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Birth name: Itsuki Kiyo Aspes ((Father's last name))

Name: Archer Logan Zhao ((Mother's maiden name))

Pronunciation: Are-cher



Meaning: Bowman; one that Excels at Archery

Nickname: Ar/R, Arch, Archi, Lo

Age: 22

Birthday: February 27th

Zodiac: Pisces

Birthplace: Sligo, Ireland

Biological sex: Male

Gender/gender identity: Pangender
((I'm doing research on it, because it seemed the best for this oc. If I get anything about it wrong, please don't hesitate to let me know))

Pronouns: He/him they/them she/her xi/xim and they're open to basically anything else someone wants to call them

Preferred pronouns: They genuinely don't care. They're not bound by gender, but if they're asked, they will normally say either they/them or he/him to make it easy

Sexual orientation: Pansexual and Panromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Japanese and Caucasian

Nationality: Irish

Main Language: English

Languages known: English, Japanese, French, and Italian


Personality: Archer is a pretty fun person. Normally they are easygoing and ready to have fun with others. They're the literal definition of a follower. There isn't anything that Archer would initiate, unless it was completely anonymous and nobody would be able to see them. They have this fire in them that needs to be ignited. All they need is a small spark and they would have the ability to rule the world. Archer could have the confidence to start a flash mob in the middle of Disneyland or have a playful little dance off with a teenager there.

The thing that's stops Archer from being the best person they could be, is their past. Whenever they did something big, someone left them. Well not even. He only did one big thing and his only person left him. Because when he was created his other person left him. He didn't really have much. His siblings never wanted to become close with him, not after he was the reason they had to move to Ireland.

His mother was his only person and she didn't love him, just because he didn't see the gender of his lover and he wasn't bound by a gender. Oh and her husband told her not to. It didn't matter. He left and became strong. Ish. On the outside Archer is the strongest person anyone would ever meet. But on the inside he is a little too broken. He is way too trusting, to the point where it is a genuine concern. Archer tries his best, to stay happy and on top of things, sometimes it just doesn't turn out that way.

IQ: 163

Intelligence: 20/20

Common Sense: 20/20

Reflexes: 16/20

Speed: 17/20

Flexibility: 14/20

Hand-eye coordination: 19/20

Upper body strength: 18/20

Lower body strength: 17/20

General strength: 18/20

Dominance: 17/20

Submissive: 17/20

Likes: There isn't too much that makes Archer excited to be alive. Not that he hated his life, just there isn't anything that makes it undeniably amazing. He likes to skateboard and watch movies those, unless they're Disney movies, however, are just likes. They're things he'll do if he wants to relax before or after a shoot.

Disney movies are where things start to get more serious. Disney movies are what Archer lives for. They're his favorite thing in the world, after books, and he was quite literally die for most of the characters in the movies. Archer also loves to write. she does it on the side, as a hobby, just because she doesn't think she'd be able to make it as a writer. For someone that hasn't had too much support throughout her life, Archer is pretty optimistic. She isn't one of those people that always think there is a rainbow at the end of every story, but she does try to stay positive. She thinks about the good things and she tries to remember that there is a good thing, no matter what. Even when she is proven to be wrong.

Archer loves to read. Reading is probably his best friend. They have a couple things that they enjoy to do, but reading isn't just that. Reading is their safe place. Reading is what they go and do after a hard day, or a break up. It's something they find comfort and refuge in.

Archer likes to work. While it isn't something he is obsessed with, like reading, he enjoys it. He doesn't get up and dread doing to work. While he doesn't really get overjoyed about it, he still looks forward to it. He likes taking pictures and looking good. Other people liking him makes him feel good about himself.

They love when people are educated, or educate themselves. While he appreciates the people that are considerate and don't just assume their gender, they also love when that person asks more. Archer will say that they are Pangender, and everybody gives them a weird look. The only people that understand immediately are the people at pride they see, and there are few people that actually ask what Pangender is. Those few people are the ones he likes.

Going back to pride, Archer loves June. They're okay with summer, it isn't something they dislike, so that's fine, but the entirety of pride makes them as happy as someone with a sweet tooth going on a shopping spree in a candy store. They love getting all dressed up and out worldly, celebrating everything that makes life great. They love meeting other people that are educated about serious topics.

Eeyore is a big part of him. Archer loves Eeyore because he is always so depressed. He doesn't try to hide it and it's clear that he isn't okay. But he's back. He's in every movie. And he's just the same. This, while seeming to be sad ((because it is)), brings Archer comfort. It makes him think that no matter how much he feels like something isn't worth it, he needs to keep going. One step at a time.

Dislikes: Sometimes it feels like nothing is great, and that is a feeling Archer hates. They hate feelings like nothing is fun, nothing is good, nothing is worth it. That doesn't happen often. Usually only after a break up. But sometimes it'll just come. Unexpectedly. No RSVP. No warning call. Not even a 2 minute heads up. It sucks.

Archer doesn't really like people that're jerks. While that seems pretty obvious, a lot of people are jerks, or like jerks.

Hobbies: Archer skateboards a bit in his free time, he also writes, but that's about it.

Habits: He chews on his nails when he get wicked anxious, but only when it's really bad. He also runs his hand through his hair a lot.

