Chapter 6

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Panchaali watched his face morph into a furious expression once she told him everything, "I will kill her!" He growled angrily as he stood up from the bed, Panchaali looked up at him with shock before she could do anything he marched out of the room in anger.

What had she done? She thought as she fisted her lehnga and raised it a bit and ran behind him. Tears traced down her cheeks as she ran behind him, "Arjun no!" She shouted as she ran towards him, he didn't stop, his anger increasing with every moment as her words kept revolving around his head.

"Arjun!" He heard Panchaali call but he was having none of it, today no one can stop him, not even her! He turned to the corridor that would lead to Kirti's room, he pushed her door open, Kirti jerked up from the bed, where she lay kissing one of the guards, the guard jerked up as he shuffled around nervously, his heart beating wildly in his chest.

Kirti's cheeks heated in embarrassment before anger washed over her, "How dare you enter my chamber without my permission?!" She growled, her voice faded as she saw the thunderous expression on his face, he glared at her as he looked at her with disgust. "You dare call my girl names?!" He growled in an animalistic manner, Kirti's face paled.

"Raj.." Kirti's words were cut off by Arjun's roar of anger as he marched towards her, his each step making her step back, she trembled in fear, Panchaali entered the room, a gasp of shock leaving her mouth as her eyes fell on Arjun who was moving towards her sister, she rushed towards him and stood in between him and Kirti.

Arjun's eyes focused on his girl who stood in between him and  Kirti, "get aside Panchaali." He growled, she shook her head slowly as she trembled, "I said get aside!" He shouted, "No Rajkumar please." She begged as Panchaali looked at her fiance, whose anger just increased. "I am warning you Panchaali move aside!"  He gritted the words out as his jaw set, fury blazing in his veins.

"No I won't!" She begged as she looked at him, she was her sister, how can she let her fiance hurt him. She fell on her knees as she cried, "Please please please let her go." She begged, Arjun's eyes lowered on her, he didn't know what to do with his girl, her tears were making his heart throb in pain as the two looked at each other.

He glared up at Kirti,  "next time you dare so much so as look at her and I will kill you!" He shouted making Kirti sob, his hands wrapped around Panchaali as he carried her bridal style out of the room, not caring a bit who saw or did what.

He entered her room as he shut the door with a kick, his anger had not diminished yet, he lowered her on the bed as he looked down at her, she wrapped her hands around her knees as she laid her head on them and cried.

He paced in the room as he ran his finger through his hair, tugging at them. His gaze fell on her, "What is wrong with you?!" He growled making her head snap up, she looked up at him with so much terror that he wanted to kick himself, his heart squeezed as he moved towards the bed and sat beside her, his hand wrapped around her cheek and her neck as he pulled her closer, he laid his forehead against hers.

She continued to cry, he could no longer hold it in as he slammed his lips against hers. His lips moved against hers as he growled out loud. Sparks of pleasure ran through their body as he gripped her hair in a fist, he lowered her on the bed as he laid on her. His both hands supporting his weight as he kissed her with an urgency, his tongue teased her bottom lip asking her to let him in when she didn't open up he bit her lips lightly making her gasp and entered in. His tongue dominated hers as he kissed her, her addictive flavour had him feeling all needy. He laid his forehead against her as he sighed, "What should I do with you baby girl?" He asked rhetorically as he breathed heavily, her cheeks were beautiful shade of red as her eyes remained closed, he kissed away the tears on her each cheeks followed by kissing her forehead.

"You need to understand this sweetheart you are mine, mine to protect, mine to love and care for, and the one who dares to hurt you won't be left alive to tell the tale." He promised darkly, his voice soft yet laced with so many dark promises that it had her trembling, "Open your eyes baby girl look at me." He whispered, as his fingers traced her cheeks, her neck and her shoulder. She shuddered at his touch as pleasure ran down her spine, she turned her head sideways, her breathing coming in short pants.

He put his fore finger under her chin as he made her look up at him, "Open your eyes beautiful." He whispered as he looked at her, she slowly opened her eyes, his eyes meeting with hers, his gorgeous hazel eyes clashed with her beautiful black ones. He smiled as he felt a calmness settle on him as all his anger diminished, leaving behind a calmness that he only felt with her.

He pressed his lips to her forehead, "I don't know how you do it but you bring the worst and the best out of me, all together." He whispered as he rubbed his nose against hers, a calmness wrapping around them as he sighed content with everything and everyone. "I am so happy we are getting engaged and finally you're officially going to be mine." He whispered as he rubbed her cheeks with the back of his hand making her get lost in his touch. . .


Kirti marched in her mother's room, "Mata!" She shouted making her mother look up at her with a bored expression, "now what?!" She growled as she looked up at her brat of a daughter. "Do you know what Arjun did to me?" She shouted, Kritika rolled her eyes, "You must have done something to deserve it." She said dismissively, no longer caring for this brat, all she wanted was power and that she was getting from her alliance with Hastinapur and she was more than happy, she didn't care anymore who did what, not even her very own daughter.

Kirti began screaming as she told her everything, how she insulted Panchaali to how Arjun had barged in her room. Kritika looked at her daughter with anger blazing in her eyes, "YOU DID WHAT?!" She nearly screamed, she got up from the chair and slapped her daughter so hard that she fell on the ground.

"Listen here you ungrateful brat, Panchaali is my ticket to my dreams,dare mess with this wedding and I will personally chop you into fine pieces." She growled as she looked at her scared daughter, "But mata I want Arjun!" She whined, "You fool of a girl, his marriage to Panchaali doesn't mean he won't marry again." She spat as she fisted her daughter's hair, who moaned in pain. "Stop being stupid and spoiling your image in his eyes. Let this cool down and than go and ask for his forgiveness and Panchaali's too." She spat, "Why Panchaali's? I am not going to say sorry to that b*tch!" Kirti said stubbornly.

"Just because you look like a moron doesn't mean you behave like one too, he won't believe your forgiveness till she forgives you. That way you build your first step towards him, win his trust. That way you can be his wife, continue with this idiocy and you will be nothing more than a garbage can to him." Kritika said as she looked at her daughter, who smirked and nodded, she now knew exactly what she had to do. . .




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