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It was early morning when Anika stirred in sleep due to sun rays. Anika found herself wrapped in Shivaay's arms. She looked at his face and noticed his features with a smile.

She gently caressed his light stubble and smiled. Shivaay woke up from his sleep on feeling someone caressing his face.

Anika immediately closed her eyes pretending to be asleep. Shivaay looked at her and gently caressed her hair with a smile.

Suddenly he realised that what he was doing so he immediately retracted his hand. Anika opened her eyes on not feeling his touch.

Shivaay and Anika looked at each other and shared an eyelock.

A- Umm.. How did we reach here? I mean I slept in the flight, right.

S- I carried you here. I didn't wanted to disturb your sleep. Already you were tired because of that Tia mishap and then our wedding so I didn't feel it right to wake you up.

A- Thanks.

Shivaay just nodded his head. Suddenly they realised their position and both sat on the bed with a jerk.

S- Umm.. You go and get freshen up till then I'll arrange breakfast for us. And we have to leave for Golden Temple also in an hour.

Anika nodded her head and was about to go towards her suitcase when someone knocked the door.

S- I'll check.

Shivaay opened the door and he saw the same man who received them at the airport.

S- Yes?

M- Sir, Dadi has specially sent these clothes for you and Madam and she said that you both must wear this to the temple.

Shivaay nodded his head and took the bags from him.

Shivaay went towards Anika and saw her struggling with her suitcase.

S- What happened?

A- Shivaay, look this suitcase is locked. I think Gauri set the lock pin on the suitcase and she forgot to tell me the PIN. Now what will I wear for the temple?

S- Don't worry about that. Dadi has sent clothes for us. Get ready. We're getting late for the temple. About the suitcase, we'll call Gauri and ask the PIN later.

Anika nodded her head and took the bag from him and took out a very beautiful red dress with all the required accessories. She went inside the washroom to get ready.

Here Shivaay called at the reception and ordered their breakfast. After sometime, Anika came out of the washroom while drying her wet hair with a towel. Shivaay looked at her in her red dress and was awestruck by her beauty. She was looking so beautiful and heavenly.

She blowdried her hair and was about to apply Vermillion in her partition when Shivaay took the Vermillion box from her. He took a pinch of Vermillion and filled her partition while she closed her eyes, feeling ecstatic.

S- Umm.. Dadi said it's good to fill your wife's partition.

Anika looked at him with hidden smile but Shivaay noticed it and felt embarrassed so he ran towards Washroom to get ready.

Anika chuckled and shook her head in disbelief.

After some time, Shivaay came out of the washroom, completely dressed.

At the same time, someone knocked the door. Anika opened the door, only to see room service boy who came to give their breakfast. Anika took the trolley from him and he left.

A- Breakfast is here.

They ate their breakfast and left for the temple. Finally they reached Golden Temple.

It wss looking so peaceful and beautiful.

Shivaay and Anika washed their hands and feet. Shivaay tied a cloth on his head and Anika covered her head with dupatta before entering the Golden Temple.

They entered the temple and sat down on the floor and bowed their head in front of God.

S(to God) - Waaheguru ji, I don't know what I'm feeling towards Anika but these feelings are very strong. Is it right to develop feelings for her in this one year of contract marriage? Please help me to understand my feelings. And please fulfill all of Anika's wishes.

A( to God) - Waaheguru ji, I know I've already started having feelings for Shivaay. I know he's a very nice person who cares for his family more than anything. I want to give this marriage a chance. I don't want this marriage to end ever. Please help me God. Please give all my happiness to Shivaay and my family.

They said their prayers in their mind. They closed their eyes and prayed for sometime, then stood up from their places and took the blessings of the priest.

P- Rabba will give you all the happiness of the world and will keep you together forever. God bless you.

Shivaay and Anika looked at each other and headed towards the entrance. Shivaay stopped Anika.

S- Anika.

A- Hmm.

S- Let's serve Langar. Dadi said that it's the best thing in the world to feed someone.

Anika smiled widely and nodded her head.

They headed towards the area where Langar was being served. Anika picked up a plate filled with chapatis and Shivaay picked up a bucket filled with daal.

Shivaay was serving daal to the people while Anika started serving chapati. Many people were giving them blessings. At last, they served food to a lady, who was almost 80 years old.

She asked them to bend a little towards her and Shivika obeyed. She kept either of her hands on Shivaay and Anika's head and blessed them.

O- May God keep your Pair protected from every evil eyes.

Shivika smiled at her and touched her feet. After serving the langar, they headed towards their car.

S- Take us to the airport directly.

M- Yes sir.

They sat inside the car and the car drove towards the airport.

A- It was so peaceful experience. I really loved it in the temple.

S- I know. I've come here for the second time. First time, when I came here with mom, dad and dadi, I was a kid.

When Shivaay said mom and dad, his eyes got teary. Anika held his hand to console him.

A- They'll be happy to see you happy.

Shivaay just nodded his head with a smile.

Finally they reached the airport and boarded their private jet. The pilot came towards them.

P- Sir and Ma'am, the flight is about to take off. Please be comfortable as it's a long flight.

Shivaay and Anika nodded their head.

They tied their seat belt.

The pilot announcement came.

P- The flight is ready to take off. Please fix your seat belt. The flight duration is 15 hours. The flight take off time is 9 am now and the flight landing time is 12 am IST.

The flight took off.

S- 15 hours.. What the hell? Where are my crazy family sending us? I hope it's not Amazon forest.

Anika chuckled.

A- Calm down, Shivaay. I'm sure it must be a good place.

S- I hope so.

After almost 15 hours, they finally landed.

As soon as they stepped into the airport, their eyes widened in shock.

S- Don't tell me we're in.......

Cliffhanger.. 😈😈

Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Here you with the next chapter. 😊😊

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Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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