Panchi…” He whispered her name and the air cackled with an energy, as the wind picked up it’s speed, as a heaviness settled in the air, the sheer amount of power that was unleased had the sky darkening.
The sky of Hastinapur turned dark as the speed of the wind picked up, goosebumps broke throughout the bodies of everyone as they felt the sheer amount of strength, a sweet melodious sound of the flute filled the air as Arjun watched with shock, the hopelessness and the pain that had filled him was now replaced by hope. “Madhav. . .” the name left like a prayer as he heard the chanting began.
Yada yada hi dharmasya galnirbhavati bharata, abhythanmadharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham
Paritranaya sadhunang vinashay cha dushkritam,
Dharmasangsthapanarthay sambhabami yuge yuge
Shock filled the air as everyone watched with wide eyes as a huge hand appeared from the sky made of clouds, and descended from the sky and moved down towards Panchaali who was barreling down towards the ground.
Shri Krishn Govind hare muraari hey nath Narayan Vasudev
They watched with wide eyes as Panchaali fell on the huge hand made of cloud instead of the hard ground, Arjun ran down towards her, his heart thrumming in his chest as he erased the gap between her and him, a sigh left his mouth as he saw her laying down on the soft grass, perfectly fine, his eyes fell on the arrow sticking out of her shoulder, he ran towards her and crouched beside, she was unconscious as thick red liquid poured out of her wound. He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up in his arms and carried her in, rushing down the corridors to the vedhshala, his heart thrummed in pain and agony as tears rained down his eyes, he kicked the door open as he put her down on the bed. “NAKUL! SEHDEV!’ He shouted, his brothers came rushing in their eyes widened as they saw the sight in front of them, pain and fear thrumming through them.
They moved towards her as Arjun looked at her and back to his brothers, his heart thrumming in pain, “Bhraata you need to go out.” Sehdev instructed as he and Nakul began their work, Arjun moved back refusing to leave, his back hit the wall as his leg gave away from under him, he slid down on the ground as he sat there, his eyes were filled with tears as his heart burned with agony, he shut his eyes tightly, no he can’t lose her, his one of the worst fears were coming to life, as the level of agony surpassed, the ache in his heart amplifying making it impossible for him to breath, Sobs wrecked his body as he prayed, please madhav let her be fine, I can’t loose her Madhav. Please let her be alright. You know I can’t leave without her, he repeated in his min over and over again. Arms wrapped around her as the soothing scent of his mother reached him, he let himself break, he let himself cry, the fear gripping him harder and making him lose every sense of reality. Time passed as he cried letting himself get lost in all the agony, soon his cries turned sniffles, his eyes were completely red as he was held there by his mother. Kunti let him cry, rubbing his back as she too cried with him, Pandu entered the room, his face a mask of worry and pain as he looked around to see his son crying in the arms of the man. He looked at them as his heart squeezed in pain, the soldiers along with the best of his man were searching for the attacker who had dared to attack the putr vadhu of Kuru family.
Hours passed as Nakul and Sehdev finally sighed, they looked at their family. “She is fine.” The words were like the wave of happiness that had everyone sighing in relief, Arjun rushed by her side as he sat near her head on the bed, his hand running through her hair as he pressed his lips to her forehead. “Thank god.” He said a prayer to Madhav thanking him, a smile lighting his face. “Will someone tell me what is happening here?” King Pandu asked, Arjun began narrating everything, “What complications are you talking about jyest? I am other than the normal first pregnancy risks Panchaali has no pregnancy issues.” Nakul’s words had a silence descending on the room, Arjun looked at his brother with disbelief. “You mean to say that she is perfectly fine? That our child is healthy? That he doesn’t pose a threat to the life of my wife.” Dhananjay asked, his words were cautious as he looked at his brothers, shock and disbelief filled his being, “Of course not jyest, the pregnancy is completely normal.” Sehdev stated.
Fury, dark and blazing flames sparked in his chest as his eyes hardened as he glared, someone had created this whole plan. A heavy feeling settled in his chest as he realized that had Panchaali not opposed him so strongly, the biggest sin of killing his very own blood by his own hand would have been done by his hands. His eyes glazed with tears as he looked down at him, grief gripped his heart in its sharp claws and squeezed it sharply, the father in him as burning in rage, someone dared to harm his child, make him kill his own child by his own hands, he looked at her, she had again prevented him from doing sin. He pressed his lips to her forehead as he looked at his mother, “Be with her, I shall return soon.” He whispered as he stood up, Arjun’s face took a darker expression as he walked away from Panchaali, the monster that was locked in him was finally out and demanded revenge, he wanted blood of the person who had done this. Such a big plan, he could have killed his own son by his own hands, anger flooded his system as his eyes grew darker with fury. “Get me the raj veidhy!” he shouted, his words dripping with a dark intent that had everyone chilling, the guard rushed as Arjun paced in the throne room, “What happened to the archer who attacked my wife?!” He demanded, with every passing second the fury was increasing, his face turned hard as he looked at everyone, the soldiers gulped where they stood, their faces a mask of fear, the beast in Arjun demanded blood, someone had dared to think about harming his family, his love, he wanted the blood, determination fueled him, no way in heaven was he letting the b*stard go.
He marched out of the throne room, his each step was like death himself was walking down the path. Anger unfurled in his system as he walked down the corridors. The people moved back, Arjun was said to be the avatar of MahaKaal and in this moment he really looked like the god of death and destruction. Shivers ran down of fear as the people bowed as they watched the angry man march, fear and terror zipped through the air, making people chock on it.
Arjun’s hand were itching, blood, he was thirsting for the blood of the person who had dared create all this havoc, he will show them what it is like to mess with him and his family. Sindhuraj who had just dared to watch his wife in the wrong manner he had given him a life worse than death, the plans that he held for this person were so atrocious that the punishment of Sindhuraj would seem like a walk in the garden. The father in him demanded blood, demanded the demise of the soul who had dared to harm his child, who had almost had him murdering his own child. “AHHHHHHHHH!” A loud cry of anger left through his mouth as he greeted his teeth, his jaw setting, his eyes burning with a dark flame of rage that threatened to burn everything on its wake. He kicked the door open of the Raj vaidhey’s house, his dark blazing eyes with a menace as he looked around, “Where is the Raj vaidheya!” He shouted, his words dripping of murderous intent as his loud shout of anger had the man in front of him quivering like a dry leaf, his eyes blurred with tears as he looked at the furious king of Indraprasth, the hard expression on his face making his soul scream in mercy. He fell on his knees as he looked up at him, “I have no idea where he is my lord. I am just a common man working under his care. I did nothing, I know nothing.” He begged as he looked up at the furious king, his dark penetrating gaze landed on the man, “If you meet him tell him, that death would be a more viable option than falling in my hands, for I won’t hesitate to give him a life that would be so much worse than death. It is the promise of a father and a husband. . .” He whispered in the ear of the man making him quiver, the words though sounded calm were filled with a threat that had the man fainting where he stood. . .


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