Chapter 34

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Ulekha paced the room, fury fueling her each step as anxiety build in her, "Idiot is what you are!" She snapped as she glared at the man in front of her, "Mind your f*cking language!" Duryodhan snapped back, his eyes blazing with anger. "Mind my language? You freaking moron you spoiled everything!" She growled back, "I spoiled everything thing?! You freaking did it! How dare you hurt Panchaali! That was never part of the god damn plan!" His words dripped with acid while his hands itched to chock her. "You promised Arjun will leave her the moment he heard about her not being able to carryout the pregnancy!" She accused, her eyes glaring at the man in front of him, if looks could kill Duryodhan would be six feet under the ground, had she not trusted this moron she wouldn't be in this mess, from her spies in Hastinapur she had known all about Arjun and Draupadi, never had she thought that the great warrior Arjun, the one she lusted after since the first time she saw him in Sinduraj's wedding, the man who resisted all her charms would marry someone and promise to be  loyal to her. Ulekha fisted her hands, first she lost her brother because of this woman and now Arjun! She had known all about the punishment that Arjun had given to Sinduraj, all because of this woman, he couldn't understand that! She wanted to burn down everything, to tear Panchaali into pieces, the woman had taken away her Arjun from her, the spies had been giving her all the information about what is going on.

"So you two morons are the one who have created all this mess!" Gandhar Naresh limped in as he spat the words, this two were epitome of idiocy, they really thought this fool of a plan would separate Panchaali and Paarth? They were morons.

"Gandhar.." "Mamashree.." The two began but were cutoff by a furious Shakuni, "Enough! The two of you have done enough! I know that Duryodhan you want Panchaali and Ulekha you want Arjun but this is no way of doing it. What you have done is complete idiocy?! Who the hell do you both think Arjun is?! He is not one of us, he is a man of values,would never leave his wife for a reason like heir. He loves her way too much for that! The only thing that you have achieved from this plan is a furious Gandivdhaari who wouldn't hesitate to snap your necks if he knew that it was you two who endangered the life of his child and wife." Growled Shakuni, Ulekha and Duryodhan gulped, he was right,  what they had done was indeed stupid. Terror sunk into their hearts, everyone knew about Arjun's anger. His fury, they trembled, if he got their hands on them there was no way in heaven he will let them survive. "What do we do now? Please mamashree only you can help us now!" Duryodhan begged,  Shakuni turned to him a smile on his face, "Than do as I say. . ." He said as he looked at them, an evil smirk on his face as he began narrating the plan. . .


"What do you mean you weren't able to find him?!" Shouted Arjun, his voice laced with anger as he glared at everyone, eighteen damn men and each one of them had proven to be useless. It had passed a week, a week since Panchaali was attacked, since Rajvaidey was missing and they were saying they couldn't find him?!  "What do you mean he had disappeared has the sky eaten him or has the soil swallowed him whole! Within twenty four hours if you don't find him I will be having your heads!" He growled as he marched out of the room, his anger driving him crazy. The man who had attacked Panchaali had killed himself before Arjun could reach him, just irked him more than anything. A smirk appeared on his face as he glared on, he wanted to tear someone open. He marched to his room, where his wife rested, fury making him move faster. He pushed the door open as he marched in, his face was an expressionless mask as he glared on, his face hardening, his heart squeezed painfully as he looked at her sleeping figure. The feet that were earlier marching down the hallway earlier felt heavier, like he couldn't pick them up, he forced himself to walk in, a sad smile appearing on his face. "Still angry darling?" He asked, his voice thick with emotions, "Your silence hurts more beautiful, shout at me! Scream at me! Hit me!  Do whatever you wish princess,but not this silence, I can't see you laying her like this, motionless.  I know your healing, I know that. But no more Panchaali, I can no longer take this silence of yours, talk to me darling shout at me!" He broke down crying as he sat beside her,his hands wrapping hers in his. Tears tracking down his cheeks, making his heart thump in her chest violently as pain washed over him. He should have known better, he should have tried harder, his heart squeezed in his chest painfully as he looked at her. If only he had been a bit more careful this wouldn't have happened to her, thought as he ran his fingers through his hair making him tug at them. "Arya." Her soft voice had his head snapping up as his watery gaze met with hers. Happiness surged through him as he noticed that she was awake, his arms wrapping around her as he pulled her hard against his chest. A smile appearing on his face as he looked at her, her lips turned up in a slow smile as she gazed at him, "You're awake!" He exclaimed happily as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest as he hugged her,his hands rubbing her back as he pressed his lips to her forehead,  a sigh of relief passing through her as he rubbed her back, apologising to her over and over again. His hands running up and down his back, "Arya." She whispered, her voice was like music to his ears, his hands running up and down her back making him sigh as she looked at him, his warm arms around her felt assuring as her scent had him calming. "I am so sorry princess." He apologised as he pressed his lips to her forehead, "You have nothing to apologise for." She whispered, her hands running up and down his back in a calm soothing manner,calming down the storm of emotions that has been raging on in him making him feel things that only she could, soothing him. He sighed as he felt the wave of calmness wash over him that did every time he met her, a sigh passing through his lips as he felt the soothing warmth seep in his very last fibre, she had made him feel things that no one could ever make her feel, she soothed all the fears and pain that many failed to do so, he didn't know what It was about her that had him forgetting about everything, her heart thudding in her chest wildly as she looked at him. "I love you so much." He whispered in her ear, they were mere simple words to one, for anyone else who heard them they were nothing more than three small words but according to him,it was his complete world, all his feelings and emotions as he poured it out to her, three words that made his world so much beautiful than it already was, three words that summed up his entire life, his world and his reason to live. . .




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