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Name: Elenore Ramona Shroup

Nickname: Ellie, Elle, Nora, Lena, Len, Mona, Ram, Mo, ra-ra, Ro

Age: 18-25

Gender/gender identity: Female

Sexual orientation: Pansexual, Panromantic as well as Demisexual and Demiromantic

Position: Submissive

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian and Latina

Personality: Elenore is a very fun girl. She loves to have a good time and is laid back about 99% of the time. She doesn't like to try too hard at things because she is naturally talented at most things she does, so trying makes her look like an overachiever and she doesn't want people to get angry with her about it. Ellie is very supportive and loves to help others out if they need it. She is the type of person to sit on her own work for as long as possible if it means someone else will get theirs done. She can be a bit of a people pleaser at times, but she doesn't ever let it get out of hand and always makes sure to stand her ground when it is necessary. She is a very determined person and once she gets her sights on something, she won't stop or give up until she completes it. She won't necessarily stay up and/or do nothing until it is completed, but she won't give up on whatever it is until it's done. Eleanor is a very athletic person and she loves sports. She likes to be active and outside and have fun, but she also enjoys some quiet time and a good book or a lovely song. El can be a bit oblivious at times, not really getting hints when people like her, or dislike her. But it isn't to the point where she is just straight up blind or dumb, it just helps to be more straightforward with her.

Likes: Singing and sports are two of her favorite activities. She loves to be able to just be somewhere and belt out a song, but she also loves to be in the grass or on a court, and kick a ball with great force into a net. The sound and the feeling give her chills and she just can't help but fell in love with it over again each time. Lena likes to make other people happy, whether that is by giving them a small compliment, or paying for their order at lunch. Making other people happy makes Lena happy. She likes to hang out in front of the fire, or in the kitchen, maybe even on a park bench, and just read a good book, or have a meaningful conversation with someone close to her. Eleanor loves to support people. She feels like if she can help others, she helping herself which causes her to go out of her way to help others all the time. She isn't very good at it, and doesn't do it often, but she does like to sit in front of the piano and just play a bit every now and then. Ellie has mixed feelings about storms. She loves the rain and watching the droplets hit everywhere.

Dislikes: Elle doesn't like the lightening and thunder that comes along with a storm. She gets scared and feels weak. She doesn't like negative people, people that always think something will go wrong just because it doesn't seem completely likely. She doesn't like when people pick on others, usually not caring if it's herself, but standing up for everyone else. She also hates the idea of a one sided relationship. Eleanor has been fortunate enough to go her whole life without being in one, but the idea makes her a bit sad and she just doesn't like it. Nora isn't a fan of classical music. She'll listen to it if it's on, or if that's what someone she is with likes, but it isn't something she would put on if she had a choice, and that is the same for rap and heavy metal as well. Ellie doesn't like when other people are in pain, physical, emotional, mental, or otherwise. She will try to help anyone and everyone if she can.

Hobbies: Elenore loves to sing. She helps out some of the kids in her neighborhood with free vocal lessons in her free time, which isn't much, but it's the best she can do. She also plays soccer and volleyball

Habits: Ellie rubs hers dinosaur tattoo when she is anxious and her ears twitch when she's embarrassed. She plays with her piercings, any and all of them, whenever she gets excited

Occupation: She works at a local bookstore on weekdays and a local coffee shop on weekends

Do they have kids?: No, would love some in the future


Mom: Francesca Gonzalez-Alive; Lives about an hour away from Elenore

Dad: Franklin Shroup-Alive; Lives about an hour away from Elenore

Older brother: Damien Shroup-Alive; Lives in Europe with his wife

Sister-in-law: Melody Shroup-Alive; Lives in Europe with her husband

Younger sister: Diana Shroup-Alive; Lives with her parents, about an hour away from Elenore

Extra: Nothing



Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Eye color: Blue with grey flakes

Height: 5'2

Weight: 117lbs or 53.07kg

Scars: She fell off her rollerblades as a kid and has a hug scar from her elbow to her wrist, she also has one on her stomach from when she got surgery.

Tattoos: Baby dinosaur on her Middle finger

Rainbow umbrella under her left breast

Piercings: Both earlobe--first, second, and third. Her belly button, and her left nostril.


Extra: She likes to cut her own hair


Backstory: Elenore lived in a very nice home growing up. It wasn't anything over the top, but it was a bit more than comfortable. She had an older brother and a younger sister. Her brother had been her befriend form before day one. He would never leave their mother's stomach and everytime someone tried to touch it, including doctors, he refused to let them unless he was staring. Their mother was a bit more strict than their father, but the two balanced each other out and allowed for the three kids to live in a loving household. At 16, Elenore threw the idea of trying to be a bit more independent out to her parents and they thought it was a good idea, so for her 17th birthday, she moved out and got her own apartment. The deal was that if she couldn't pay rent more than twice, she had to move back in with them and she's lived on her own ever since.

Weakness: People are Elle's weakness

Fears: Disappointing those around her and ending up alone are two of Eleanor's biggest fears.

Attitude towards death: She isn't scared of it, but she does tend to panic in dangerous situations and she doesn't welcome it

Worst Memory: Lena's least favorite memory was her stomach surgery. She had a small tear in her stomach and had to get it sewed up before it caused damage to the rest of her organs. The tear was small, but they had to make a very large incision which caused a very large scar.

Best Memory: Eleanor's favorite memory was her brother's wedding when she was his best (wo)man

One thing they couldn't live without: Eleanor has a blanket that he'd brother gave her when she was in grade school and she doesn't know what she would do without it.

Soft spots: Anyone in need of help, especially children

What they look for in a partner: The only requirements for a partner in Elle's eyes, is that they have to be caring. They don't have to put everyone before them, but they have to give a crap about other people and be willing to help out at least a bit, doing anything would work. Helping make their day a bit better by telling them a joke, or that they look nice, just some human decency. She would like if they were laid back and knew how to have fun though. Someone that is organized and clean, but it isn't really a must for her.

How easily does she fall on love: Elle is pretty quick to fall for someone. She can see the good in people, but she isn't blind to the bad. She just likes to think she is good at determining whether the bad is too bad or just a normal human bad.


Turn ons: Choking, being tied up, being degraded, being praised, being praised and degraded at the same time, hair pulling, hickeys (visible ones)

Turn offs: R*pe, blood, feet, body odor, whatever her partner doesn't like

Safe word: Dinosaur

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