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Name: Carson Finley Bassett

Pronunciation: Car-sun



Meaning: Carson- Scandinavian origin; Son of Marsh dwellers

Finley-Scottish origin; White Warrior

Nickname: Cars, car, Fin, Finney

Age: 19

Birthday: May 29th

Zodiac: Gemini

Birthplace: Newcastle, England

Biological sex: Male

Gender/gender identity: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Preferred pronouns: He/him

Sexual orientation: Homosexual, Homoromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: British

Main Language: English

Languages known: Welsh, French, Italian, and Dutch


Personality: Carson is obsessive. If there is anything that is distinctive about this man, it is his ability to obsess over something. He is an extreme sadist and will cause pain to any and everyone he can. He mostly just likes to see people in pain when they like it, but occasionally he will get a bit. Wild. And do it to people that would rather be at home with some marshmallows.

His emotions go on a rampage when he feels them. If there is something he should find nice, like someone else. He will love it. He will find something he doesn't like and despise it. He will put all of his energy into disposal of whatever it is.

He is determined and focused when he needs to be, like when he is trying to get rid of something. He is the type of person to put the bare minimum into things like school or work, but put all of his energy into things he loves.

He is a pretty cold person, keeping to himself for the most part. He walks around with a cold demeanor and a rude look on his face. He does this to stop himself from getting approached. He finds it annoying and unnecessary and tedious, but should it fail, he puts on a front.

Carson could be described as a bit fake. He doesn't want to talk to people. He doesn't like talking to people. And he will avoid it at costs. But when he is approached by someone and talked to her has the personality of a popular girl that wants everyone to love her. He is kind and supportive, telling people that they will succeed in anything they put their mind to.

Sometimes he believes this. It's rare, but it happens. He will talk to the person and have the brightest smile on his face, but in his head he will be thinking about how to shut them up, violent or otherwise.

When he likes someone, or gets to know them at least, he becomes more talkative. It can be a little bit weird at first for people that aren't prepared for it, but he is just how he is. He makes a lot of self-deprecating jokes, and jokes that deprecate other people, but it is not because he is insecure or a dick, kind of, but because he genuinely finds it entertaining. He is the type of person to find dad-jokes dumb and unfunny, but also laugh at a child falling during a game of tag.

Carson is a manipulative son of a bitch. He will gaslight someone until they are begging him to do it. He doesn't do it to people he is seriously committed to. Sometimes. But he is basically a pro at making people think he is the only one that they can be around.

A lot of people, when they hear about his true colors, think he is a bit of a yandere, but he doesn't think of it that way. He doesn't think that he'd ever kill someone just to keep his lover to himself, but then again her have to be in that situation to read it completely accurately.

Another good way to describe Carson, when he is known, would be to say he is the embodiment of winning intrusive thoughts. He will be extremely calm one moment, sitting in his room without a care, suddenly carving his name into something he shouldn't be.

IQ: 174

Intelligence: 20/20

Common Sense: 20/20

Reflexes: 16/20

Speed: 13/20

Flexibility: 13/20

Hand-eye coordination: 17/20

Upper body strength: 19/20

Lower body strength: 14/20

General strength: 16/20

Dominance: 20/20

Submissive: 3/20

Likes: Carson loves to cause others pain. He loves to see the look in their eyes as they feel him cutting into their skin. He loves hearing the screams that leave their lips as they beg him to stop, but he also loves when they like it too. Seeing as their eyes light up at a knife crossing their skin drives him insane.

He likes to read and analyze the simple things around him. He finds most worldly objects to be simplistic on their outer shells, but complex and intricate on their inner ones. He finds books to be some sort of inescapable escape. If he got lost in a good book he would feel trapped.

Fin likes to drink tea. He finds it soothing for both his throat and his body. He isn't much of an active person, but when he is, tea seems to lower the soreness it causes. He mostly likes fruity teas, kind of like himself, but he will drink more herbal ones as well. 

He likes to play chess in his free time, which is what most people know about him, but what he also does that nobody knows is knife collecting. He is a huge collector and has about 200 different types, all in at least 3 different colors, unless they're too rare to be produced in more than one type.

Dislikes: Carson Hayes wasting his time. He doesn't like when he is stuck talking to people he doesn't like/care about and he doesn't like when those conversations are unintelligent.

Carson's biggest thing is definitely intelligence. If someone doesn't have any, he finds them as less than beings. He has this sort of fucked up mentality that he doesn't even really notice because he finds it so normal. That is skemthing that Carson isn't a fan of. It isn't really something that he cares enough about to dislike, but if it comes up, he does acknowledge his disdain for it.

His mentality annoys him. He isn't the biggest fan of how he thinks, but he genuinely doesn't know how to not think it. He usually just leaves it alone, only addressing it when it is put into effect.

He doesn't like loud music. Carson isn't a music person in general. But when it is stuff like screamy or even just certain rock bands, like hard rock, he can't stand it. It is unnecessary to be so loud in his opinion. He sees it as just screaming and finds the entire concept of it unintelligent, something he hated.

