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A loud gunshot was heard. Everyone was shocked. They looked towards Shivika.

Shivaay fell down on the floor and Anika fell on top of him. Shivaay was shocked would be an understatement.

A- I... I... To... Told... You.... Tha...that.. I'll prot.... Protect you.. Eve... Even.. If.. I've... To... Di... Die.

She said looking at Shivaay with drooping eyes and pain. Shivaay looked at her in panic.

S- Anika!...Anika!

But Anika went unconscious.

Shivaay slowly got up and felt something wet in his hands. He saw that his hands were covered in Anika's blood. He saw a bullet shot in her stomach.

He took her in his arms and some tears escaped from his eyes.

S- Anika! Please wake up, Jaan. Please. Don't leave me.

He cried and the world around him faded. Suddenly he heard Ambulance's siren and someone shaking him.

R- Bhaiya, ambulance is here. Let's take bhabhi to the hospital.

Rudra said worriedly and Shivaay nodded his head.

Soon the two ward boys came towards them with a stretcher. They lied down Anika on the stretcher.

S- Please be careful. Don't hurt her.

The ward boys looked at him with pity and nodded their head.

All this while Anika held Shivaay's hand tightly, even in her unconsciousness. He looked at Dadi who was crying in Gauri's embrace. Om was also handling Sahil, who was crying uncontrollably.

Shivaay immediately sat in the ambulance and the ambulance drove towards the hospital.

Dadi, OmRuRi and Sahil followed them with their cars.

Anika was rushed inside the hospital and Shivaay followed her.


Shivaay shouted and some doctors rushed towards him.

S- Doctor! My wife.... My wife got shot. Please save her.

Shivaay said while folding his hands in front of the doctor.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi, the man who never bowed in front of anyone, is joining his hands in front of doctor for saving the life of his wife.

D- Calm down, Mr. Oberoi. We will try our best.

The doctor said while patting Shivaay's shoulder and he ordered the ward boys to take Anika to the Operation Theatre.

Soon OmRuRi, Dadi and Sahil joined Shivaay. Anika was taken to the OT. Anika's grip on Shivaay's hand loosened and their hand separated as Anika was taken inside the OT.

Dadi and Sahil was crying uncontrollably. OmRuRi were trying to calm them down while Shivaay was sitting in a corner without the sense of the world.

Om looked at Shivaay's condition and felt sad for him.

O- Rudra, you take Dadi, Gauri and Sahil to home and I'll stay here with Shivaay. I'll inform you all when the surgery is over.

Rudra nodded his head and took Dadi, Sahil and Gauri to home.

Shivaay and Om were sitting in front of the OT.

Om kept his hand on his shoulder and the dam of emotions, which Shivaay was controlling till now, broke. He started crying.

Om hugged Shivaay and Shivaay started crying on his shoulder.

S- She took the bullet for me, Om. How can someone be so selfless? She told me that she'll even die to protect me but I never knew that she'll risk her life for me. She's precious, Om. I can't lose her.

Shivaay cried and Om patted his back to calm him down.

It was almost one hour and Anika's surgery was still not completed.

Finally after sometime, doctor came out of the OT.

Shivaay and Om ran towards him.

S- Doctor, how is my wife? Is she fine?

D- Mr. Oberoi, I can't say anything now. We have successfully taken out the bullet from her body and luckily it didn't hurt any of her organs which is good but her condition is still too complicated because of too much blood loss. If she doesn't get consciousness on next 24 hours, then I'm sorry to say that she might slip into coma. Best of luck.

Doctor said to Shivaay and Shivaay sat down on the bench with a thud.

S- She can't do this to me. She has to come back for me.

O- Have trust in God, Shivaay. Bhabhi will be fine.

Shivaay looked at Om with teary eyes.

He immediately stood up and went to  hospital's temple where Lord Ganesha's Idol was situated.

He sat down on his knees in front of Lord Ganesha.

S- Bappa, I know that I never prayed to you after my parent's death. My trust in you faltered after what happened to my parents. Today I'm again at your mercy for my wife. She risked her life for me. If something happened to her then I'll never be able to forgive myself. I'll be broken. Please God. Save my wife. Please save her.

Shivaay said while crying hysterically and Om came towards him and hugged him.

O- Shivaay, have some strength. You have to be strong for Anika.

Shivaay nodded his head and they went and sat in the ICU, where Anika was shifted after her surgery.

Suddenly Shivaay's phone started ringing. It was Khanna's call.

S- Khanna, I'm really not in the mood to hear your rubbish..

K- I'm sorry to disturb you, Sir but I caught the culprit who shot Anika ma'am.

Shivaay straightened up in his seat and his eyes we're boodshot in anger.

S- Who is that r*sc*l?

K- Sir, it's Tia. I've tied her up in the basement. What do you want me to do?

S- Wait there I'm coming.

K- Okay sir.

Shivaay disconnected the call and was about to head outside when Om stopped him.

O- Where are you going, Shivaay?

S- To punish the culprit. Please Om stay with Anika. I'll be back in an hour.

Om nodded his head and Shivaay left from the hospital.

Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter. 😁😁

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Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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