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Trigger warning
This form will contain mentions of R@pe, self harm, and suiç8de
If these are sensative topics for you or could cause a bad reaction please do not proceed. If you want to know about her without mentions of these topics, please let me know and I will be happy to tell you about her without the triggering information!!!

Name: Danielle Blakely Hughman

Pronunciation: Dan-yell



Meaning: Latin origins, meaning God has judged, or God is judge

Nickname: Dani, Elle, Ni-ni, Blakely, Blake, Keely ((not Kelly. Keely. Like Kiwi, but Kili))

Age: 19

Birthday: November 26

Zodiac: Scorpio

Birthplace: New Bedford, Massachusetts

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/they

Preferred pronouns: She/her

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual and Heteroromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: American

Main Language: English

Languages known: English


Personality: Danielle, when she is by herself is quiet and concentrated. She easily focuses on whatever she needs to and doesn't have any trouble completing a task that is necessary.

When she has company. Things start going downhill however. She gets distracted easily and she likes to mess with whomever her company is. She will do it until their either leave or they get pissed at her. Bratty could be a good way to describe her, but honestly it's more simple. She is just straight up annoying. She knows it and she does it on purpose.

Her true colors are revealed after a while of her putting up this annoying front. If they manage to stay enough for her to let it go, she will be an energetic and easy going girl. She can be a bit mischievous at times, getting into trouble when she finds it, but she doesn't really go searching. She only gets into trouble if it comes to her plate.

Dani likes to use her abandonment issues as an excuse to be a bitch. The reason people call her that is because she is mean to those that try to get close, pushing them away with verbal assault. She does this because of her abandonment issues, but sometimes she takes it too far, and the people that call her out in it get attacked worse in the end.

Danielle is extremely defensive and will immediately blame any and everything around her for something is it means she doesn't have to take responsibility. As she gets a support system this changes. She becomes less self-sabotaging and she takes responsibility for her actions.

She isn't a big thinker. Dani isn't dumb, she just isn't the smartest which causes her not to try. Another act of self-sabotaging because of her defensive system. She gets angry when she can't figure something out, so she just acts like she can't figure anything out, so that when she actually has to, she can at least do some of it.

Despite everything that says she isn't confident, even straight up saying she isn't. It's not true. She is extremely confident. A lot of people that go through traumatic events come out of it in different ways. Nobody that sees Dani thinks that. Kind of. She will fuck any and every man that she wants. Bit if they want to and she doesn't. She has the confidence and firepower to make sure they understand what 'no' mean. She doesn't let what happened effect how she acts towards men and just let's it giver this sense of security and confidence.

IQ: 101

Intelligence: 15/20

Common Sense: 18/20

Reflexes: 11/20

Speed: 8/20

Flexibility: 17/20

Hand-eye coordination: 20/20

Upper body strength: 18/20

Lower body strength: 20/20

General strength: 19/20

Dominance: 5/20

Submissive: 18/20

Likes: If there is anything on earth Dani likes. It's fire. If she could only have one thing for the rest of her life, that's what she is picking. There is something about fire that just drivers her up a wall, almost as quickly as sex. She loves it. She will sometimes find an abandoned warehouse or alley or something and just sit somewhere in/near it, setting something on fire. Watching it burn. Something is just so satisfying about it.

Danielle likes to have sex. She understands what happened to her when she was younger. But it doesn't stop her. She thinks that if she stops having sex, she is letting them win. Plus she isn't scare that it'll happen again. In case nobody picked up on it, she has this thing about fire. She isn't afraid to use it on people.

Elle likes to sing. She isn't any good at it, but she loves to just belt out a song, no matter where she is. She will be in the shower, in her room, in the car, hell even out in public. And she'll just burst into song.

She likes simple things with her boyfriend, like movie nights or messing with each other's food. Like. Throwing it in each other's mouths and whatnot. She may not seem it, but she really is a hopeless romantic. A bratty one. But one nonetheless.

Dislikes: Danielle hates everything. She hated people. She hated people that think she doesn't hate them. She hates people that call her a bitch for hating them. Basically if it has to do with a person. She hated them. Especially if that person is a male.

