Attack on Titan

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Name: Jia Guinevere Zoë

Pronunciation: Gee-Ah



Nickname: Ji, Zoë, Zo, Baby Hange, One-eye

Age: 21

Birthday: October 23rd

Zodiac: Scorpio

Birthplace: Trost District, Paradis Island

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, or He/him

Preferred pronouns: She will usually just say she/her but she couldn't care less

Sexual orientation: She hasn't really ever thought about it, too busy with Titans, but she is Omnisexual with a heavy male preference and Omniroamntic with a slight female preference

Species: Human

Ethnicity: European with Chinese Ancestors

Nationality: Eldian

Main Language: English

Languages known: Japanese, Chinese, French, and Italian


Personality: For the AOT world: Jia is a very serious individual. She has a hard time being laid back and honesty really struggles when other people try to make a light conversation. She finds it meaningless and sees that it takes precious time away from training.

For an AU: Jia is very hard-working, she is straight forwaed and blunt, not really liking it when people beat around the bush. She can be kind hearted to certain people, but honestly it is really rare.

IQ: 131

Intelligence: 17/20

Common Sense: 16/20

Mentality: 11/20

Leadership: 6/20

Initiative: 17/20

Reflexes: 17/20

Speed: 16/20

Flexibility: 18/20

Hand-eye coordination: 18/20

Upper body strength: 19/20

Lower body strength: 19/20

General strength: 19/20

Power level: 19.738/20

Combat: 17/20

Teamwork: 1/20

Dominance: 3/20

Submissive: 20/20

Likes: Jia likes when things are peaceful. Not so much the peaceful part, but the fact that nobody inside has to work while everyone runs out and kills titans. Jia likes Eren. Even though he is a titan, and it took her a bit to stop hating him for that, she likes that he is on her side and he is still a good friend despite being what she hates most. Jia also likes Berthold and Jean.

She likes to swim and is really good at it, and occasionally she likes to go hunting, usually with Sasha. She likes to play chess and read, but working out definitely tops either of them.

Dislikes: His hates titans. And because her hate is so strong for them, she isn't the biggest fan of her sister Hange. She loves her sister to death, but she doesn't really like her. The fascination Change has with Titans makes Jia angry because while she is busy capturing them, more people die at every expedition. She understands why Hange captures them and why she is so fascinated, but that doesn't make her like it or Hange anymore. She isn't big on the military police/regular police. They use their power for bad and for their own personal gain.

Hobbies: Anime: Jia doesn't really have many hobbies. She works out all the time and she occasionally get into an argument for fun, but that's about it.

Au: Jia loves working out, she likes to have a good time without showing it, but the people she is close to, which aren't many, know that even with a scowl she is having fun. She likes to swim and occasionally go hunting. She also plays a lot of chess

Habits: Jia works out whenever she is angry and she cracks her knuckles when she anxious.

Occupation: She is a part of the Survey Corps, hand picked to be on the Levi squad

Children: None

Family: Hange is her older sibling, the rest of her family is dead

Best friends: Levi, Mikasa, Erwin, and Eren

Friends: Armin and Jean

Enemies: Marlians and the titans

Partners: Levi, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Jean. The rest of the three regiments as well.

Love interests: Levi or Erwin

Back-up love interest: Jean

Au love interest: Levi

Back-up au love interest: Reiner

Extra: Don't think so



Skin tone: Pale peach

Natural Hair color: Brown

Hair color: Brown

Facial hair: None other than her eyebrows

Eye color: Brown

Vision: Fucked. She can only see out of her right eye, for obvious reasons. Her right one is basically perfect, but it is still pretty fucked for her sight

Hearing: Basically perfect

Lip color: Very light pink

Height: She is about 5'0 or 152.4cms

Weight: About 106.3lbs or 48.2kgs

Body type: Jia is skinny and flat. She is a solid rectangle shape with an a-cup and a small ass. Compared to her torso she has long legs, but they're pretty short still.

Face shape: She has a diamond shaped face with a sharp, skin tight jawline and a pointed chin. She also has high cheek bones.

Age appearance: She looks about 18 or 19, 20 if you're pushing it

Scars: She has tons of scars that lead to her missing eye. They're her most noticable scars, but she also has tons of scars all over her body.

Tattoos: She has huge wings of freedom on her back, from her shoulders to her back dimples

Defining features: She has a missing eye that she covers with her bangs

Special Markings: She has back dimples, if that counts

Piercings: None

Outfits: Uniform-



Blood type: A negative

Extra: She doesn't really wear normal clothes, just workout stuff and her uniform


Mental health: Basically perfect.

Mental disorders: None

Mental treatments: None

Physical health: Amazing

Physical disorders: None. Yet.

Physical treatments: None. She should actually probably exercise less

Physical activity: Probably too much.

Emotional health: Way above average. Doesn't have many problems with it

Emotional disorders: She has slight anger issues, but it's honestly only when it comes to Hange and titans

Emotional treatments: She works out whenever she gets angry with Hange


Backstory: Jia grew up in the Trost District with her family. As she grew, her older sibling, Hange, became her parents figure and her best friend. She idolized her older sibling and wanted to be just like them when she grew up. As the two of them grew up, though, she began to dislike her sibling. When their parents died, Jia began to train harder than she ever thought she could. She watched as Hange became more and more fascinated with Titans, making her anger grow as well. She went through the same cadet squad with Hange, a couple years younger than most of the cadets in it. She didn't care though, finished in the top ten, and chose to be in the Survey Corps. She was urged to be in the Military Police by a lot of people, including Hange, but she refused. She began growing in rank until she was picked personally to be on Levi's squad. When she was on her first mission with the Levi squad, she lost her eye completely. She developed scars all around it that still open to this day sometimes. She took about a month off of the battle scene, orders from Commander Erwin, jumping back in to distract herself from the pain that her eye constantly gave her.

Powers: None

Rank: Survey Corps/ Scout Regiment

Region: Trost District

Strengths: She is very focused and sees things easily

Weaknesses: She is seen as too serious, because she is, and she never spends anytime doing anything fun. Just training or working out

Dreams: Destroying all the titans in existence

Fears: Losing Hange or getting eaten by a titan

Phobias: Thalassophobia-Fear of the ocean or other large bodies of water

Best Memory: When she was picked and put on the Levi squad

Worst Memory: When Hange caught her first titan

Wants in a relationship: Jia wants someone that will mess with her in their private area. She wants to workout with someone and go swimming until she needs to be held up because she is so tired.

She basically just wants support and love. She wants her partner to understand that she isn't on the affection side of things, but still try and, gently, push her boundaries with that.

Type of lover: Jia is a pretty serious lover, just like she is a person. She is not much of a public display of affection girl, acting cold and cool like her significant other was just another person she knew.inside closed doors, however, she will be clingy and needy and just always want to be held.

If her s/o wants to be affectionate in public, they can get it out of her. If they push enough. She doesn't get annoyed by those she loves. Not easily at least.

One thing they couldn't live without: She had a ring that was once Hange's that she never takes off


Position: Submissive bottom, can be a top in the right setting

Kinks: None

Turn ons:

⟩⟩ Being dominated

⟩⟩ Being told what to do

⟩⟩ Being rough

⟩⟩ Angry sex

⟩⟩ Light touching

⟩⟩ Hickeys

Turn offs:

⟩⟩ Feet

⟩⟩ Bodily fluids

⟩⟩ Being gentle

⟩⟩ Hard biting

⟩⟩ Blood

Safe word: Grandma

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