Chapter 5

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Panchaali entered the balcony, her eyes fell on a sleeping figure of Vasudev, she didn't know why but a smile appeared on her face as she watched him lay with peace and calmness on his face.

She turned around to leave not wanting to disturb him, "Where are you going sakhi?" His clear masculine voice rang around her making her freeze as she turned sideways to look at him, he sat up with a smile on her face as she blushed.

"You took your own sweet time to come meet me." He complained, she was confused by his behavior, he talked to her like he knew her, like they were friends. She faced him and looked at him confused, he smiled at her, "I am your sakhi?" She asked confused, "Yes aren't you?! Don't tell me you don't want to be friends with me?!" He said in a mock shock making Panchaali shake her head, "No no, sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I was just surprised. I mean I am ready to be your friend... " Her nervous rambling was cut off by his laughter as she her cheeks tinted red, she blushed as she looked down.

"That was so mean of you arya." Rukmini admonished as she entered in, her eyes narrowing at him. She smiled at Panchaali, "Don't mind my husband, he loves to tease people." She said shooting him a glare as he gave her a smile. "That's so not true sakhi she's just jealous of our friendship." Krishn said with a fake seriousness, "I am jealous?" Rukmini asked with mock shock, Panchaali giggled at their cuteness. The two smiled at her, "So you're the one who has driven Arjun crazy. " Satya said as she entered the balcony, Panchaali blushed, "You really are beautiful no wonder Rajkumar Arjun has not been buzzing around our arya." She teased making Panchaali's cheek warmer, "Let the poor girl be alone, don't tease her." Rukmini said with a smile as she looked at Satya who smiled and pinched Panchaali's cheeks, "She's so cute." She gushed, "and she's mine." Arjun's declaration had everyone turning around to look at him.

His words had her blushing as the other three laughed, "So you stay away from her." He said playful as he pointed at Satya, who faked a shocked gasp before narrowing her eyes at him, "What about you spoiling my Arya?" She shot back. "I am not spoiled!" Krishn whined, Rukmini rolled her eyes, "You so are." She said with a mischievous smile.

"Doesn't count, you don't get to spoil my innocent princess." Arjun argued back, Panchaali really had no idea what to do, she just watched them playfully argue, her heart throbbed as she too craved to be a part of this family, maybe she will someday have enough confidence to be like them, "Rajkumari Panchaali you have been called by Maharani Kritika." A dasi said making everyone look at Panchaali, who nodded, she looked at the four in front of her and smiled, her eyes lingering on Arjun who gave her just as intensified look. She turned away and moved to her mother's room.

As she walked down the corridors a hand wrapped around her arm and swirled her around sharply, shock and terror warred in her heart as she turned to look at her sister, who glared at her with such hate and disgust that it had Panchaali's heart throbbing with fear.

"Kri.. " Before she could continue Kirti spat, "You're such a wh*re! Don't you have any shame?? You let a man who ain't you're husband touch you in such a manner?! Do you have any character?! Or do you have sold it all away like that non existing brain of yours! Who let's an unknown man touch them in such an intimate manner, a man you haven't known for less than 2 days. Have some shame wh*re with you the name of Panchaal is attached! Do you really think a guy like Rajkumar Arjun would marry a trash bag like you! No! The only reason he is doing this is so that you can do what you're only good for; warm his bed!" She spat as she wrapped her hand around Panchaali's cheeks in a harsh manner making her bite back in pain, tears were flowing down her cheeks, as each of her words pierced Panchaali's heart making it bleed, how can she say that to her?

"You keep you're wh*ring ways to yourself and stay away from Arjun, who can love a imbecile like you? You don't know anything about this world and its ways, you're a freak, you can't even socialise and you want to marry the most sorted out prince? Do you even deserve to be his wife?!" She shouted as she pushed Panchaali on the ground making her hit the wall and swirled around and marched down the hallway.

Panchaali broke down crying, her heart tugging painfully, her words had hit Panchaali's heart, what did she say wrong? She really was uselessly, Arjun honestly deserved a better wife than her, she could never match his charm and his ways, she could never be what he wishes for her to be.

She sniffed as she wiped her tears, with her throbbing heart she walked down to her mother's room. "Draupadi! My putri!!" Her mother said sweetly making her look up at her mother who was smiling at her, her sudden change in behavior had Draupadi worried. "I am so happy!" Her mother gushed as she wrapped her arms around Panchaali and pulled her in for a hug making Draupadi freeze.