Dani hates when people try to tell her how she should feel. She stopped getting close to people not only because of her traumatic childhood, but also because when she would open up to them about what happened. They would try and tell her about it. How she should feel. How she should handle it. How burning things isn't a good coping mechanism. It pissed her off and she nearly killed someone once because of it.

She also doesn't like cotton candy. There isn't really anything significant about that. She just isn't a fan of the texture. How it just literally melts in your mouth. It freaks her out. She doesn't like to be cold or hot, but mostly hot.

Hobbies: She burns things. A lot of things.

Habits: She pushes people away when she gets scared of them leaving and she played with her tongue and lip piercings when she is bored or anxious

Occupation: She works at a coffee shop part time and at a hardware store

Children: None, says she hates them, but secretly wants a family

Family: None, she has been in an out of foster homes since before she could remember

Pets: She has a bearded dragon she takes everywhere

Extra: Nothing



Skin tone: Porcelain or Beige, depends on the chart you consult

Natural Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Hair color: Currently it is black with neon green roots, although the dyed roots are a bit longer than just the roots.

Facial hair: None other than her eyebrows and she usually gets them shaped once every couple months

Eye color: Blue

Vision: 30/30

How is it handled: She wears clear contacts

Hearing: Above Average

Lip color: Light Pink

Height: 5'4 or 162.56cm

Weight: 132.6lbs or 60.15kgs

Body type: Blake has a very full body. She has large breasts, a slightly full waist and stomach, and a large bottom. She has n hourglass figure with breast and hip size being extremely close in size, and her waist being smaller than both significantly

Face shape: Danielle has a slightly rounded face, but it is more of a heart shape. When she is just look straight it is seen that she has a sharp jawline with normal height cheek bones.

Age appearance: She looks about 23

Scars: Blakely has tons of self harm scars and burns covering her body.

Tattoos: She has a lip tattoo that says, Fuck and she has tattoos under booth her breasts that say "Bite Me" in fancy calligraphy.

Defining features: None

Special Markings: None

Piercings: She has three on both her lobes, she has her left eyebrow and her left nostril. She also has her bottom right lip done and her septum as well. Lastly she has her tongue and nipples pierced.

Outfits: Billie is an entire queen

Blood type: O negative

Extra: She dyes her hair about once every 6 months, maybe longer depending on his much she likes the look


Mental health: Absolute shit

Mental disorders: Pyromania

Mental treatments: She burns stuff. But that isn't really a treatment. It's actually bad

Physical health: About average

Physical disorders: None

Physical treatments: None

Physical activity: None

Emotional health: Real bad

Emotional disorders: She has abandonment issues

Emotional treatments: Nothing


Backstory: Danielle lived in and out of a foster home. It was mostly in, but occasionally a family would come along and try her out for size. From a newborn til about 10, when she hit her first and only growth spurt, she went home with a new family about every year. Possibly 6 months depending on the family.

They always brought her back because she was a trouble maker.

When she hit 10, 11-ish. She was adopted still, something that surprised most of the workers at the home. She had grown basically to what she is now, full-formed, taller than most other 10-11 year olds. All that jazz. She didn't notice until about the third time it happened. But she did.

People only wanted her when she hit double digits because she also hit double D's. Not literally, but it was because she had a body. The people that adopted her didn't want to take care of her. They wanted her to take care of them. They would take advantage of her, tell her that it was normal family stuff.

How was she supposed to know it wasn't? She didn't have a family. She hated herself. She hated the people that adopted her, only to give her back when she began to set fire to their things. She wasn't worth the sex after she burned their precious things.

Everytime she would go back and she'd try w new way to get out, whether that was life or just the home.

She hit 16 and there was this nice family that wanted to adopt her. They seemed great. Beautiful mom with three young kids and a handsome father that seemed devoted to them all. It was not something she was willing to chance. At 16 she wasn't going to sit back and let it happen again. She warned both the family and the foster workers that if she went with them and skemthing happened she would do more than burn their stuff.

There was a child at the foster home, someone that was nice to everybody there. Dani didn't like her for exactly that reason. Who likes everybody? Who is that nice? Nobody. One day while she was in isolation, this child came to visit her. They began to talk and over the course of half a year they became best friends.