Occupation: He is a model and a writer on the side

Children: None

Family: Father-Unknown to Archer and his siblings

Mother-Sakae Mina Dilps---Alive; 48, Lives in Ireland with her son and husband

Step-father-Albert Franklin Dilps---Alive; 43, Lives in Ireland with his son and wife

Brother-Caleb Talen Aspes---Alive; 32, Lives in Ireland with his wife and son

Sister-in-law-Darla Sierra Aspes---Alive; 32, Lives in Ireland with her husband and son

Nephew-Denis Christian Aspes---Alive; 14, Lives in Ireland with his mom and dad

Sister-Wilma Penelope Aspes---Alive; 30, Lives in Denver Colorado with her wife and son

Sister-in-law-Scarlet Lilian Aspes---Alive; 37, Lives in Denver Colorado with her wife and son

Nephew-Sebastian Evan Aspes---Alive; 14, Lives with his moms in Denver Colorado

Sister-Ophelia Rae Bakari---Alive; 29, Lives in Ireland with her husband and son

Brother in law-Amare Bakari Zuri---Alive; 40, Lives in Ireland with his wife and son

Nephew-Alexander Benjamin Bakari

Brother-Haroto Sachi Dilps---Alive; 16, Lives in Ireland with his mom and dad

Extra: All of the Aspes have the same mother and father as Archer, but Haroto had a different dad. He also doesn't really talk to his family unless they initiate



Skin tone: Ivory

Natural Hair color: Black

Hair color: Black

Facial hair: None other than his eyebrows

Eye color: Brown

Vision: 30/25

How it's handled: He wears contacts during a shoot, unless they want him in his glasses. And otherwise, he wears his glasses-

Hearing: Pretty good, about average, maybe above

Lip color: Pink as fuck

Height: 6'2 or 187.97cm

Weight: 142.21lbs or 64.505kgs

Body type: Archer is lean and long. He is lanky and doesn't look like he has much muscle, when in reality, underneath his baggy clothes, he could bench a horse or two

Face shape: Arch has a boxy-ish face. It starts as a diamond, but the chin kind of squares it out

Age appearance: 23

Scars: None

Tattoos: He has "We're all mad here" on his lower side stomach. Like. The hip-ish region, but up-

He has Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh, on his back-

He has "I read like the ink from the book is oxygen and I'm gasping to breath" on his left thigh-

Defining features: None really

Special Markings: Nope

Piercings: He has his tongue and lip pierced, as well as his septum and right nostril.


Blood type: AB Negative

Extra: His ears are very disproportionate with his head, they're unreasonably small


Mental health: Pretty decent for someone that is so openly gender non-conforming and open with their sexuality

Mental disorders: Acute anxiety

Mental treatments: They take medicine for when things get bad

Physical health: Great, above average

Physical disorders: None

Physical treatments: None

Physical activity: A but more than average

Emotional health: Meh. It's not absolutely shit, but it's not great

Emotional disorders: Abandonment Issues

Emotional treatments: None


Backstory: Before Archer was born, their mother was left by her husband. They lived in America together and so she didn't know what to do. While she was pregnant with Archer, she flew back to Ireland with her three children, giving birth to them about 5 months later.

Archer was her first child to name on her own, and she decided to name him a traditional asian name because her husband had told her she couldn't do it for her first three. They all had traditionally American names and so she used her liberation to decide what she wanted for once.

Archer, at this point in his life, Itsuki, knew from a young age that he wasn't really just a boy. He knew that he felt comfortable with being called she, they, he, or really anything. At about 16 he began to do research and began to experiment with different titles and whatnot. Non-binary was close, androgynous, Gender-fluid, all of it was nice. But he couldn't find anything that was perfect.

At 18, Archer came out as Pangender and pansexual to his mother, who had started dating another American man. She didn't like this and kicked him out, with the push from her soon to be husband. Archer cared. It hurt, but at the same time it didn't bother them too much. They got a job as a model and began to take care of themself, dating person after person. None of them stayed for more than two months which made them think they were the problem. Their dad left only after them, their mom kicked them out, and they couldn't keep an s/o.

Archer ended up changing their name from Itsuki to Archer when they moved out and they have been openly Pangender since.

Powers: None

Weapons: Twin swords-

Strengths: He is extremely smart and quite a quick thinker

Weaknesses: His people pleasyness

Dreams: He wants to start a family

Fears: Archer is afraid that they'll die alone or end up like his father

Phobias: Theophobia; Fear of God

Best Memory: Discovering his identity

Worst Memory: Learning that he had the same father as his siblings

Wants in a relationship: Archer wants someone permanent. He doesn't care if they read, write, cry, scream, hit, punch, or ignore him. All they want is someone to be there and stay there. The bar they have set is basically at the Earth's core, the only requirement is that the person doesn't leave.

Type of lover: Archer doesn't really know what kind of lover he is. They have always wanted to be loved and just have someone stay with them forever which causes them to be whatever their partner desires. He can be clingy, supportive, spatially aware, loving, cold, whatever.

Truely though, when they know their partner isn't going to leave them, Archer is supportive and caring. She doesn't allow her partner to do anything without the knowledge that they have her full support. If they wanted to start and Only Fans, she'd be the camera person. If they wanted to learn how to tie their shoes, she would be their guide.

One thing they couldn't live without: They have a ring that their mom gave them before she got remarried. They don't wear it, but they don't even let it out if their special box


Position: He is a switch regarding Dominant and submissive, and regarding top bottom, he is also a switch

Kinks: S&M

Turn ons:

⟩⟩Being hurt

⟩⟩Spitting in their partner's mouth

⟩⟩Choking/being choked

⟩⟩Losing his sense



⟩⟩Switching roles


⟩⟩Dressing up

⟩⟩Being used/pleasuring her partner

Turn offs:


⟩⟩Bodily Odors




⟩⟩No foreplay

⟩⟩Getting rough too fast

⟩⟩Not getting rough fast enough

Safe word: Dentist

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