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Birth name: Gabriel Aaron Colorn

Name: Gabriel Aaron Colorn

Pronunciation: Gay-bree-all



Meaning: Gabriel means God is my Strength

Nickname: Gabe or Ronny

Age: 19

Birthday: August 16th

Zodiac: Leo

Birthplace: Brisbane, Australia

Biological sex: Male

Gender/gender identity: Male

Pronouns: He/him, but don't ask him because he will get angry

Preferred pronouns: He/him

Sexual orientation: "Super Straight", but is actually a closeted bisexual and biromantic

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: Australian

Main Language: English

Languages known: English


Personality: Gabe is a jerk. He is selfish and will do literally anything to further himself and he isn't afraid to show that. He is misogynistic and homophobic and overall just a shitty person.

He thinks that he needs to look out for nobody but himself which is why he is so selfish. He was taught to be serious, no matter what the situation, and this caused his personality to take a dive. He has a serious problem with teamwork and can't handle when he needs to work with others.

Gabriel is a pretty simplistic man. While it doesn't seem it, he has two very distinct personalities. He has his first one, the one he is so used to producing. The one that causes everyone to hate him. His mean, temperamental, self centered personality.

But he also has his second one, the one that not one person has seen since he was about 8 or 9. One that he lost because of all the influential adults in his life. He, deep deep deep down, is a very quiet man. He is loving and innocent. He is fluffy and just wants someone to love him.

If that part of him was brought out, he would he passionate and compassionate. He would be the type of person to hold his lover late at night with drool rolling down his chin. He would also be emotionally vulnerable. He would he okay with letting a test or two fall down his cheek, hoping that his lover would hold him close while he did.

Deep down, he's a hopeless romantic that  needs to be shaved down.

IQ: 109

Intelligence: 11/20

Common Sense: 14/20

Reflexes: 20/20

Speed: 20/20

Flexibility: 20/20

Hand-eye coordination: 15/20

Upper body strength: 18/20

Lower body strength: 18/20

General strength: 20/20

Dominance: 16/20

Submissive: 20/20

Likes: Gabe loves to skate. Ice skating is his life and he knows it in and out. He likes to go out on the ice and just breath the cold air that surrounds him.

There isn't anything else that he likes much, he hasn't had any chances to do anything other than skate. His favorite drink is a warm, herbal tea and his favorite food is an all green salad.

He likes the quiet and he likes to be able to concentrate. He loves the idea of happiness. Thinking about having a happy life with a wife or husband, a small little rug rat skating with him on the pond in their backyard that froze over. It brings him the same joy as skating does, but the after isn't great. The thought originally makes him as happy as he gets, but as soon as that thought escapes him he crashes. He crashes hard. 

There was a time he was on the ice, a small, unimportant competition, and he saw a family played a couple hundred feet away. They were giggling and happy, jumping up and down and just loving each other. He began to picture himself like that. With his own little family. He continued with his routine nearly perfectly, but when he stopped thinking about it he broke his wrist because he wiped out so bad. It didn't stop his father from making him continue with his competitions. There just wasn't any wrist action for nearly a year.

Dislikes: Gabriel hates his father. It isn't something he'd ever say. It isn't something he would ever say out loud, but it is a fact. It is buried deep in his heart and mind. He hates his father. Gabe also hates his mother, but it isn't for the same reason he hates his father. He hates his father because the man is a ball of hate that infected his son because he thought it was the nice thing to do.

He hates his mother, because she allowed herself, yes he victim blames, to be beaten into submission by him. He doesn't exactly know that part, but he does know that she allows his father to do whatever he pleased and that causes him to resent her.

Gabe doesn't like anything honestly. Other than skating it's either neutral or he doesn't like it. He doesn't like loud people, annoying people, or really any people at all. He says he hates the LGBTQ  community, but really he just doesn't understand his emotions and because of what he was taught, gets angry when people are happy the way he wants to be.

Ronny doesn't like wicked sweet things and will refuse to eat anything with too much sugar. This often comes as a shock to people that he is around because what they see as soon much sugar is usually a brownie with chocolate chips and chocolate drizzle with whipped cream, sprinkles, more chocolate chips and more chocolate drizzle. What he sees as too much sugar is a stick of gum.

Hobbies: Ice skating and that is literally it.

Habits: He does his hair when he is anxious and he goes skating when he is upset in anyway.

Occupation: Olympic Ice Skater

Children: None, he finds them repulsive and a waste of space on the outside, but really wants to settle down after his time in the Olympics with a kind, understanding, man or woman and just start a family.

Family: Father-Franklin Clarence Colorn---Alive; 54, Lives in Australia with his wife

Mother-Beatrice Hailey Colorn---Alive; 54, Lives in Australia with her husband


Best friends: None

Friends: None

Enemies: Other Olympic Ice Skaters

Partners: It is supposed to be his Olympic team, but he isn't really one to help others or ask for help.