Hobbies: He collects knives and plays chess

Habits: He runs his hands through his hair like it is his destiny. He also sucks on his teeth when he is angry

Occupation: He is a student in college/University

Children: None. He finds children repulsive, but has the ability to be swayed

Family: Dad-Alive; 66, lives in England with his wife

Mom-Alive; 59, lives in England with her husband

Siblings-None; Only child

Extra: None



Skin tone: Ivory or Warm Ivory

Natural Hair color: Dirty blonde

Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Facial hair: None, always shaves it clean

Eye color: Dark brown

Vision: 20/20

Hearing: Above average

Lip color: Light pink, a bit of a bubble gum tint

Height: 5'8 or 172.72cm

Weight: 153.7lbs or 69.7kgs

Body type: Carson is lean and tall. He had long legs, but an appropriately proportionate torso. He's about a rectangular ectomorph. Underneath his clothes, though, he is a lot more muscular and it is obvious how he can do so many pull-ups in gym class.

Face shape: Fin has an inverted triangle type shape face. It is not exactly like that, but it is a rough outline. He has a sharp, defined jawline and and nicely rounded chin at a, about, 2 inch length

Age appearance: 17 or 18

Scars: He has multiple on his back from it being scratched. He also has a couple from just normal things he messed up as a kid, skateboarding, fireworks, knives he shouldn't have had. He also has one long scar running from between his eyebrows, starting more towards the left, across his nose and to the right side of his chin.

Tattoos: He has one behind his ear of a knife and a large scale one on his back of three roses. He also has one that is basically forgotten about on the back of his thigh of a Skull

Defining features: He has a really long scar from about the middle left of the bridge between his eyebrows, across his nose, and to the right side of his chin.

Special Markings: The scar on his face that goes from about the middle left of between his eyebrows, down and across his nose, and to the right side of his chin

Piercings: He has a tongue piercing and his first two lobes on his left ear.

Outfits: First brown jacket would be much longer

Blood type: B positive

Extra: Nothing


Mental health: Below average

Mental disorders: Anger issues

Mental treatments: None/Playing with knives

Physical health: About average

Physical disorders: None

Physical treatments: None

Physical activity: About average, nothing out of his way

Emotional health: Fine, to him. A bit below average, nearly unnoticeable

Emotional disorders: None

Emotional treatments: None


Backstory: There wasn't really anything terribly fascinating about Carson's childhood. Not until his teen years at least. He was raised in a semi-strict family, growing up with not much other than chess and books for entertainment. At about 15 he got lost on a field trip to America and only one person noticed. He quickly got obsessed with this person, starting up his current obsessive behavior.

When he returned to England he began to isolate himself more than before. He stayed in his room, reading about 1/4 of the time, playing chess with an AI for about another fourth, and stalking the man that helped him in America for the other half.

The boy that he was in love with had an unfortunate accident on a snowy road, dying upon impact in his car. This traumatized Carson and for about two and a half years he struggled to communicate properly with anyone, usually just giving nods or one worded answers.

At about 18 he recovered and instead decided to focused his everything into whatever he needed at the point, unless it was work or school. He never wanted to become obsessed with another person and have them end up like his first love.

Powers: None

Weapons: Machine gun(?) And hand gun-

Strengths: He is extremely intelligent and is a quick thinker

Weaknesses: He has trouble controlling his anger and he has a tendency to take the first jump at hurting other people

Dreams: Collecting every knife in existence and using them all on his significant other

Fears: Carson fears that he will scare everyone off and even though he is a cold dick head that wants to stab everyone, he has always been afraid to end up alone

Phobias: Antlophobia and trypophobia

Best Memory: Either getting his chest set from his mother, or starting his knife collection

Worst Memory: He doesn't really have one

Wants in a relationship: Carson wants someone that will be okay with getting cut up. While he wants someone that will sit on his lap and act all big and bad, but shiver under his cold gaze. He wants to be able to grab their chin and see both a lovey man and a slutty bitch.

Type of lover: Carson is an obsessive lover. He is protective and possessive, finding any and every way to keep his lover away from those that he finds as threatening.

While he seems awful because of all these red flags that he paints green, he is extremely supportive and loving. The protectiveness that makes some people worry is what causes him to open all the doors for his lover and help them get our of the car, walk everywhere with their hand in his.

One thing they couldn't live without: He has a chest set from his mother that he never lets out. He doesn't use it and only pulls it out when he is missing her, which is less often than most would hope.


Position: Dominant bottom, but will occasionally top

Kinks: S & M, knife kink, degradation and praise kink

Turn ons:
⟩⟩ Thigh riding-Being rode

⟩⟩ Moaning-Hearing

⟩⟩ Soft kisses-Giving

⟩⟩ Whispering-Giving, receiving if his partner wants it but doesn't prefer it

⟩⟩ Whining-Hearing

⟩⟩ His partner's pain-Causing and watching

⟩⟩ Tying up-Receiving and giving

⟩⟩ Hickeys-Receiving and giving

⟩⟩ Knives-Using

⟩⟩ Teasing-Giving; in public or private

Turn offs:
⟩⟩ Unconsensual-CNC or just NC

⟩⟩ Water-sports-No exceptions

⟩⟩ Feet-No exceptions

⟩⟩ Public-Going all the way

⟩⟩ Being gentle-Unless a small break is needed, by use of slow down word

⟩⟩ Vanilla-Unenjoyable for him

Safe word: Drums

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