"Do you know today Maharani Kunti and Vasudev talked to your father about your wedding to Rajkumar Arjun! You really are my daughter! I am so happy! Now our alliance with Hastinapur is fixed and world's biggest warrior and the best archer is the son in law of Panchaal, no one would dare mess with us. Our state would be more powerful and I'll be more powerful queen." Kritika said arrogantly, she didn't care one bit who Arjun married Kirti or Panchaali, what mattered to her was the power that came from her alliance with Hastinapur. "Ma.. I don't want to marry.. " Panchaali began, she didn't want to spoil Arjun's life by binding her to him, she however was cut off by a harsh slap. Panchaali fell on the floor as she didn't really expect the slap, her head hitting the ground, as she looked at her mother who was now glaring at her, Panchaali's heart thrummed as she looked at her, "You b*itch you will marry him! I don't care what you want. You keep him happy, do what ever it takes to keep this alliance going, sleep with him for all I care. But if this marriage got stopped because of any reason than it is my promise to you that I myself will kill that little Riva the way I killed her mother! You will marry Arjun!" She spat as she kicked Panchaali in the stomach making her double over in pain as agony flared through her body, her heart trembled in fear. "In two days you're going to get engaged before they leave back to Hastinapur, you're marriage will be in a month." She informed Panchaali, "Now get out." She shouted making Panchaali struggle to get up as she stumbled out of room.

She ran down the corridors towards her room, tears tracing down her cheeks as her heart hurt. There was just so much of pain, her mind hurt, her stomach hurt, her soul hurt. She pushed the door open of her house before shutting it off behind her, she fell on the bed as she hugged her pillow and cried her heart out. . .

Arjun wanted to strangle himself, he was so ecstatic when Govind had informed about his engagement with Panchaali in two days, his happiness knew no bound, but all that was thrown in deep ocean as Kirti came to him, if she wasn't a woman he would have punched her but he held it all in, she was Panchaali's sister, he could never imagine this two to be siblings they were just so different.

"Oh Arjun every night I dream about you, you know about you and I tangled in sheets together making love for hours together. So what do you say?" She tried to sound sensuous but to Arjun it sounded like a goat attempting to sing, he rolled his eyes as he pushed her away, her arms that were around his neck he flicked them away, "Listen Rajkumari Kirti you're not the first one to throw your self at me, but I really hoped that you had some self respect but seems like you have lost about that too." He said as he turned to move away, "oh come on Arjun, stop behaving like you're a monk, I saw you this morning with my sister... " She was cut off by Arjun's glare.

Dhananjay's hands fisted as he glared at her, anger blazed in his body like a wild fire, his jaw set as he gritted the words, "Dare compare yourself with my girl and I promise you Rajkumari Kirti you won't be alive to finish the sentence. What she and I have is way more pure than for the likes of you to understand. For me she isn't just a body to warm my bed but a goddess who resides in my heart. One word, I dare you say one word wrong about her and I promise that this Gandivdhaari won't hesitate to kill you." He promised, his voice ringing with a darkness and coldness that had her heart throbbing in fear as she stumbled back and ran away from him.

The fury in his chest continued to blaze as he tried to calm himself but nothing worked, he marched down the corridors blind in rage, he found himself standing in front of Draupadi's room, he pushed the door and was greeted by the sight of her crying, the fury just blazed wilder as worry pooled in his chest as he walked down to her.

He sat on the bed beside her, who lay on her stomach, her head pushed in a pillow as she continued to cry. His hand travelled to her head as he put it on her head, she jerked her head up as her eyes looked up at him with shock, "You? Here?" She asked confused as she sat up wiping her tears, "Why? Can't I come to my finance's room?" He asked with a smile, concern masking his features, "No it's nothing like that." She whispered as she sat up, he took a tear drop on his finger drop as he looked at her, "Why were you crying?" He asked as he pulled her closer to him, she shook her head as her breath came out in short pants, "Nothing." She lied, "So you're telling me you're spending all this precious tears for nothing?" He questioned, his one eyebrow quirked up. "Why do you want to marry me?" Instead of answering his question she asked him one in return, Dhananjay turned his head to her as he looked at her, "What do you think I am marrying you for?" He gritted the question out, he was no idiot, the girl who was shying and giggling at the prospect of their marriage this morning was asking him this question, he had an idea now why she was crying and his earlier anger on Kirti just returned doubled.

"Fo..for body..." she was cutoff by Arjun's growl who fisted her hair and pulled her closer to him, "I want to marry you because I like you, because I want you to be mine. Because you have a pure soul and innocent heart!" He shouted making her jump in fear, "What did Kirti say to you?!" He growled as she looked up at him with wide eyes, how did he knew? She thought, "Answer me!" He growled making her jump, she couldn't hold it all in anymore as she hugged him, he wrapped his hands around her as she slowly began to speak, telling him everything for word by word, with every word Arjun's anger increased, one thing was for sure he won't leave her alive...




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