This other foster kid was a good influence on Danielle and soon she was allowed out with the rest of the kids. Until she wasn't. She was talking about her terrible experiences to the kid and she had the audacity to say that she should've handled it better rather than threatening the nice family that wanted to adopt her. They were no longer best friends.

Danielle was infuriated at this and began to best the shit out of this kid. She sent the foster kid to the hospital, barely breathing because of how angry she got, putting her back in isolation again.

She was labeled as unadoptable and sent to boarding school for the last two years she was there. As soon as she turned 18 she left and got a job at a hardware store and a coffee shop. She got a shabby apartment and has been living there ever since, trying to save up enough to attend a trading school or something.

She doesn't let what happened when she was younger effect her sex life now, not because it wasn't traumatic. It definitely was. But because fuck them. If someone tries to force her into anything she will quite literally light them on fire without hesitation. If she goes down with them then so be it. But she will.

Powers: None

Weapons: Flame thrower and hand gun-

She doesn't use the flame thrower much. She keeps it hidden in a place she knows she can always get it, and only uses it when there is semi-no other way out.

Strengths: She is a pretty good judge of people's character. She doesn't often make a mistake about whether someone is good or not.

Weaknesses: She pushed people away because she is scared they're going to leave her if she doesn't. She also has a tendency to trust people too easily

Dreams: She wants to be a famous figure skater, and start a family. The first one isn't really something she throws around, but it isn't hard to get out if her. However the family one, if she tells someone and they tell another she'll not only deny it, but also get payback on the pig mouth.

Fears: Being unwanted and ending up alone are two of Danielle's biggest fears. She can't seem to get rid of them because if how she acts. She thinks everybody will end up leaving her because she can be annoying.

Phobias: Thalassophobia-The fear of the ocean or other deep waters

Claustrophobia- The fear of closed or tight spaces

Best Memory: Getting out of the foster care system 

Worst Memory: All of her adoptions after the age of 10

Wants in a relationship: Dani wants someone that will cuddle with her at 2 in the morning and just kiss the back of her ear until she feels better or falls asleep. She wants a sweet person, but she wants that sweet person to have a dark side. She wants someone that will go from zero to one-hundred. She wants to be able to poke her boyfriend in the face until he gets annoyed and have him teach her a lesson, it her in her place and make sure she doesn't step out of it again, which she will.

After all of this though, she wants someone that will dig their face in her neck and just give it soft kisses. Someone that will read bedtime stories to her belly when she is pregnant, or play superhero with their baby.

Type of lover: Dani is a very needy lover. She is constantly on top of her boyfriend and will bother him until she gets whwtxshe wants or he small at her. A lot of her exs broke up with her because of how annoying she was, but she genuinely couldn't care less and it was very apparent everytime one of them broke up with her. Some of them actually hurt. But at the same time they were all scums bags that were in and out of jail anyways.

Dani, even though with her track record it doesn't seem like it, is a hopeless romantic. She wants to be swept off her feet, danced with in the rain, whispered sweet nothings as she falls asleep with a baby in between her and her husband. She wants a happily ever after.

One thing they couldn't live without: Nothing, she hasn't had anything permanent in her life


Position: Submissive top, can also be a bottom with the right person

Kinks: Knife kink, fire kink, degradation kink, praise kink, and S&M

Turn ons:

⟩⟩ Soft biting

⟩⟩ Teasing, doing and receiving

⟩⟩ Being tortured

⟩⟩ Ass grabbing

⟩⟩ Hair pulling

⟩⟩ Bleeding, from a knife

⟩⟩ Being tied up

⟩⟩ Tying up her boyfriend

⟩⟩ Riding her boyfriend

⟩⟩ Being punished

⟩⟩ Being degraded

⟩⟩ Giving hickeys

⟩⟩ Receiving hickeys

⟩⟩ Fingering

⟩⟩ Her mouth being spit in

⟩⟩ Being burned

⟩⟩ Her nipples/nipple piercings being pulled

Turn offs:

⟩⟩ Feet

⟩⟩ Messy things

⟩⟩ Loud noises

⟩⟩ Nature

⟩⟩ Overly romantic things

⟩⟩ Watching others

⟩⟩ Threesomes or orgys

⟩⟩ Ignoring the word 'no'

⟩⟩ Drunk sex

Safe word: Toenail

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