Extra: Nothing



Skin tone: Warm Ivory or Warm Beige

Natural Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Facial hair: None, he doesn't really grow hair

Eye color: Hazel

Vision: 20/20

Hearing: Pretty good, doesn't usually have any problems

Lip color: Pale pink

Height: 5'8 or 172.72cm

Weight: 156lbs or 70.76kgs

Body type: Gabe has a very lean body. He is strong, but nobody thinks that when they see his body. He had muscles, but the only defined ones are his abs. He can lift about 135lbs while on skates, 140lbs if he's lucky but it really only looks like he could do 100, if he tried really hard.

Face shape: He has a slightly boxy face. It is defined and sharp, but still boxy.

Age appearance: Depends on the angle, but about 19-23

Scars: None

Tattoos: None

Defining features: He had a slight cleft in his chin

Special Markings: None

Piercings: None


Blood type: O negative

Extra: He is pigeon toed


Mental health: Fine, basically average

Mental disorders: Nothing

Mental treatments: Nothing

Physical health: Amazing

Physical disorders: None

Physical treatments: Nothing

Physical activity: Amazing. Way above average

Emotional health: Meh, below average, but nothing too concerning.

Emotional disorders: No technical issues, just some internalized homophobia and misogyny.

Emotional treatments: Nothing


Backstory: Gabriel grew up alone. His father was cold and silent his entire life, only saying things when he was disappointed or angry with the child. His mother wasn't any help. She didn't stop her husband from the way he acted and this was due to thale fact that early on in their relationship, the parents, she was basically beat into submission. Her thoughts, her actions, her body were all his.

Gabriel's father raised him with the idea that women were inferior and subservient to men. He didn't know any better. The only thing he knew, by the ripe age of 13, was that homosexuality was a sin and if he ever tried to lie in bed with another man, he'd be shamed, beat, and damned to hell. He was scared into heterosexuality and never even tried to do anything otherwise.

He, from before he could even read properly, was skating. He spent everyday on the ice, getting better and better, until he was at Olympic levels when he hit double digits. He joined the junior Olympics extremely early, the youngest on the team at 7 while everyone else was about 13-14. His father still wasn't pleased with him and ended up only showing to major events, which meant his mother did the same.

Often times he was taken care of by his coach because he was too valuable to leave at home and his parents refused to come. He felt like he was bonding with his coach, but his coach felt a different way and refused to act as a father figure, only staying as a coach. At 10 his coach was changed to a more aggressive, just as unwilling man in the regular old Olympics. He was training with grown adults because he didn't do anything by figure skating.

He was technically supposed to be homeschooled, but his parents faked it all so he could spend all of his time getting better on the ice.

Gabe ended up growing up without any serious parental figures, misogynistic tendencies, internalized homophobia, and a fear of intimacy. He isolated himself to the rinks and it is all he knows.

Powers: None

Weapons: Daggers-

Carries this regularly, just in his hand:

Carries this on his ankle:

Carries this on his thigh:

Carries this on his belt:

Strengths: He gets extremely hyper focused when it comes to skating and sometimes other things.

Weaknesses: He is always trying to please his father

Dreams: Becoming the best Ice skater there is and being okay with himself and his sexuality

Fears: He has this irrational fear of failing, especially when his father is around

Phobias: Genophobia-Fear of being touched sexually

Best Memory: Starting his ice skating career or getting accepted onto the Australian Olympic team

Worst Memory: Seeing his mother get hit for the first time

Wants in a relationship: Gabriel wants someone to teach him how to love properly. He wants someone to teach him that women can fix a car or build a house, just as good or even better than a man. He wants to be held after a long day of training and cheered on during a huge competition.

He wants someone that will support him and help him be a better man, but what he'll say, if asked, is he wants a subservient woman that will cook and clean for him as well as give him a son when he is ready.

Type of lover: Gabe is a stubborn jerk at first, even if he was nice before. He goes from a jerk to nice friendship wise and then if he gets into a relationship with someone he goes back to being a jerk. He is controlling and slightly manipulative.

He will stay that way if his partner doesn't put him in his place, but if they do-male or female-he will slowly stop being so dickish and actually be a caring, kind, and genuine lover

One thing they couldn't live without: His first pair of skates


Position: He's still a virgin, but, Switch regarding both submissive and dominant as well as top and bottom. It is usually Submissive with men and dominant with woman, but it can change.

Kinks: He's still a virgin, but, None, he is semi-vanilla, but willing to experiment

Turn ons: He's still a virgin, but;


⟩⟩Neck kisses



⟩⟩Being told what to do

⟩⟩Heavy breathing


Turn offs: He's still a virgin, but;

⟩⟩Public sex

⟩⟩Too rough

⟩⟩Too gentle

⟩⟩Not listening


Safe word: Frasier

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