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Shivaay and Anika reached to their private jet. Anika was stunned to see his Private jet.

Shivaay stepped forward to enter the jet but Anika stood still. He turned to look back at her.

S- What happened?

A- Wo... Wo... I've never travelled in the airplane.

Shivaay looked at her shocked.

S- Really? Never?

Anika shook her head in negative.

A- And I'm scared what if the plane crashes or something.

Shivaay chuckled at her.

S- Nothing will happen. Don't worry, I'll be there with you.

A- Sachi?

Shivaay nodded his head.

S- Hmm. Now let's go.

Anika nodded her head with a smile.

Shivaay and Anika entered the plane and Anika sat on the seat and Shivaay also sat beside her.

The Pilot came towards their seat.

P- Hello Sir and Ma'am.

S- Hello.

P- Sir, Dadi has ordered to take you both to Golden Temple, Amritsar first then we'll be headed towards your honeymoon destination. Is that fine, Sir?

S- Yes. It's fine. Dadi's wish is always at highest priority.

Shivaay said with a smile and the pilot nodded his head and left.

S- Is it okay if we go to Amritsar, first?

Anika nodded her head with a smile.

Finally the announcement came and the pilot asked them to tie their seat belts as they were about to take off.

Shivaay was about to tie his seatbelt when he saw Anika struggling with the seatbelt.

He leaned towards her and took the seatbelt from her hand. Anika looked at him immediately but he silently tied the seatbelt around her waist.

S- Is it fine?

Anika nodded her head.

A- Thank you.

S- No need of it. It's my duty.

P- We're about to take off.

The engine of the airplane started and it started trembling a little. The plane took off.

Anika got scared and held Shivaay's arm tightly and hid her face in the crook of his neck. Shivaay was startled for a second but he wrapped his hands around her to sooth her.

S- It's okay. See, we're in the air. Open your eyes, Anika.

Anika shook her head in negative.

S- Okay, don't open your eyes. But don't complain later that you couldn't see the birds or the clouds.

Anika looked at him.

A- Birds and clouds?

Shivaay nodded his head.

S- Look.

Shivaay said pointing towards the window.

Anika looked outside the window, without leaving Shivaay's arm.

When she saw Clouds and some birds flying through it, she squealed in excitement.

A- Shivaay, look birds and clouds. Oh my god! We're actually in the air. Wow! You know I always wanted to see the clouds but I thought that only fairies can go there.

Shivaay admired her while she was telling him about her wish about seeing the clouds.

S(murmers) - And a fairy is seeing the clouds now.

Anika turned towards him in confusion.

A- Did you say something?

Shivaay shook his head in negative.

Anika smiled and again started telling him something.

After sometime, an air hostess came towards them and asked them if she could serve dinner. Shivaay nodded his head as they didn't got a chance to eat properly in the wedding.

The air hostess served them their dinner and they started eating.

After finishing their dinner, they were watching movie when Shivaay felt some weight on his shoulder. He looked at Anika who was asleep on his shoulder.

She was looking so peaceful in her sleep and her face was radiating a charm. Shivaay removed the hair strands from her face and tucked it behind her ear. He opened her seatbelt and picked her up in his arms.

He took her to the bedroom in the airplane and made her lye down on the bed. He himself sat on the couch in the bedroom.

He was looking at Anika and didn't realised that when he drifted into sleep.

After almost 2 hours, an air hostess knocked on the door. Shivaay's sleep broke and he looked at Anika who was sleeping calmly.

Shivaay unlocked the door and the air hostess smiled at him.

AH- Sir, please can you and Ma'am return to the seats and buckle your seat belts as we're about to land?

Shivaay nodded his head.

Shivaay went towards the bed and thought to wake up Anika as they almost reached there.

S- Anika! Anika!

A- Hmm.

S- Anika wake up. We almost reached.

Anika slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. She spread her arms in air signing him to pick her up. Shivaay shook his head in disbelief and picked her up in his arms.

He made her sit on the chair and sat beside her. He tied her and his seat belt. But soon Anika again drifted into sleep and rested her head on his shoulder.

Shivaay looked at her and chuckled.

S- Kumbhkarn.

After few minutes, they finally landed in Amritsar airport.

Shivaay saw that Anika is still sleeping. An air hostess came towards them.

AH- Sir, should I wake up Ma'am?

S- No. It's ok. We'll be fine.

AH- Ok, Sir.

The air hostess left. Shivaay picked up Anika in his arms and headed out of the jet. They went towards the main gate of Airport and saw a man waiting, with a board of Mr. & Mrs. Oberoi in his hands.

Shivaay went towards him. He bowed his head in front of them.

M- Hello Mr. Oberoi. Mrs. Oberoi?

The man said looking at Anika in Shivaay's arms.

S- Oh! She was tired because of wedding and journey.

The man smiled at the "cute couple".

M- Sir, Mr. Omkara has booked a suite for you both for the night. The driver is waiting outside with the car.

Shivaay nodded his head and headed towards the Limousine.

The man opened the backseat door and Shivaay entered the car and lied down Anika on the seat and rested her head on his lap. The car drove towards the hotel.

Finally they reached the hotel room.

Shivaay made Anika lye down on the bed and he was about to get up, when Anika held his hand in sleep. Shivaay tried to free her hand but Anika clutched it more tightly. Shivaay sighed and lied down beside her.

He switched of the lights and drifted into sleep.

Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter. 😊😊

I know this was the most pathetic chapter of this book. 😔😔

But still how was it? 😁😁 👇👇

Please keep voting and give your precious comments. ☺☺

Love you all. 😘😘

Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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